Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: Support

Chapter 172: Support

< Chapter 172: Support (2) >

An elf who looks exactly like Jia.

Edel Weiss…

Standing in front of her, I was completely stunned.

“Is there something on my face?”

Edel asked, touching her cheek. It must be because my gaze felt so burdensome to her.

“No, it’s just that you look very similar to someone I know.”

“Ah, is that so?”

Edel grinned.

Her smile is also an exact copy of Jia’s.

“So the lady next to you was also staring at me for that reason.”

Ai, just like me, couldn’t hide her surprised expression.

While Instructor Pi Jin Ho had a different hair color and ears, which made a strange difference, Edel was just Jia herself.

I’d believe it if someone said they were doppelgängers.

Noticing Edel’s gaze, Ai turned away with a fake cough.

“How is it?”

I casually asked Ai.

I was asking what she thought of Edel’s energy.

“… I can’t precisely judge a woman’s energy, but I think it’s safe to say she’s 100% the same person.”

“Is that so?”

I looked back at Edel.

The more I look, the more they are the same.

‘She even uses a bow, like Jia.’

I can’t be sure, but there’s a high chance she possesses abilities similar to Jia’s.

It might be a similar case to Teddy having the “eye that pierces through mysteries.”

If so, it adds significant weight to the hypothesis that there’s a link between the past 10,000 years ago and the present.

I was lost in these thoughts when—

“Edel! Do you really believe this unidentified man is your ancestor, a High Elf?”

Rena stood in front of Edel and spoke dramatically.


Edel nodded with unwavering, upright eyes.

It was a level of trust that I couldn’t understand.


“As I said, it feels that way.”

Edel turned her gaze back to me.

“When I’m next to this person, it feels as if I’m next to the World Tree.”

“Just by a mere feeling…”

“It’s not just a feeling. I’ve also heard that the Alfheim family’s treasure, ‘The Great One’s Promise,’ has responded.”

“‘The Great One’s Promise’?”

Rena tilted her head as if asking what that was.

“It’s like a legacy left by the great father of Alfheim, the High Elf. It’s said to respond only to High Elves.”

“A legacy that responds only to High Elves…”

Rena glanced at me cautiously.

Her eyes had softened a bit, but they still looked like those of someone scrutinizing a fraud.

“So how do you explain those short ears?”

“I’ve heard that the appearance is due to him being in the process of recovering his strength.”

It seems like she had been briefed in advance about me by Illyna.


Rena bit her lip with a skeptical look. She seemed to want to find a fault but couldn’t find an obvious one.

“Moreover, he even prevented the recent crisis in Alfheim. If this person isn’t a High Elf, then who is?”

It seemed like starlight was pouring from Edel’s eyes.

Rena’s eyes widened in surprise.

“You’re saying he is the one who thwarted Mephisto’s attack?”


“Huh, wow…”

Rena stared at me with an astonished expression. The skeptical look she had melted away like snow. Her facial expressions revealing her emotions also seemed identical to the Rena I knew.

…Well, she is the real Rena after all.

“So, did he also foresee this Mephisto attack?”

“Yes. It was our ancestor.”


Now, the only emotion I could sense in her eyes was admiration.

“Then, coming to Riperiel is also…”

“Yes. Just like he prevented Mephisto’s attack, he came to save Riperiel from danger.”


And that admiration soon turned into respect.

It was somewhat similar to how the modern Rena looked at me.

If you remove every trace of curiosity and skepticism from that look and fill it with goodwill, it would be exactly like the modern Rena.

“Then let’s hurry to the royal palace! I will personally escort you to Abamama!”

Rena quickly changed her stance and stood in front of me, urging me on.

Watching her, I felt an inexplicable surge of mischief.

“Why are you acting like this?”

Rena tilted her head, watching me stand still.

I chuckled inwardly.

“Ah, I was thinking I should go back.”

“Go back? Why?”

Rena rushed toward me urgently.

“No, it seems that the people of Riperiel don’t like me. Wouldn’t it be better for Riperiel if I quietly leave?”

“Why would Riperiel dislike you? That’s not possible…”

Rena gestured animatedly with a vexed expression, trying to explain.

“The will of the princess is the will of Riperiel, is it not?”

“Wha… What?”

Rena seemed taken aback.

“If the royal family of a country, especially the direct heir to the throne, dislikes me, it means the nation rejects me as well. Am I wrong?”

