To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: The Black Death Outbreak (1)

About four days had passed since Ray released the mice in Proxia.

The desired reaction manifested quickly.

First, the number of guards patrolling or stationed in the city diminished.

The incubation period for the plague was roughly three days.

By the fourth day, the situation had drastically deteriorated.

“Then, shall I start making some treatment medicine?”

Despite the chaos in Proxia, Ray remained largely indifferent.

He could clearly predict the future that awaited.

Surrounding himself with a thin layer of mana for protection against the fleas, Ray purchased a few loaves of bread near the castle.

As he observed his surroundings, he noticed mice scurrying across the streets.

If the mice were this rampant, the fleas were without a doubt even more so.

Like fish in water, they would surely wreak havoc throughout Proxia’s downtown.

After all, Proxia and the dwarf and elf villages were quite far apart.

No matter how deadly the plague, if it wasn’t nearby, that was the end of it.

The distance a disease can spread has its limits.

Moreover, the elf village maintained high levels of hygiene.

In terms of cleanliness, it might even surpass modern standards.

Thus, even if the plague reached them, it was unlikely to cause a serious outbreak.

However, Ray deemed it necessary to prepare antibiotics, just to be safe.

Back in his tent, Ray finely chopped the bread he had purchased.

He placed the pieces into a leather pouch and threw it to one side of the tent.

He wasn’t certain how many attempts would be successful, but if a distinct green mold developed, it would indicate success.

Now, all he could do was wait and observe the pieces of bread.

In the city of Gehel, the recruitment of soldiers was underway.

Notable mercenaries and able-bodied citizens skilled with spears or swords were being drafted.

Emboldened by their conviction to defend the Holy Land with their own hands, numerous citizens and mercenaries convened.

Their numbers were sufficient to make a significant impact in a war.

Trade guilds indebted to the Holy Kingdom, as well as those favorable towards it, provided financial support.

Priests and healers who had been dispatched to other countries were urgently recalled to prepare for battle, showcasing the Holy Kingdom’s power.

Although initially repelled by Proxia’s unexpected advance, the Holy Kingdom remained a formidable nation.

Despite lacking a Sword Master, Proxia’s army was a difficult foe to defeat.

The Holy Kingdom had fully prepared for war, yet problems emerged from another quarter.

It was uncertain whether Proxia or another entity had sent them, but assassins began targeting the Holy Kingdom’s command structure.

Despite stringent protection, nobles and healers started to fall to assassins, one after another, creating panic.

The overnight fall of a prominent noble family left the Holy Kingdom feeling vulnerable.

Orders to bolster security against assassins proved ineffective.

Assassins penetrated even the most stringent security measures, wiping out entire noble households with a precision not typical of ordinary killers.

The Seven Heavenly Messengers concluded their investigations abroad and returned to the Holy Kingdom.

Unwearied by their lengthy travels, they silently collated the information they had collected.

Concealed in a separate residence arranged by Euclid, they quickly detected a malevolent presence.

Heukyeong communicated a signal using hand signals:

“Someone seems to have infiltrated.”

All those staying in the annex were significant figures within the Holy Kingdom.

Given their secretive return, the intentions of any intruder could only be malevolent.

Upon receiving Heukyeong’s signal, the Heavenly Messengers immediately mobilized.

Their skill at vanishing into thin air was now fully employed.

As they watched from the shadows, their expressions hardened upon seeing a group of about ten people slip through a window gap.

The moonlight cast shadows in which the assassins skillfully hid as they moved.

Hongyeong watched them intently and soon signaled with her hand.

She showed the palm of her hand, signaling to close in, and the Heavenly Messengers quickly cut off the assassins’ escape routes.

Their exceptional swordplay and dagger techniques unfolded, silently dispatching the assassins who had entered through the window.

These were the Heavenly Messengers, who were capable of assassinating even a Sword Master.

No matter how well-trained the assassins were, they stood no chance.

Out of the ten, only two remained.

In mere seconds, Soyong and Sayaeng restrained the remaining two.

The last assassins trembled, overwhelmed by the monstrous skills of their captors.

Until now, they had succeeded in assassinating key figures, even under heavy guard.

They had even killed nobles protected by the highest order of knights, Aura Users.

Their confidence had grown to the point where they believed they could assassinate a Sword Master.

But now, they realized their beliefs were nothing but delusions.

