The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 47 -

Chapter 47 - : A Knot In My Heart


Without saying a word more, Ouyang Feifei rolled down her car window and nodded toward a woman who appeared equally as pretty as her and also wore the same stone-cold expression. The said woman then opened the car door, after which Ouyang Feifei finally stepped out of the car.

Despite feeling disgruntled, Luo Ziling had no other choice but to do the same.

The first person he saw upon setting foot on the ground was Jin Guoqiang, the butler he had met the first time he arrived there for a visit. The butler was walking over to greet the both of them after they finally decided to exit the vehicle.

“Welcome, Young Master Luo. Please, come inside.” Jin Guoqiang bowed with a smile. “I am relieved that you are alright. I apologize on behalf of Huihui for the troubles she has caused you. As you can tell, she is quite the playful one.”

After having gone through the formalities with Luo Ziling, the butler then turned toward Ouyang Feifei to greet her. “Welcome home, Miss. The Master’s waiting inside.”

Ouyang Feifei gave him a nod before proceeding to the front door in a graceful manner.

Following behind her was that expressionless woman from before.

Luo Ziling deliberately slowed his footsteps down so a significant gap was formed between them and himself. In a whisper, he asked Jin Guoqiang, “Uncle Qiang, does Grandpa Ouyang know about the incident that had just happened?”

“Positive.” Jin Guoqiang nodded. “Master will order the Young Lady to deal with this matter. Rest assured, this incident will blow over very soon. The Li family will not be troubling you in the future either. In a short while, they will be coming over to apologize.”

“I nearly got my brains spilled onto the floor because of them”, whispered Luo Ziling angrily. “If I actually died because of them, my entire life would have been completely in vain.”

Luo Ziling was even more pissed off when thoughts about his grandfather who had raised him up to who he was today came to mind.

He wondered how his grandfather would react if he really had died.

What Luo Ziling was sure of was that grandpa’s heart would be crushed as soon as he heard the news.

Hence, resentment grew not only for that Li Dongjun bastard but also for that darned Ouyang Huihui.

Jin Guoqiang was surprised to see the fury in Luo Ziling’s face. In the end, with no idea what to say, the butler kept his mouth sealed.

Entering the living room, they could hear Ouyang Feifei speaking with Ouyang Lingyun. Her partner was yet another ice-beauty. Throughout their entire exchange, that lady’s eyes were devoid of any emotion and were glued to the floor in front of her.

Upon seeing Luo Ziling’s arrival, Ouyang Feifei put a pause on their conversation and barked out an order to the other girl. “Wang Qing, you should go out first!”

“Yes, Young Lady,” came the girl’s reply. The girl then smiled toward Ouyang Lingyun to excuse herself and without even sparing Luo Ziling a look, she exited the room.

“My assistant, Wang Qing,” explained Ouyang Feifei. Pausing briefly, she then continued, “My grandfather has already been informed about this matter. Soon, the father and his son will come to apologize for their wrongdoings and consequently, compensation will be paid.”

“Ziling, I’m sorry you got shaken up like that.”Ouyang Lingyun smiled apologetically toward Luo Ziling. “Let Huihui treat you to dinner today. I truly did not foresee such an incident happening. I am really sorry for what you have gone through. Thank God you’re alright. If not, I don’t even know what I’ll say to your grandfather.”

“Grandpa, this was all Huihui’s doing,” said Ouyang Feifei as she butted into the conversation.

“I will get Huihui to apologize to you too. Likewise, she will be responsible for part of the compensation too.” Ouyang Lingyun felt bad for Luo Ziling and this was reflected visibly on his wrinkled face. “The Li family has been our partner for many years now. Our relationship has, for the most part, been pretty good. If possible, I hope that you would let this slide. Please accept their compensation. Save this old man some face.”

Since Ouyang Lingyun had said it so clearly, Luo Ziling felt obligated to agree to his request. Smiling reluctantly, he responded, “It’s fine. What has happened, has happened.”

Still, he noted to himself to avoid the Ouyangs as much as he could in the future in order to save himself from troublesome incidents like this.

He had almost lost his life today. God knows what would happen in the future.

Also, if not for his mastery of martial arts, Ouyang Huihui’s little prank would’ve gotten him into deeper sh*t, no doubt.

Feeling increasingly aggravated, the food Luo Ziling ate later on was as tasteless as a clear glass of water.

Despite the exquisite banquet prepared by the Ouyangs, Luo Ziling had zero appetite to eat even one bite of it.

There were no other people dining there besides Ouyang Lingyun and the sisters, Ouyang Feifei and Ouyang Huihui.

The Ouyangs were a fairly large family; Ouyang Feifei’s father had quite a number of brothers. However, the only member that lived in the mansion was Ouyang Lingyun. The more senior members of the family all had their own homes elsewhere and so did the two sisters.

Throughout the banquet, the one doing most of the talking was Ouyang Lingyun while the two sisters remained, for the most part, dead silent. Luo Ziling, too, had only managed to respond with haphazard replies.

Ouyang Huihui was lectured by both her grandfather and sister, and so grew her grudge toward Luo Ziling.

She wore a sulky expression throughout the meal and only cared to stuff her face with food without even looking up at her victim.

Ouyang Feifei was, by no means, a chatterbox. She rarely initiated conversations with others, even with close friends.

Thus, their dinner that night was eaten in awkward silence.

After finishing up, Luo Ziling turned down Ouyang Lingyun’s offer for him to stay on longer and insisted that it was time he got going.

Ouyang Lingyun wanted him to stay on for a little longer to discuss the compensation that Li Dongjun and his father would have to face when they arrived. However, after seeing Luo Ziling’s facial expression and his insistence on leaving, he had no choice but to give in to his request.

“I’ll send you home”, offered Ouyang Feifei, wanting Ouyang Huihui to tag along.

The younger sister initially protested against this suggestion as she didn’t want to be in the presence of Luo Ziling but in the end, she caved in to her sister’s intimidating demeanor.

However, using the excuse of not wanting to interrupt the private conversation that she was sure would occur between Luo Ziling and her sister, she hopped into another car.

On the bonnet of their car was the famous double-stacked R emblem of a Rolls Royce. There was no one else in the car aside from Luo Ziling, Ouyang Feifei, and the driver.

“Are you still thinking about today’s incident?”

For once, Ouyang Feifei decided to strike up a conversation.

There was a soundproof barrier installed between the rear-passenger compartment and the driver’s seat so no outsider would be able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Luo Ziling’s eyes that were originally looking out the window, stole a quick glance at Ouyang Feifei as a smile broke across his face. “The thing’s over now. I don’t wanna talk about it.”

‘Of course I’m thinking about it!’ He thought.

He was no saint. Having almost lost his life, it’s not like he could just brush it off like nothing had happened.

To discriminate between kindness and hatred was his personal policy in life.

“You still haven’t let it go.”

Luo Ziling looked out of the window silently.

The neon lights of the city flashed by outside the window. The night time cityscape was so beautiful that it was hypnotic to look at. Luo Ziling did not feel like uttering a single word.

He felt a little nostalgia about his life back at the small village. By grandpa’s side, that was where he truly felt the feeling of “home”.

Ever since moving here to Yenching, all he ever felt was a numbing sense of loneliness.

Realizing that Luo Ziling wasn’t going to respond to her words, Ouyang Feifei stopped speaking. Together, they rode in silence.

At a spot close to the university, he ordered the driver to stop the car.

He bid Ouyang Feifei a simple farewell before leaving in big strides.

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