Transmigrated as a Ghost

700 Chapter 700

700 Chapter 700

Pushing the attack, Marcus struck out with his scythe towards the general in charge of the forces from the eastern continent that had made their base inside the Cordillera Depths Dungeon.

Yet while the man was pretty badly injured by Marcus’ opening sneak attack, he did not attain a level of seventy-one and risen to his prestigious rank by being a pushover.

He had already pulled out an ornate system recognized adamantine rapier and a staff that was inlaid with all manner of magic crystals and was made out of a very powerful magic wood.

Though as he crossed his weapons in front of him to block Marcus’s scythe that looked to be being swung by a disembodied hand, it suddenly disappeared and slipped past his weapons.

However, while Marcus was sure he was about to deliver the finishing blow, the man’s space magic defense kicked in again and his body looked like a video game glitch and suddenly shifted to the side.

Still thanks to the spatial disrupter Marcus as already set out, the effect was not as it should have been and once again, he failed to fully avoid the attack.

With a sickening thud the general’s arm that was holding the staff fell off and hit the ground. Leaving in its wake a pool of blood.

At this point he realized that what he was facing was an ethereal begin, and as he had been trained began channeling his spiritual energy to protect himself and see his assailant.

An instant later a massive serpent made of water that was infused with spiritual energy appeared behind him and struck forth towards Marcus.

Jump out of the way, Marcus avoided the powerful tier four spell he had seen cast once before, and at the same time picked up the generals severed arm and weapon before placing it in his time box.

“Come out fell spirit. You can hide form me no more.” The general said with his gaze fixed squarely on Marcus.

“So, you can use spiritual energy as I suspected. But it really does not matter since I already got some hits in.” Marcus said as he fully appeared.

The second Marcus appeared, the general finished casting a spell and red energy swirled around him and dozens of semitransparent soldiers formed around him.

‘Oh, is this his war magic!’ Marcus thought, being impressed to see a type of magic he never had.

“Go my soldiers, destroy that specter.” He said as he pulled out a potion from his item box.

Just a glance told Marcus that it was a lesser elixir, and he had no intention of letting his main target fully heal himself.

‘Umbral fissure.’

Having amassed a truly massive amount of mana, Marcus slammed his foot into the ground and the entire area began to shake as dark cracks form out from him.

Quickly the entire pillar they were end spit in half, and for over three miles a large fissure around twenty feet wide cracked through the earth and caused massive tremors in the entire area.

Most of the general’s war magic soldiers were immediately swallowed up by Marcus’ spell, and the general himself barely avoided being caught up in it as well by quickly jumping to the side of the room.

‘Wow, so this is the power of a tier seven spell. And its main power has not even activated yet.’ Marcus thought, impressed by his own spell.

This was the first time he was using them in battle, and while it looked impressive being cast out in the middle of a wasteland, seeing what it could do to an enemy base was just that much more astounding.

The general for his part was stunned by the sudden tier seven spell, as he had apprised Marcus and thought his level was only forty-four.

“Fine, I was trying to keep damage to a minimum, but you leave me no choice.” He said as he held his remaining hand forward.

A large mass of dark red energy began to form around him, and everything nearby began to disintegrate.

Watching this happen Marcus recognized that what the corner general was trying to do was cast destruction magic which he had not seen since his battle with the demon in Loursend.


But before he got his spell off a cacophony of terrifying wails echoed out of the fissure Marcus had created, and appendages as dark as night began pulling up creatures made of darkness.

Quickly hundreds of amorphous begins made of darkness began running towards the general and to protect himself he had to switch the target of his spell from Marcus to the beings of darkness spilling out of the fissure.

A massive fist of destruction formed around him and collided with the monsters coming out of Marcus’ umbral fissure, and they were destroyed by the overwhelming power.

Then as the first hit the fissure, the two magics began fighting for dominance and in the end the tier seven destruction magic won out and Marcus’ spell began to rapidly deteriorate.

Truly it was an impressive show of power, but it had only dealt with Marcus spell and not him.

Before the general who was still severely wounded could do anything else, Marcus had shot towards him wreathed in his embodiment of eclipse which he used to increase his speed to a point past what the general could currently handle.

With a swift thrust he jammed the spearhead at the tip of his scythe into the man’s already cut open stomach and began draining his mana.

The general tried to counterattack with his rapier, but Marcus’ shield appeared next to him and guarded. Then with his left hand he punched across the general’s face incredibly hard and knocked him senseless.

Before he realized it though his scythe began acting on its own and dark green tendril began coming out of the large core imbedded in it and wrapping around the man

They quickly aided in the draining of his mana, but also were trying to steal his life force which Marcus had to prevent by exerting his will over his slightly unruly scythe.

‘And the most important person is captured.’ Marcus thought once he was certain he had drained all of the general’s mana.

He also had pretty brutal taken of his remaining three limbs and removed his tongue before healing him so that he would not die.

Along with that he had him tied up with his iron threads and had brought over his spatial disruptor which he tied up with him.

‘That should do. As long as I keep mana thief active, he will not be able to regain any mana which will prevent him from escaping.’

With his main target captured Marcus moved over to where Emilia was and still alive.

Normally it would be a miracle for her to have survived such a clash between two far higher-level entities, but Marcus had cast a few defensive spells on her to make sure she did not die.josei

‘Inten, how are you doing?’ Marcus asked.

‘Busy. One guy is pretty strong. I think I can win though. I just need more time.’ Inten sent back.

Next, he called up Roxene, but as she only had one person to deal with and had caught him by complete surprise, she had already finished up and had him incapacitated.

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