The Warmest Romance

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Five years ago, the man who ordered the motorcyclist to hit her was of such a figure, such a walking posture

Huo Chuan!

The name flashed through her mind. She took a deep breath, and her body seemed to be rigid. She didn't move for a long time.

One side of the flower see, startled, quickly asked, "sister poetry, what's the matter with you!"

After calling her several times, she had a little reaction.

Ruan Shishi came back and shook his head at Huahua, then said softly, "I'm ok..."

She said, looking up at Yu Yimo beside her. Although she was a little weak, her voice was very serious. "Come with me..."

Yu Yimo smelled the speech, lips pursed into a straight line, finally did not say anything, stepped to keep up with her step.

They went outside one by one. At last, Ruan stopped at the end of the corridor. She inhaled deeply, and her heart was full of emotions.

Yu Yimo asked patiently, "what's the matter?"

Ruan Shishi gritted her teeth and summoned up courage to ask, "do you still remember Huo Chuan?"

Hearing the name, Yu Yimo's eyes flashed an imperceptible dark light. Soon, he came back and nodded slightly, "remember."

How could he not remember the man he sent to prison five years ago?

Ruan Shishi picked up his mobile phone, handed it to him and said, "this is like him."

Yu Yimo took the phone, played the video, looked back and forth for several times, and his brow was getting lower and lower.

A moment later, he finally looked up at Ruan Shishi and said, "Huo Chuan is still in prison. It won't be him."

Smell speech, Ruan poem complexion slightly heavy, some surprised to see to him, the mouth asks a way, "how do you know is not him?"

The woman's eyes are red, her face is still full of tears, and her eyes are a little tired. Yu Yimo can see that she is trying to find the killer.

However, if the killers were prepared from the beginning, they would not be able to find out even if they stayed up all night.

Looking at such a woman, Yu Yimo's heart inexplicably gives birth to some heartache. josei

He didn't want to see her tired into this appearance, and didn't want her to torture herself to exhaustion.

Seeing that Yu Yimo had not spoken for a long time, Ruan Shishi bit his teeth and said, "Yu Yimo, you answer me. How do you know this is not huochuan?"

Yu Yimo's eyes flashed a wave. He paused, put away his mobile phone, looked at her and said, "you need to have a good rest now."

Then he reached out and took her wrist.

Ruan Shishi was startled, as if he had been electrified. Subconsciously, he threw away his hand and stepped back two steps. His eyes looked like a stranger.

"Yu Yimo, are you pretending to be stupid because Huo Chuan belongs to Ye Waner and is afraid that this will involve her? In fact, you know very well in your heart, right? "

Yu Yimo frowned and said in a deep voice, "what does this matter with Wan'er?"

In the face of the flash of the man in the video, he has no way to confirm his identity immediately, so he can only send someone to check, but this is not something that can be found out for a while.

And she is tired enough, now the most need is rest!

But Ruan Shishi understood another meaning. She shook her head and murmured to herself, "the person in the video is Huo Chuan! He must have been ordered by Ye Wan'er! "

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