The Warmest Romance

Chapter 930

Chapter 930

Song yean didn't notice the abnormality and nodded, "OK, I'll let someone drive the car."

With that, he walked out on his long legs.

Ruan Shishi raised her eyes and looked at the back of the man. She could not bear it.

She did not expect that even though she had known song yean for more than five years, she was not used to his sudden closeness sometimes. However, she clearly remembered that yesterday and Yu Yimo were not like this At least, for Yu Yimo, she has no sense of rejection.

Realizing this, Ruan Shishi was surprised and hard to accept for a moment.

Is Yu Yimo higher than song yean in her heart?

In other words, Yu Yimo has always been in her heart and never left.

All kinds of suspicions, like a mess, mixed in her mind, so that she had no way to clear.

Finally, when she saw sensenshasha, she put all her troubles behind her and took them away from the racecourse to Xiqiao garden.

Arriving at xiqiaoyuan, it was noon. After having lunch at home and having a rest for a while, Ruan Shiben wanted to read a book. Unexpectedly, director Gao's phone call suddenly came.

Director Gao didn't want to make a fuss and asked, "Shi Shi, are you free this afternoon?" action

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment and answered softly, "director, you can say anything directly."

"Taking advantage of sensenshasha's rest time, we have revised the photos we took before. If you are free, come here in the afternoon and have a look at the pictures together."

Ruan shidun, soft voice, "where to see it?"

Director Gao reported an address, "this is the location of our studio. You can come over at that time and come in directly."

Finally, Ruan Shishi relented and agreed, "OK, I'll go there this afternoon."

Sensenshasha is not willing to be perfunctory about her work, and if she can finish the work here earlier, she can also take them away from Jiangzhou earlier.

On this thought, Ruan's reluctance disappeared. She went back to her bedroom, changed her clothes, and was ready to go out.

Before going out, song yean inquired about the situation, and after the left and right exhortations, she was relieved to go out alone.

Ruan Shishi stopped a taxi and reported the address directly. Within half an hour, she had already arrived at the gate of her destination.

She went to the front desk to explain her intention to the assistant, and soon someone led her up the elevator to the director's office.

The assistant took her to the door of the office, raised her hand and buttoned the door, then pushed the door open and asked Ruan Shishi to go in.

Ruan Shishi nodded her thanks to her assistant and stepped in. Unexpectedly, when she came in and saw the man's face at her desk, she was stunned.

Why is Yu Yimo here?

She quickly scan around, did not see the figure of director Gao, immediately, she was a little angry, "director Gao? Why you? "

The person who called her over was director Gao, but the person who received her was Yu Yimo, which made her feel that it was a game, a game deliberately set on her.

Yu Yimo sat at her desk and leaned back slightly. She looked at her with a smile on her lips and said in a light tone, "if you don't promise to see me, then I have to find a way myself."


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