The Warmest Romance

Chapter 931

Chapter 931

Chapter 931

Ruan Shiqi couldn't speak. Her eyes were staring at him. She inhaled deeply and tried to calm herself down. She asked solemnly, "what's the matter that you have to meet and say?" josei

Yu Yi sat up straight, picked up a document from the side, put it on the table, and said in a low voice, "look at this."

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, took it up and opened it.

After flipping through a few pages, she couldn't help frowning. "What does that mean?"

It's a work contract for shooting a short film. Party B should shoot a public welfare short film according to the requirements of Party A and the script provided by Party A. to Ruan Shishi's surprise, the information of Party B marked on it is no other than her.

Yu Yimo sat up slightly and said, "that's what you see. We want you to be the director of this commonweal video."

On his dark eyes, Ruan Shishi subconsciously wanted to refuse, she put the contract back on the table, shook her head and said, "I don't want to take it."

Although the conditions and salary promised above are excellent, she is not willing to accept it. She just wants to leave Jiangzhou as soon as possible with sensenshasha after finishing the work at hand.

Yu Yimo was not surprised at the woman's reaction. He stood up and walked towards her. His tall body was under invisible pressure. He said in a deep voice, "but this short film, only you can make."

Ruan Shishi subconsciously stepped back, shook his head and said, "sorry, I can't take it."

Yu Yimo raised his eyebrows slightly. "Is it that the conditions don't meet your requirements?"

Ruan Shishi shook his head, "it's my own reason."

With that, she turned around and walked towards the door, but unexpectedly, after two steps, there was a blushing voice behind her.

Her steps suddenly froze, and she immediately turned around. Yu Yimo was holding a mobile phone in her hand, and the voice came from inside.

The overlapping and fluctuating voice suddenly awakened her memory. It was the voice of last night when they were together!

Ruan's poems seemed to be struck by thunder and lightning. After he was shocked, his anger rose to his heart.

She stepped forward, glaring at Yu Yimo, "what do you want to do?"

"That's one of the conditions." Yu Yimo pressed the pause, folded up his cell phone, and his lips were a little cold. "After shooting the video, I'll give you this one."

Ruan Shiqi gritted his teeth, "what if I don't shoot?"

Yu Yimo's eyes were tinged with a faint smile, "then I'll stay and enjoy myself."

With that, he turned and walked to his desk as if nothing had happened.

Ruan Shiqi's whole body trembles, now he holds her kind of video in his hand, whatever can make her infamous, become the biggest laughing stock!

What happened last night became her handle, a handle that could destroy her life!

Ruan Shishi's body was a little stiff. She bit her teeth and her brain was running at full speed.

She raised her eyes, looked at Yu Yimo and said in a cold voice, "why do I have to direct this film?"

There are a lot of excellent directors in Jiangzhou city. He doesn't have to ask her to do it.

Yu Yimo turns around slightly, his eyes light slightly, and passes over the woman, saying in a light voice, "because I think you are suitable."

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