“Well, that’s…”

This was both a jest and a rebuke.

“If I’ve offended you, I apologize. But I wasn’t speaking with that intent. I was just thinking of the country.”

“I understand. It’s natural to be suspicious of me since I suddenly appeared. Being skeptical is a thousand, ten thousand times better than blindly trusting. If my ancestors had acted this way, I would not have spared them praise.”

Rena’s expression brightened a bit.

“But you, Princess, are different.”

“I am… different?”


Rena is profoundly thoughtful for her age, and that’s why she’s reckless. She is even more so because she realizes she is a genius.

“I am here at the invitation of the Beast King.”

That’s why she makes mistakes like this.

“And you, Princess, tried to discredit me, someone who came to save this nation without asking for anything in return.”

Her expression became serious, seemingly pondering over my words.

“How should I take this?”

“I guess I’d consider it a public act of humiliation. Or maybe you don’t take me seriously, or you’re ignoring me.”


Rena bit her lip.

She seemed to realize her mistake.

“So that’s why you said I was different. I am the legitimate successor of Riperiel.”

“Yes. The weight of your words is similar to that of the Beast King. Even if you were skeptical about me, you should not have expressed it directly from your mouth.”

I glanced at the royal guard, Genis, who was watching us with a curious expression.

“If you had suspicions, you should have directed your followers to do the investigating.”

“You mean, delegate it to Genis.”

Rena opened her eyes wide, deep in thought. It seemed like she was mulling over my words.

“I see. If I had asked Genis, any arising problems could have been resolved by disciplining him alone.”

“Yes. In that case, you could have even formed a better relationship by standing against your own followers and supporting me.”

There was a way to both resolve the suspicion and handle any issues that might arise without causing a significant problem.

“That is what a kingdom’s legitimate heir should have done.”

Rena’s silver wolf ears drooped down. She looked utterly dejected.

But my speech was not yet over.

“Perhaps the Beast King didn’t tell you about me in advance because he was concerned about your recklessness.”

With each continuation of my words, Rena’s ears and expression continued to sink.

“And it’s not just about me; he might not have told you about other highly confidential matters as well.”

She seemed to be catching on.

“As the legitimate heir to the kingdom, you need to be aware of your position.”

I put my hand on Rena’s head, who was looking utterly dejected.

“That recklessness, impatience, and arrogance about your own thoughts—reconsider these things. If you amend them, you will become a great ruler.”

“Do you really think so?”

Rena looked up at me with a slightly brighter tone and tilted her head.

“Of course.”

“Ah, I see. Hmm.”

It was then, as I was gently patting Rena’s head, that I heard it.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

A hearty laugh came from the side.

“Ah, so you’re the legendary figure of Alfheim I’ve heard about.”

I turned my head to see a massive man with biceps bulging out of his clothes. He wore neat formal attire that contrasted with his muscles, and the familiar crown known as ‘the Beast King’s Crown’ rested on his head.

“Indeed, a man worthy of making Illyna’s eyes light up and say, ‘He’s incredible!'”

The Beast King, Jin Beast Riperiel, approached me with sharp, twinkling eyes.

Trailing behind him was a silver-haired, elegant woman who sighed.

“I was wondering why you were taking so long to arrive…”

She looked like what Rena might look like when she grows up.

“Rena, did you behave rudely to our guest?”

“Um, Mother…”

As expected, she was Rena’s mother. Her name must have been Luna Beast Riperiel if I recall correctly.

“That’s not it, it’s just…”

“Excuses are unnecessary. I’ve gathered the overall situation from our guest’s earlier words.”

The Queen smiled a mysterious smile that sent shivers down my spine.

“Rena, we need to talk later.”

Rena instantly turned pale. Observing her, the Queen shifted her warm smile to me. The frosty atmosphere instantly melted, replaced by the warmth of a shining sun.

“Thank you. Instead of getting angry at Rena’s rude behavior, you’ve given her valuable advice.”

“I apologize. I feel like I might have overstepped.”

“No, not at all. It was a much-needed lesson for Rena.”

The Queen glanced at Rena, who was muttering something to herself, with eyes full of affection.

“This experience will be good medicine for her.”

“Her head’s grown too big; she really should listen to us for once.”

The Beast King remarked with a tongue-click, his eyes full of affection for Rena.

Both of them really love Rena. I could genuinely sense that from their expressions.

