Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Support

Chapter 171: Support

< Chapter 171: Support (1) >

“How is it?”

I asked Ai, who had just exchanged greetings with Teddy.

“99.9% identical.”

“That much?”

“Yes. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he was Pi Jin Ho with blonde hair.”

Ai glanced at Teddy, who was behind us.

“His aura, breathing, habits. Almost everything is strikingly similar.”

Ai had mentioned that she had been discreetly observing the people around me during her last rest period in Seoul. Naturally, Instructor Pi Jin Ho was among them.

“Especially the aura is a 100% match.”

“Aura matching means…”

“Yes, it does.”

Aura is unique to each individual. It’s like a fingerprint. Similar as they might be, they can’t be identical.

“At this point, they might as well be the same person, just with different memories.”


“Even their traits are the same, you said?”


“Then are they really the same person? Or maybe it’s reincarnation.”

“Reincarnation is the most likely explanation.”

Reincarnation theory: that is, the hypothesis that the souls of Elf Teddy and Human Pi Jin Ho are the same.

“But can a soul being the same result in the birth of such identical people?”

“Um, well, we don’t have any way of knowing about supernatural phenomena like souls or reincarnation.”


I scratched my cheek.

“Anyway, thank you. You’ve helped me gain certainty.”

There is a clear link between the two individuals Teddy and Pi Jin Ho—a link that transcends the many years that I don’t know about. Just knowing that is reward enough.

The more information, the better.

“You’re welcome. I can help you with such matters anytime.”

Ai gave a cute smile.

* * *

As soon as Teddy was sure the danger had passed, he immediately returned to the Northern Front.

“…It would’ve been nice if he could rest for at least a day before going back,” Illyna muttered with a tired smile after seeing Teddy off.

“He’s someone who doesn’t know how to rest and is also stubborn… I’m worried he might collapse at some point.”


The more I hear, the more he seems identical to Instructor Pi Jin Ho. What could be the reason? It’s bothering me.

“Still, you must feel secure having someone like him around.”

“Yes, of course.”

Illyna looked at me and smiled. It was a smile filled with pride.

“If it wasn’t for Teddy, the Northern Front would have collapsed a long time ago.”

This statement reflected Teddy’s significant standing. And for me, it took on another meaning.

‘Teddy must be dead after all.’

If such an important figure like Teddy was alive, there’s no way he wouldn’t be mentioned in the original story. This means Teddy must have died during these ten years of absence, which is why he didn’t appear in the original work.

‘Ah, speaking of the original…’

It came to mind when I thought of the original story.

“Where is Knight Lily?”

“You know of Knight Lily Lafftel?”

“Of course. Who doesn’t know the hero of Alfheim, Lily Lafftel?”

A knightess with significant importance even in the original story, Lily Lafftel. With her skills, she would surely be making a name for herself starting from this point.

“Is that so? Lily is certainly extraordinary, but…”

Illyna tilted her head as if puzzled, then soon nodded as if to say, ‘That could be possible.’

“Lily is in Riferiel.”


“Did you send Alfheim’s greatest force to Riferiel as reinforcements?”

This was unexpected. Even so, sending Alfheim’s strongest to another country as support troops? I thought she would be at the Northern Front.

“The greatest force?”

Illyna once again tilted her head.

“Are you perhaps misunderstanding something?”


“Yes. While it’s true that we sent Alfheim’s strongest as reinforcements to Riferiel…”

Illyna said,

“That strongest person isn’t Knight Lily, but Knight Edel… Knight Edel Weiss.”

“Edel Weiss?”

A name I’ve never heard of popped up.

* * *

“…So that’s why you looked puzzled when I said I knew about Lily Lafftel.”

In the original story, the knightess Lily Lafftel was the greatest hero of Alfheim, but it seems that’s not the case at this point in time, ten thousand years ago.

“Edel Weiss. The currently strongest elf in Alfheim and called the strongest throughout a thousand years of history. An archer.”