The seven figures that stood before them each exuded an overwhelming presence.

Their emotionless eyes and chilling aura embodied the true essence of an assassin.

Among them, a particularly dangerous-looking woman approached the two captives.

Hongyeong looked down at the two assassins and asked, “Who sent you?”

Her cold voice made the air itself seem to freeze, rendering the assassins speechless.

They had no choice but to bite down on the poison capsules in their mouths.

With a soft pop, the bodies of the assassins hit the floor, already devoid of life.

The Heavenly Messengers simply nodded at the self-inflicted deaths as if they were to be expected.

“Indeed, they were well-trained.”

“Could these assassins be acting under the orders of Night Moon?”

Despite being overpowered by the Heavenly Messengers, the assassins’ skills were acknowledged.

Celes wondered if the infamous assassin guild, Night Moon, was involved.

The methods and hiding places of Night Moon were so secretive that their influence in the underworld was vast.

Rumors had it that a group of five elite assassins from the guild could defeat a Sword Master.

Upon Celes’s suspicion, Soyong remarked, “It’s possible. But considering the backlash if Night Moon were to directly provoke the Holy Kingdom, it seems unlikely unless they’re intent on their own downfall.”

Celes nodded slowly, acknowledging the validity of Soyong’s point.

Regardless of their power, a direct provocation of the Holy Kingdom would be akin to suicide for Night Moon.

So, who could be responsible?

Many kingdoms stood to gain indirectly from the Holy Kingdom’s fall, yet none would benefit directly.

Could the neighboring countries, eager to carve up a weakened Holy Kingdom, be the culprits?

Jeokyeong whispered, “It might be the force The Saint spoke of.”

Proxia was the most suspect, though certainty eluded them.

After a moment’s contemplation, Hongyeong issued an order to the Heavenly Messengers.

“Collect information while patrolling the area. During this mission, murder or torture will be tolerated, as long as you do not go too far.”

With her order, a newfound determination shone in the eyes of the Heavenly Messengers.

“Understood, Hongyeong.”josei

“We will carry out Hongyeong’s order.”

“We will reconvene here in one week to share our findings. That is all.”

As soon as Hongyeong finished her directive, the Heavenly Messengers vanished.

Each was so adept that even a standard assassin guild would struggle to track them, and now they were resolute in their information gathering.

As time passed, mold began to form on the bread.

It came in various colors: white, blue, and a rare yellowish-brown.

Ray discarded the yellowish-brown ones, choosing only those with white, blue, or green mold.

He then separated them by color into different pouches.

The green mold was what he needed.

White and blue molds would eventually turn green after a few stages, so he stored them separately.

Penicillin could be made from blue mold, but certain types of blue mold contained toxic substances that could cause allergies.

Using mold contaminated with other fungi or bacteria to make penicillin could lead to severe stomach pain when ingested, so it was best to store them separately.

With his suppression of the surrounding divine power, the mold grew well.

Normally, the presence of divine power would continuously purify the environment, rendering it unsuitable for mold growth.

After moistening the bread pieces slightly to add moisture and placing them back in the pouches, a pungent smell arose.

It was a sign that things were progressing well.

Ray wondered how many would actually function as effective antibiotics.

He frequently checked on Proxia’s situation.

Just a few days ago, Proxia had been calm, but now it was in chaos.

Guards who had been fine the day before suddenly collapsed with high fevers and vomiting, and they couldn’t understand why.

A fever over 40°C could be lethal.

Without treatment, the death toll began to rise within a couple of days.

A few deaths wouldn’t significantly impact Proxia.

However, when the number rose to hundreds, they could no longer ignore it.

The continuous death of soldiers without understanding the cause led to divisions among the mage towers.

“Did the Black Tower use some black magic!?”

“We didn’t do anything!”

“Then why are soldiers dying!?”

As time passed, skin tissues began to necrotize.

With black spots emerging on the skin, they could only think it was black magic.

As a result, the Black Tower was blamed for everything.

The soldiers, terrified of the unknown contagion, refused to work, and the once-busy downtown became deserted.

Proxia’s few healers and mages tried everything to eradicate the disease, but to no avail.

Treatment was futile if the environment remained unchanged.

Rats and rat fleas were already swarming the streets.

Divine magic could treat the disease momentarily, but prevention was impossible.

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