To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: The Black Death Outbreak (2)

Proxia’s army disintegrated quickly.

As the Black Death began to ravage, their formidable forces fell one by one, unable to establish a proper countermeasure.

Their lack of medical knowledge made it impossible to create an effective response, especially since they were more inclined to believe in superstitions than in rational treatments.

The closest thing to medical practitioners they had were black magic users, who tried to counteract the disease.

They cut out the blackened areas of the skin and attempted to heal them with magic or divine magic.

Desperate to survive, Proxia’s soldiers followed the black magic users’ suggestions.

Removing the necrotized skin and treating it ensured that those areas remained relatively unscathed for a while.

For a moment, the soldiers found some relief.

But it was only a brief respite.

As the necrosis from the Black Death continued to progress, Proxia began to fall into despair.

A contagious disease that their trusted magic couldn’t cure was sheer terror.

When the death toll exceeded a thousand, Proxia’s leaders closed the city gates and prevented the infected from entering.

It was an attempt to save themselves.

The abandoned soldiers had no choice but to die where they lay.

Some tried to escape, but they collapsed before they could get far, weakened by high fever and exhaustion.

The plague thrived among the neglected corpses, further spreading the disease.

Proxia’s once-thriving army, which had numbered over ten thousand in the mountains, dwindled to less than half within a week.

The mage towers, seeing the dire situation, did not just stand by idly.

The leaders held meetings almost daily, yet no clear solution emerged.

Ray watched from afar as Proxia collapsed.

The situation was indescribable.

Like in medieval Europe, all sorts of treatments emerged, some as absurd as applying the feces and urine of uninfected people to the face and body, treating them like holy water.

This practice led to the deaths of even healthy people from toxic shock.

Ray had no intention of stopping yet.

Among those in Proxia, there might be hostages or those forced to fight against their will.

But they too had been part of a force that had killed innocents.

If they were not stopped, many more would die.

Ray preferred to choose the path that could save more lives.

Naturally, this path led to the destruction of Proxia.

“I’ll eradicate them completely.”

The plague had advanced sufficiently.

Now, it was time for him to act.

He dismantled the tent he had grown fond of over time and packed the antibiotics he had produced.josei

With a few sweeps of his hand, Ray erased any trace of his stay and stood up.

Waiting leisurely for the complete collapse of Proxia was an option, but he wanted to salvage what he could.

For instance, magic books, or more magic books.

And perhaps black magic texts, if they proved medically useful.

Despite being a saint, he did not shy away from exploring black magic.

What magic could be there?

Maybe Fly, or Fly.

Or Teleport, or Teleport Gate – these would be really handy.

Such spells were almost mythical and known to only a few.

Perhaps they were known only to otherworldly beings?

Lost in happy thoughts, Ray suddenly tensed and looked toward a thicket, sensing a strong surge of mana coming straight toward him.

Shortly after, Chersi emerged from that very spot.

As soon as Ray recognized her, he quickly prepared to flee.

Noticing his readiness to bolt, Chersi hurriedly waved her hands.

“Wait a moment!”

“You want me to wait so you can kill me?”

“No! I have no intention of attacking you!”

“Even though you were quick to cast magic at me before?”

“Please, just listen to me!”

As a high elf, her bowing her head to a human was unusual.

For an elf to bow to a human was a rarity, but a legendary high elf bowing so submissively to a mere human?

Ray frowned at her actions, which seemed desperate.

“Don’t you find it strange? You attacked me without a proper conversation, and now you’re asking me to listen to your story?”

Ray had suffered extensively over a long period.

Not only had he not been accepted into the elf village, but he was also treated as a traitor without any proper conversation, resulting in over a month of homelessness. He had to gather or create everything he needed for survival, including food.

He had observed Proxia and learned about the villages of elves and dwarves all by himself.

He had grown accustomed to solitude.

Unlike in the beginning, he no longer intended to seek the elves’ help in destroying Proxia, nor did he plan to intervene in the disputes between elves and dwarves.

But now she was asking him to listen to her story? It was the height of audacity.

After a moment of hesitation with her head bowed, Chersi began to speak.