The most famous hero in Alfheim. Even if people don’t know the name of Queen Illyna Alfheim, they would know the name of Edel Weiss, suggesting how famous this elf is.

“So, Teddy and Edel are the top two, and Lily Lafftel is below them…”

In the original story, Lily Lafftel was so powerful, but it seems she can’t even compare to those two.

“…I really know nothing.”

About this world ten thousand years ago, I really know nothing. I can’t know about things that weren’t mentioned in the original story. What I do know is limited to what was presented about the various races in the original and my conjectures based on their conversations.

‘I also have information from Rena.’

Anyway, that’s all I know. In this timeline, my strong point, ‘knowledge of the original story,’ is of little significance. I felt that acutely with recent events.

‘Fortunately, I do have a fair amount of detail about the fall of Riferiel.’

The information I have from Rena focuses on what Riferiel went through. Based on that information, I can devise countermeasures, which should get us through the immediate crisis.

‘Of course, the situation might have changed somewhat due to the repulsion of Mephisto…’

There’s no need to worry. I’ve taken all such variables into account and decided to act in advance three days ago.

‘I can worry about what comes next after I’ve definitely saved Alfheim and Riferiel.’

For now, let’s just focus on overcoming the current crisis.

That’s what I resolved to do.

* * *

Time passed, and the day came for me to leave for Riferiel.

“Father, take care.”

Illyna herself came to see me off.

“Yes, Your Majesty, please take care as well.”

I’m fully prepared.

“I will make good use of the relics you’ve provided.”

“I should have lent you even better relics… I’m sorry.”

“No, not at all.”

I slightly lifted the bag I had slung over my back to emphasize it.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for when you’ve even prepared such a precious pocket dimension bag.”

At first glance, this bag looks ordinary, but it’s actually a pocket dimension bag crafted carefully by Elf priests.

Though it doesn’t have as much capacity as the [Artisan’s Portable Forge], it can easily hold four swords. I’ve crammed it full of three ancient relics, or ‘relics’ as they are called in this world.

‘I’ve also taken the Beastman’s greatsword, [White Fang], under the pretext of transporting it, and secretly kept the spear, [Thorn that Swallows Flesh], that I took from Mephisto…’

The remaining two are Elf relics, and I don’t foresee using them while my Adam’s mark is black, but the more insurance, the better.

“Then, Robin. I entrust you to lead us both.”

“Yes. I will take full responsibility and escort you safely to Riferiel.”

Robin gives a small bow and then—


He whistles, and something starts flying from a distance. It reminds one of a dragon, but it’s much smaller and sleeker.

“A wyvern?”

It’s a creature known to be difficult to deal with even in modern times.

“You don’t have to worry; it’s a monster tamed by Robin’s special ability, ‘Domestication.'”

“I see.”

I had anticipated this. There was no way such a creature would coincidentally launch an attack at a time like this.

The wyvern, its wings covered in reptilian scales, lands on the ground. It looks fearsome from a distance, but oddly cute up close.

“It’s oddly cute.”

It seems Ai feels the same way I do.

“You can mount it from the back.”


Ai and I follow Robin and climb onto the back of the wyvern.

* * *


“It’s really fast.”

From the back of the flying wyvern, both Ai and I couldn’t help but marvel. The view below us is incredibly beautiful.

“There’s never been a Tamer who has tamed a wyvern, right?”

Ai’s eyes sparkled as he stroked the back of the wyvern. Judging from his actions since earlier, it seems he’s fond of the unique, cold and leathery scales typical of reptiles.

“None. Even Beast Masters have failed in taming wyverns.”

Given the series of failures, it’s become common knowledge that wyverns are untamable.

“And here I am, riding one…”

Ai looks at me with eyes as wide as a child’s who’s visiting an amusement park for the first time.

“And doing it alongside you, Seo-yul…”

…’Alongside,’ she says.

Robin, who’s diligently controlling the wyvern up front, seems to have long vanished from his mind.

