The Wife of Hades

Chapter 117 - Yu Xiao

Chapter 117 - Yu Xiao

Many fans were crowded outside, but they were not able to enter. An Luxia walked over to the elevator since the filming was on the 14th floor, and when the elevator door opened, she immediately saw another person inside.

Yu Xiao pushed his sunglasses up when he heard the elevator door open, afraid that it would be a fan, and his assistant also stood in front of him to be careful.

When they saw that it was a little girl, they were even more certain that it was a little fan of Yu Xiao who had somehow got into the filming set.

The manager immediately crossed his arms together, glaring down at An Luxia, "Excuse me, miss, but can you please catch the next elevator?"

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, wondering why. Then, she looked further back and saw the tall and thin man wearing a black mask and sunglasses. From the looks of it, he seemed to be Yu Xiao.

Seeing that she still hadn't moved and was now looking at Yu Xiao, the manager was even more certain of An Luxia's identity, "What are the guards doing? Can't they stop a little girl like you?"

"Miao Mu, be polite," the man standing behind Miao Lu spoke, his voice deep and very attractive, like a warm cup of hot chocolate during a cold winter night. 

An Luxia looked between Yu Xiao and Miao Mu and quickly realized that the assistant had probably messed up her identity, so she held up the worker's name tag, "I'm An Luxia, the author of the novel."

She smiled, "I'm here to watch the filming."

  At once, Miao Mu's face fell open in surprise as she looked at the image on the name tag and then at An Luxia, almost as if he couldn't believe that the girl standing in front of him was the author of the original novel.

While Miao Mu was in shock, An Luxia entered the elevator and let the door close, turning around to face the door.josei

After the door had shut, Miao Mu finally came to his senses and tried to hide the excitement on his face, "You are summerwind?"

An Luxia nodded, turning around slightly to look at Miao Mu, whose eyes were still wide open.

"Oh my," Miao Mu suddenly screamed, "I am your big fan! Well, I am a huge fan of your novel! I have been reading it since before Xiaoxiao got the offer to act in this drama."

  An Luxia was quite surprised at Miao Mu's 180 degrees change in attitude, but she was happy to hear from a fan who liked her novel. She could tell that Miao Mu was being genuine and he wasn't purposely saying that just to make her happy.

For the rest of the quick elevator ride, Miao Mu continued to talk to An Luxia about the novel, ranging from asking for spoilers to asking her where her inspiration for the novel came from.

When the elevator door finally opened, An Luxia was slightly relieved as she stepped out onto the 14th floor, where the filming was going to take place today.

She stepped aside so Yu Xiao and Miao Mu could walk out too, and as Yu Xiao walked out, he tilted his head slightly to look at her.

"I'm sorry about that. He is new to the industry so he got a little. . . excited."

  An Luxia could not tell if Yu Xiao was smiling from the mask, but she smiled at him and nodded, "No worries."

  Yu Xiao removed his sunglasses and revealed his sparkling eyes, which curved into crescents when he smiled, "I am a fan of your novel too, which was why I agreed to fit this into my schedule and cancel another agreement."

  An Luxia raised one eyebrow, surprised that actors actually had the spare time to read novels, "Really? Thank you."

  Yu Xiao grinned, turning to see his assistant waiting for him, "Let's go."

  The three of them walked into the room together, and they had to squeeze through the people as there were a lot of people crammed inside the one small hotel room.

This included the production crew, director, cameras, lights, and more. The actors were getting ready in different rooms, but even with these people alone, it was already quite tight.

"Director Liu," An Luxia called with a smile as she waved at him.

"You're here! Come look. We plan to shoot from this angle at the very beginning. What do you think?"

An Luxia took a quick look and nodded. She did not have much experience in this area so she did not know what was best for the drama.

"Director," Yu Xiao called, removing his mask as well to reveal the rest of his handsome face. He smiled, bending down slightly to talk to the director, who was shorter than him.

"Yu Xiao, you're here! The makeup artist is waiting in room 1407, which should be right next to this room. Hurry and get ready. We will begin filming in half an hour."

  Yu Xiao nodded and quickly left the hotel room to get ready, and An Luxia found a chair to sit down in and wait.

As she did, she opened her phone and sent a message to Mo Han, taking a selfie of herself with the cameras behind her.

Mo Han replied within a few seconds, almost as if he had been waiting for this message, "Work well. I will be there soon to eat lunch."

  An Luxia sighed helplessly with a smile on her face and replied, "Okay, okay. At this rate, I am going to be as fat as a pig in no time!"

Mo Han quickly replied, "Then you will be a very pretty pig."

  An Luxia chuckled softly, sending over a sticker of a pig dancing before closing her phone. About half an hour later, the director called everyone to start filming.

The first scene was also the first scene in the novel, which began when they had first met in the hotel room, after Mo Han had "kidnapped" An Luxia.

Qin Hui had also arrived, and she stood in the corner with her new assistant after signing a contract with the XX Film company. As a newbie, she had no clue what to do and her eyes nervously darted around, waiting for filming to start.

"Qin Hui, you go lie down on the bed and get ready. Hurry!"

Qin Hui obediently crawled onto the bed, sitting there criss cross applesauce like an elementary school student.

When the director saw this, he furrowed his eyebrows together, "Qin Hui, what are you doing?! Did you read the script?! The first scene! You are supposed to be laying down!"

  Qin Hui flinched from nervousness as she quickly laid down and within a few seconds, Yu Xiao came, pressing down on top of her.

They had met before once and Yu Xiao smiled, "Hello, Qin Hui."

  Qin Hui had been a big fan of Yu Xiao for two years already, and she immediately blushed from the simple greeting, "I - Hello."

  Yu Xiao smiled as the director called, "Is everyone ready? Let's get started!"

  An Luxia stood up from the chair, walking over to get a better look at the first scene of the drama. Her heart thumped inside as memories flooded back from not too long ago.

"The Underworld King's Beloved Wife, Scene 1, Take 1. Action!"

Qin Hui closed her eyes and waited for a few seconds before blinking her eyes open slowly, and then -

"Cut!" The director immediately called, standing up, "Qin Hui, relax, okay? You don't know what has happened yet?! Why do your facial muscles look so tense?!"

Qin Hui gulped and quickly nodded, "Yes, yes. Sorry, director. Can we try again?"

The director sat back down.

"The Underworld King's Beloved Wife, Scene 1, Take 2. Action!"

This time, Qin Hui's muscles were more relaxed as she opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Yu Xiao's face.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Qin Hui opened her mouth, her voice cracking as she asked nervously, "What's your n - name?"

"Cut!" The director stood up again, getting impatient, "Qin Hui, can you even act?! This is such an easy scene! What are you doing?! If you can't do it, then we will give the role to someone else."

  Qin Hui nervously sat up on the bed, her head exactly banging against Yu Xiao's, "Ah! Director, I'm sorry. I. . ."

Just looking into Yu Xiao's eyes was such a distraction to her that it was hard to remember her lines, "Can we try one more time?"

"One more," the director sighed. An Luxia also looked at Qin Hui, frowning slightly. This scene was indeed easy in terms of acting and she was certain Qin Hui had the skills to do it well.

Was she nervous because this was the first time she was acting in front of a camera?

"The Underworld King's Beloved Wife, Scene1 , Take 3. Action!"

Everything went smoothly this time, and Yu Xiao successfully said his first line, announcing his name, "Han Mo."

  His voice was cold and his face seductive, just like how everyone imagined it to be when reading the novel.

However, this was of no help to Qin Hui, who immediately tensed up again, stuttering, "Han - Han Mo. . . A - Age?"


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