“…I received the earring you returned. As I mentioned, it belonged to my mother, who returned to nature due to the actions of the Lesian Empire, a nation of humans… That’s why I was angry at you for regarding the empire as your homeland. I believed the empire had taken the Tear of Cecilie as a spoil of war, after killing my mother.”

Despite Chersi’s words, Ray’s expression remained unchanged.

Perhaps half of what she said was true.

He wasn’t certain about the details of how the high elf Cecilie had died, but it seemed likely the empire had taken something as a trophy.

However, that was a separate issue.

Ray sighed softly and spoke in a deflated tone.

“So you’re saying I should understand and forgive you for that reason?”

The attacks he had faced could have easily ended his life if not for his vigilance.

The magic wielded by high elves was formidable.

Even a simple Fireball spell differed in density and manifestation when cast by them.

Chersi hesitated, seemingly at a loss for a proper excuse.

Ray drove the point home.

“At first, I needed your help, but once I tried doing things on my own, it worked out. I’ve taken care of my business. So, the elves should handle their own affairs.”

He picked up his backpack as he spoke.

He had no desire to help those who approached him only when they were in need.

Chersi stood there silently, unable to say anything more.

As Ray turned and walked away, her gaze lingered on his back for a long time.

Ray gathered mana and cast a spell.


There was no longer any need to hide his mana now that everything had ended.

Using the Clean spell on his unwashed body felt incredibly refreshing after such a long time.

Entering the deserted streets of Proxia’s downtown, Ray observed the empty surroundings.

Sounds of vomiting and coughing echoed from inside the buildings.

With the soldiers in such a state, the condition of others was clear.

Probably inside the castle, several healers were continuously casting divine magic, trying to save only the command structure.

Outside, people were dying.

Proxia was on the brink of collapse.

There was no need to intervene further; it would crumble on its own.

The streets, overflowing with refuse and overrun with rats, offered a desolate scene akin to a ghost town.

Ray walked along the street and reached the city gates.

The gates of Proxia, once a formidable power threatening the Lecian Empire, stood unguarded.

They were probably locked tight in fear of the Black Death.

Ray extended his hand toward the gate.

“Wind Cutter.”

Transformed mana responded, slicing through the sturdy gate as if it were paper.

The pieces of the gate fell to the ground with a loud crash.

He did not intend to flee, having come this far.

Without soldiers, Proxia was just a disorganized mess.

A group of soldiers appeared upon hearing the noise, but they were in no condition to fight.

Their complexions were red, and black spots on their bodies indicated they were near death.

“Who is this guy?”

“The, the city gate…!”

The once thick and solid gate now lay cleaved in two.

The guards pointed their spears but trembled uncontrollably.

Ray ignored them and strode forward.

They were doomed anyway.

Ray saw no need to act if they didn’t attack aggressively.

More and more people began to arrive, drawn by the loud noise.

Among them was a man who seemed to be a high-level Aura User.

His formidable presence was evident at first glance.

A knight in black armor with a large build admired Ray, saying, “What an impressive physique. Clearly specialized for swordsmanship.”

As he spoke, the knight drew his sword, showing no intention of holding back.

Aura enveloped his blade, indicating a highly refined skill, almost as though he was facing a Sword Master.

Feeling invigorated by using mana after a long time, Ray was in high spirits.

Feeling so light he could almost fly, he wanted to release his divine power too, but doing so would purify everything around, negating the effects of the plague.

A blade of aura, created from mana, surged from Ray’s hand.

The knight’s eyes widened at the sight.

“Oh, an Aura Blade!”

“If you don’t want to die, get out of the way!”

Ray was indifferent to Proxia’s fate but was determined to protect any magic books from the era of mages, especially those related to teleportation spells. He resolved to avoid climbing the frigid, treacherous mountains again at all costs.

Ray dashed forward like a madman.

The knight, snapping to his senses, commanded his soldiers.

“Capture that beggar immediately!”

However, few moved at his panicked command.

After all, who would dare to confront someone releasing Aura Blades like a mad dog and charging with such ferocity?

The soldiers could only watch helplessly as Ray entered the castle.

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