“Anyway, gratitude is gratitude…”

The Beast King grinned at me.josei

“First, we must extend our welcome. Welcome to Riperiel.”


I returned the smiles of the two.

“Thank you for the warm welcome.”

Watching us, Ai behind me pursed her lips and murmured,

“What are they saying? It’s unfair; I should learn their language too.”

She seemed peeved at being left out.

* * *

Five hours had passed.

“Thank you for your hard work. Please get some rest.”

After finishing a not-so-heartwarming discussion in an otherwise warm atmosphere, I arrived at the guest room guided by Genis.

“Thank you, Officer Genis. You’ve had a long day guiding me as well.”

Genis gave a small bow and left the room.

Alone in the room, I did some light stretching and sat down in a chair.

“Whew, I’m tired.”

Is it because [Pure Boiling Blood] has disappeared? For some reason, I feel more tired.

Of course, it’s not physical fatigue but mental fatigue, so there’s a high chance that it just feels that way.

‘Still, the discussion went fairly well.’

Perhaps the mood improved due to Rena’s incident. Things worked out well.

I was worried about how to explain and convince them about the events that would happen in the future, but I didn’t expect it to be resolved so easily.

‘Given that it’s a serious matter, the discussion did drag on a bit.’

All in all, it turned out well.

They even pointed out blind spots I hadn’t thought of, providing new clues.

‘Really, both of them are as impressive as Rena described.’

The Beast King, Jin, was a hearty man who values strength and despises pretense and formality, fitting for beastmen.

Queen Luna was a wise woman capable of embracing such a man as Jin.

‘As for Edel… the more I see her, the more she’s identical to Jia.’

Edel Weiss…

She is simply Jia herself.

It’s exactly how Jia would be if she just didn’t have memories of me.

She even wields the wind attribute.

‘I doubt I could find any differences even if I tried.’

And the only difference I can discern between Edel and Jia is their memory.

‘By the way, why didn’t Rena react when she saw Jia?’

This is really the biggest question.

Rena knew about Edel Weiss… Then naturally, she should have been surprised when she saw Jia in the present world.

‘Like, a doppelgänger!’

But Rena didn’t react when she saw Jia. No, there wasn’t even a hint of surprise. It was just like the reaction one would have to a stranger.


I absolutely don’t understand.

Everything is questionable from beginning to end.

‘Even on the way here, Ai said she saw a Beastmen male whose aura matched that of a man from the present world.’

Teddy, and then Edel. This makes three.

‘Is it really, as Ai says, something like reincarnation?’

As for the third match that Ai mentioned, I don’t know, but at least Teddy and Edel definitely lost their lives in this war.

‘If the souls of those who died have reincarnated over the course of ten thousand years…’


Even then, it doesn’t make sense that people would be born identical.

Of course, I can’t be sure, as I don’t know the mechanics of reincarnation.


I press my temples hard.

‘My head already hurts. Sigh.’

There’s so much to think about.

It’s about time for Mephisto to make his move.

And then it struck me.

‘…Wait. Mephisto?’

Something flashed in my mind.

‘When I fought Mephisto, he had a strange reaction to the term “human.”‘

It wasn’t just Mephisto, but also Lucifer.

When I coincidentally ended up fighting them, they both said strange things while looking at me.

‘…Backup. Right, they said “backup.”‘

They scoffed at me, calling me a disposable asset.

Back then, I just brushed it off as ramblings, but now that I’ve come back to the past and seen Teddy and Edel, it seems more meaningful.

‘Could they have meant that we humans are the “backup” of “other races”?’

Life forms reconstructed using the souls of ‘other races’ extinguished in the war, or something equivalent.

‘A systematic backup for recycling…’

What if that was the background to the creation of the human race?

‘If the system has transferred, it makes sense for the same characters to appear, just with different race values.’

Both their combat styles and appearances make sense. As for personality, if they have the same “traits” recorded in the system, it could very well be identical.

That’s how the ‘system’ of this world works.

But questions still remain.

‘Why couldn’t Rena recall Edel when she saw Jia?’

And why did this systematic backup phenomenon happen?

‘I’m certain something must have happened at the end of this war, in the final decade of the great war.’

What that something is, I don’t know.

Because I don’t know what happened during the lost decade.

‘In the end, the only way to answer these questions is to find out how this war ended.’

That was the only solution, after all.

< Chapter 172: Support (2) > End.

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