—Father, we will soon arrive at our destination.

After about 20 minutes of flight, the territory of Riferiel appeared in the distance.


* * *

The view of the Japanese archipelago from the sky was quite beautiful.

“It’s a thousand times more beautiful than modern-day Japan,” Ai exclaimed.

Unlike the modern-day Japanese landscape filled with high-rise buildings, we saw beautiful structures harmoniously integrated with forests and trees. They must have been constructed using the unique methods of the Beastmen.

—We will descend now. Please hold on tight.

As Robin spoke, the wyvern began to descend vertically. It landed precisely somewhere, dropping at a speed that made even a gyro drop look tame.


A man bowed his head towards us. With red hair and matching red fox ears on top, he was unmistakably a Beastman.josei

—We of Riferiel welcome the esteemed guests from Alfheim.

I jumped off the wyvern, and Ai and Robin followed.

—Thank you for your hospitality. My name is Kang Seo-yul.

I responded in fluent Beastman language, a skill I had honed through Rena.

—Your Beastman language is… quite fluent.

The man widened his eyes in surprise, and Robin and Ai seemed astonished as well. Then, the Beastman man cleared his throat, looking like he’d realized something.

—Forgive me for the late introduction. I am Genis Luper, a royal guard assigned to guide the three of you.


It’s a name I’ve heard often. He’s not a character from the original work…

—I am assigned the duty of guarding the princess from the House of Riferiel.


I remembered. This was the man who had no choice but to seal Rena in order to save her.

—Then, this way… The Beast King is waiting for you.

The Beast King, the strongest among the Beastmen and Rena’s father, is waiting for me. I feel strangely tense.

Just as I was about to step forward—


Someone jumped in between Genis and me.

Silver hair and silver wolf ears.

A small stature that barely reaches my waist and a cute face.

And an imposing manner of speech.

—Before going to the King, I must first confirm if you are truly an ally to our Riferiel!

It was Rena Beast Riferiel. Princess Rena had her hands on her hips and was looking up at me with a stern expression.

“What’s this little one?”

Ai looked at Rena with the eyes one reserves for exotic animals.

“That’s Rena Beast Riferiel. She’s the next queen of the Riferiel royal family.”

“… What?”

Ai’s eyes widened.

“This little one is the Princess Rena you spoke of?”


Ai scrutinized Rena with enlarged eyes.

—How rude! Do you know who I am to give me such a look…

It’s probably because I haven’t seen her in a month.

I feel very happy to see her. I was overwhelmed with the urge to pat her on the head.

…Of course, I suppressed the urge. Rena at this time does not know me, and patting her head out of nowhere would cause a scene.

‘Patting the head of a princess is a tremendous rudeness,’ they say.

Just as I was chuckling to myself, I heard a faint sound of footsteps.

—No matter how much you are a princess of the Riferiel royal family, it is unacceptable to rudely question the esteemed father of Alfheim.

A delicate, beautiful voice rang out.

A voice that I find inexplicably nostalgic. A refreshing feminine voice that felt familiar. I slowly turned my head toward the direction of the voice.

—Do you truly believe that this man is that great High Elf?

—Yes, I believe so.

Long, shining golden hair.

Elf-like long ears and green eyes.

A nearly perfect face that seems to have captured all the beauty in the world… A face I know very well.

—Because Queen Illyna said so. Furthermore…

She looked at me with eyes full of trust and smiled.

—Even her scent gives the illusion of facing the World Tree itself.

Her eyes and her smile, they were identical.

“… Shin Jia?”

Ai muttered in astonishment.

—Nice to meet you. My name is Edel Weiss..

With a face identical to Jia, the hero of Alfheim, Edel Weiss. knelt on one knee and smiled sweetly.

—To the great father of Alfheim… No.

With a strangely eerie gesture and tone, she spoke.

—It is an honor to meet you, Ancestor.

Words that I find extremely nostalgic.

< Chapter 171: Support (1) > End

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