The Warmest Romance

Chapter 880

Chapter 880

Chapter 880

Just when she didn't know how to answer, the car Bluetooth suddenly rang, and song yun'an's phone called.

Song yean did not hesitate, immediately pressed the answer, "hello? How's Sasha? "

There came song yun'an's worried voice, "Sasha wakes up, but she is not in a good state."

As soon as he listened to Ruan's poem, his face changed. He sat up straight and asked, "she What happened to her? "

Song yun'an hesitated for a moment and said softly, "I don't know. Anyway, come back as soon as possible."

Hearing song yun'an say this, Ruan's heart suddenly tightened a lot, her two hands clenched, like ants on a hot pot, anxious and helpless.

Song yean stepped on the accelerator and sped up. Soon, the car arrived at the gate of the hospital. Before he could stop the car, Ruan Shishi had already pushed the door open and trotted into the hospital.

Panting, she ran to the door of the ward. As soon as she opened the door, she saw song yun'an standing at the door with a troubled face. josei

"Shishi, you are here at last!"

Seeing Ruan's poems come in, song yun'an seems to see a savior.

"What's the matter?" Ruan Shishi twisted her eyebrows and looked up at the sickbed. She found that the quilt on the sickbed was protruding and lying beside the bed.

Song yun'an moves her lips. After hesitation, she reaches out her hand and pulls Ruan Shishi out of the ward, pulls the door, looks at Song ye'an who is coming up, and then looks at her. Then she says, "as soon as Sasha wakes up just now, she buries herself in the quilt. She says she's afraid, but it's useless for me to persuade her..."

Ruan Shishi felt a few heartaches when he heard the speech, and a surge of bitterness came to his heart.

It seems that this time she was bitten by a snake, Sasha has left a psychological shadow.

Her nose was sour and tears welled up.

When song yean saw this, he said, "don't worry, Shishi. Usually Sasha has the best relationship with you. You go to see what's going on first, and then we'll think about the future."

After hearing what he said, Ruan Shishi nodded and inhaled deeply, "I'll go and see how she is."

Then she raised her hand, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and calmed down. Then she stepped into the ward and stopped in front of the bed.

Sensen raised his head, and his face was a little tired. He held out his little hand and grasped Ruan Shishi's clothes, and said, "Mom, are you back?"

Ruan Shishi nodded, rubbed his head with some heartache, then sat down by the bed and gently pulled the quilt.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and asked patiently, "Sasha, are you awake?"

Hearing her voice, a small ball under the quilt moved slightly, but there was no response.

Ruan Shishi inhaled deeply, raised her hand, patted the quilt gently, and said in a soft voice, "Mom's back, are you sure you can't come out to have a look? With mom, don't be afraid... "

After coaxing and persuading for a long time, the little figure under the quilt had a little reaction. Slowly, the quilt opened, revealing a pair of big round eyes.

The eyes were naive, timid and watery, which made people feel pity. She asked carefully, "Mom Is there a snake out there? "

Seeing that her baby daughter was scared to look like this, Ruan Shishi felt a burst of heartache and guilt. She quickly held her in her arms and said, "no, mom is here. Don't be afraid."

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