The Wife of Hades

Chapter 118 - First Scene

Chapter 118 - First Scene


Director Liu slammed the headphones onto the table, obviously furious. He was known in the industry for having a bad attitude, and Qin Hui's skills were not helping.

"I'm sorry, director. Please give me another chance!"

Yu Xiao was also getting a little frustrated as he sat down on the bed, pinching the area of skin between his eyebrows as he stretched out his neck. He looked towards Qin Hui with mixed emotions on his face, not sure of what to think about this unknown new girl.

The workers standing nearby also voiced their complaints, whispering, "Who even is that girl?"

  Another person joined in, "I don't know. . . Is she new? Why would Director Liu pick a newbie for this role? Plus, she sucks at acting. Can she even act?"

"Who knows? I have never seen her before. Maybe she came in through some unknown reasons," another worker added, purposefully emphasizing the word "unknown".

All of this entered Qin Hui's ears as the room was quite small, and she looked down pitifully. The director took a deep breath and did not want to change the actor as the list had already been announced to the public. 

He licked his lips and sat down, "Take a short five minute break. If you still can't do it, then we are replacing you."

"Thank you, director. Thank you," Qin Hui said, quickly jumping off the bed and leaving to go to her own private dressing room.

After she left, many workers rolled their eyes, "It had only just started, and already a break. We should just replace her."

The other people voiced their agreement.

An Luxia looked around before slowly stepping out of the hotel room herself, finding the room with the door slightly open. She looked twice before entering, walking in to find Qin Hui seated on the chair in front of the mirror, furiously reading through the script.

An Luxia cleared her throat and Qin Hui looked up, surprised to see An Luxia in her room. She immediately jumped up from her chair, turning around nervously, "Ms. An, I. . ." 

She looked down, "I'm sorry. . . I'm a little nervous today. I don't know why."

An Luxia smiled, sitting down in the empty chair, "It's okay. I understand. It's your first time acting in front of a camera, right?"

Qin Hui nodded, trying to suppress the tears that were beginning to build up in her eyes.

"Don't worry too much about it. You did very well in the audition. . . You just have to act like you did in the audition. . ." An Luxia had also noticed Qin Hui's reaction towards Yu Xiao, so she added, "And you can just pretend that Yu Xiao is a carrot."

Qin Hui chuckled, "A carrot?"

  "Yes, a carrot."


An Luxia and Qin Hui walked into the room together, and everyone turned to look at them, filled with different emotions.

The director took a large gulp of water and called, "Ready?!"

  Qin Hui quickly got into position on the bed and they began shooting again. No one was engaged in the filming anymore, and a few people were even whispering and chattering, thinking that there was no way this clip would pass.

However, to their surprise, when the director called cut this time, it wasn't to redo the scene or kick anyone away.

"You! In the back!" The director jumped up, pointing at a group of girls standing in the back talking. They all straightened their backs in fear and turned around, "Yes, Director Liu?!"

"What are you all talking about?! Do you not even know that you can't talk while filming is going on?! If you don't know what to do, then pack your bags and leave!"

At once, all the girls standing in the back shut up, not daring to even mutter one more word. The director then turned to Qin Hui and nodded, "This time was better. Let's go again."


  "What's your name?"

  The scene began and everyone focused this time, not daring to speak or even move after the director's warning.

Qin Hui seemed to have relaxed a lot more now, and the seductiveness that was necessary in this scene was beginning to show.

"That is the plan," Yu Xiao said, lifting a corner of his lips into a cunning grin.

Qin Hui did not move for a few seconds, seeming to have forgotten her next move, but she quickly snapped out of it and lifted her neck off the pillow, shutting her eyes tightly as her lips met with Yu Xiao's.

They were both doing all the stunts and intimate scenes themselves, except the most intimate scenes, since Yu Xiao's fans would definitely throw a tantrum.

Yu Xiao was surprised by the straightforwardness, but luckily, Han Mo in the film was also supposed to be surprised. He quickly returned to the scene and kissed her back, pressing her back down into the silk pillow.

"Cut!" The director stood up with a slight smile on his face, "Good job this time, both of you. Let's try one more take and go on. Qin Hui, you don't have to wait so long for the kiss."

  Qin Hui nodded, repeating in her head, "Carrot, carrot, carrot, carrot. . ."


"Let's take a 45 minute lunch break, okay? I want everyone to be back by 1 P.M."

  An Luxia jumped up excitedly, her stomach growling with hunger already. Although it was interesting, being on set was actually quite boring since most of the time wasn't spent filming.

She walked out of the room and over to the elevator, going down since Mo Han was waiting for her outside of the hotel.

As she waited for the elevator, she suddenly heard someone call her from behind, "Ms. An!"

  She turned around and was slightly surprised to see Yu Xiao with his assistant trailing behind him, "Ms. An, are you going to eat lunch? Care if I join you?"

An Luxia blinked a few times, about to respond when the elevator suddenly arrived. There was a ding and the door slowly slid open.

She stepped into the elevator, turning around and smiling, "I'm sorry, but I'm eating with someone already. Maybe next time?"

  Seeing that he was not entering the elevator, she clicked the first floor and closed the door, not wanting the situation to get awkward.

On the first floor, she put on sunglasses and stepped outside into the sun, immediately seeing the black car outside of the hotel.

Mo Han was driving the car, and he had kindly prepared a smoothie for her already.

"Ah, how did you know I was starving?"

Mo Han smiled, reaching over to help buckle her seatbelt for her, "Maybe it is because our hearts are connected?"

  An Luxia glanced at him and rolled her eyes, although a small smile appeared on her face as she took a sip, "Where are we going to go eat?"

"I already booked your favorite restaurant. Let's go now," Mo Han said, starting the car and driving away.

An Luxia looked out the window, seeing that a group of fans had crowded around the hotel door again, probably waiting for Yu Xiao. Were they not hungry?


The food arrived quickly, and since there was only a 45-minute break, An Luxia ate in a rush.

"No need to be rushed. Just go back a little late," Mo Han said, not thinking that it was a big deal. What could they do about her being late? Fire her? Then he would burn all of them!

  An Luxia continued to stuff food in her mouth, occasionally taking a quick break.

"How was it?" Mo Han paused for a second, "Any male actors there?"

An Luxia coughed slightly, noticing the hint of curiosity in Mo Han's voice although he tried to make it sound like he was just casually asking her.

"Yes, a very famous actor. Yu Xiao, ever heard of him?"

Mo Han frowned, "No, but it doesn't matter. There is no way he is more handsome than me."

  An Luxia began coughing, having choked on a piece of steak she had been swallowing. Mo Han looked up, raising one eyebrow at her reaction a little unhappily as she quickly reached for the water.

After drinking the water, she smiled and nodded, "Of course! No one is as handsome as my little Hanhan!"

He forgot to respond for several seconds from shock, and he stared at her closed eyes and fluttering eyelashes for a while before he knit his eyebrows together, closed his own eyes, and returned the kiss. 


Mo Han unwillingly let An Luxia go and watched her enter the hotel before leaving. There were some other scenes to be filmed in the hotel, and then they would be moving to a different location.josei

As she waited for the elevator, she pulled out her phone to scroll through social media. When she heard the ding of the elevator, she took a step forward, not looking to see who was inside.

Only when the elevator door had closed, did she suddenly hear a familiar voice:

"What a coincidence! Isn't it fate that we are in the same elevator twice?"

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