The Warmest Romance

Chapter 879

Chapter 879

As she said that, she looked at Yu Yimo, and some disappointment flashed through her eyes. "Yu Yimo, even if you don't care about it, I will definitely find out!"

With that, Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and walked away quickly.

Because of the anxiety, and the confusion of her steps, she slipped and accidentally fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, the body uploaded bursts of pain, pain of her straight frown.

Yu Yimo saw this, tightened his brows, walked towards her quickly, and bent down to pick her up from the ground. action

As soon as he reached out his hand, Ruan Shishi suddenly reached out and waved it away. His tone was firm and alienated, "don't touch me!"

A woman's words, like a poisonous needle, quickly pierced into Yu Yimo's heart. He paused and was about to open his mouth. Unexpectedly, a worried male voice came from his side.


Song yean strides forward. His sharp eyes sweep over Yu Yimo. He immediately steps forward and bends down to pick up Ruan Shishi from the ground.

Ruan Shishi didn't push away his hand, didn't resist, even obediently hooked song yean's neck and buried his small face in the man's chest.

Like a frightened young bird, she shrinks and shivers in his arms, but song yean also protects her in his arms, so as not to let the outside world spy on her.

When she thought of the scene when she simply refused him, Yu Yimo's heart gave two severe pains.

Then he heard Ruan Shishi say with a deep cry, "good night, take me away."

Song yean nodded, "OK, let's go."

With that, he takes a step, hugs the woman in his arms and leaves quickly, leaving Yu Yimo standing alone.

In an instant, Yu Yimo's heart was full of anger, which could not be suppressed.

I don't know when, Ruan Shi has become the person who can disturb his mood most.

Seeing her with other men, his calmness and reason suddenly disappeared.

Don't know how long, he just slowly calm down, call Du Yue, cold voice command, "you go to check, Huo Chuan is still in prison."

Even if he is very clear, huochuan was sentenced for five years, and at this time, he has not been released, how can he run out to commit a crime?

He didn't want to guess and judge at will until everything was certain.

As for whether this matter has anything to do with ye Wan'er, we need to find out before we talk about it!

Leaving the safari park, on the way to the hospital, Ruan Shishi sat in the co driver's seat and never spoke.

All the recent events flashed through her mind like a movie.

I don't know why, she suddenly thought that ye Wan'er came to her that day and said those words with her. At that time, ye Wan'er was clearly and secretly warning her. Now that Sha Sha has an accident, the suspect is still a man who looks like Huo Chuan, which makes her have to think about it.


The man's soft and gentle voice came from the side. Ruan Shishi slowly recovered and took a deep breath. He turned his head and looked at Song yean.

Song yean's face swept a trace of unbearable, moved his lips, driving while quietly persuading, "don't worry, Sasha will be OK."

Hearing the words, Ruan Shishi's face didn't fluctuate. She knew that such words were just a consolation, which didn't play a substantial role.

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