Transmigrated as a Ghost

701 Chapter 701

701 Chapter 701

Now having captured the enemy general along with the blonde-haired captain Emilia, Marcus made his way out of the spit in half pillar and flew around looking for other survivors.

He wanted to make sure he grabbed a few more prisoners for Borealia. since while the king did not tell him to prioritize it, there was a good chance it would come in handy.

‘I may not be that well versed on running a kingdom, but I am sure that having more cards to play in whatever political mayhem that is going to happen next will be useful.’josei

Going around he found that there were still dozens of soldiers that had taken up their posts, but it was clear that the absolute structure and order that they had was long gone.

Marcus’ umbral fissure spell was on par with a natural disaster, and his brief clash with the general had been more than enough to shake even these hardened soldiers.

Quickly he rounded up a group of the common soldiers that were being led by two lieutenants and a captain and added them to his group of captives.

It was quite easy for him to do so. He simply crushed any resistance with his phantom pressure and wrapped them up with his iron threads.

‘I think that will do. I have thirty of them now including the general, and once I collect the colonel Roxene captured that should be enough.’ Marcus thought.

With all of the captives he felt he needed, Marcus took to the air and dragged the people tied up with his iron treads along with him.

Next, he went to find the prison cells, where those that were captured in the dungeon were being held.

Unfortunately, it was earlier today that the general had teleported their captives away, so only a small group of four people that had been brought in not long before Marcus found the base were there.

Naturally he did not want them bombarding him with questions. So, he simply knocked them out as well and used his iron magic to carry them out.

Then he went up to where he could already see Roxene standing on top of one of the pillars nearby with the body of a limp man in her jaws.

“Good work Roxene, how is Inten doing?” Marcus asked when he arrived.

Currently she was looking down upon the battle of a group of remaining soldiers led by their second strongest warrior who was engaging the diamond mouse.

‘Seems like a stalemate from what I have seen. They cannot catch Inten, but he can’t seem to deal a decisive blow to their leader. His defense and offense are just a bit too strong for Inten to break through.’ Roxene said, giving her opinion.

And after watching Inten runaround for nearly a minute trying to avoid the heavy blows being delivered by Colonel Ives, and having all of his attacks blocked, it was clear Inten was not going to win anytime soon, if ever.

‘Well, he is fighting a man who is level fifty-nine and definitely not a pushover. Plus, there are other soldiers using magic and other attacks as well. They are well organized and have a powerful leader who can protect them. I am pretty sure Inten will run out of steam before they do.’ Marcus thought while observing the battle.

He could tell from Inten’s earlier tone that he was frustrated, and while he did want to give the diamond mouse a chance to show off, now was not the time to let him stroke his ego.

‘Voltaic bombardment.’

Casting his tier five lightning magic spell Marcus rained down hundreds of bolts of electricity down on the unsuspecting soldiers who already had their hands full dealing with Inten.

Certainly, those with danger sense picked up on the oncoming magic attack, but most of them failed to have any way to avoid or block the barrage of lightning that was coming down on them.

In just a few moments the two dozen soldiers had been whittled down to six, with only the three strongest captains, the two lieutenant colonels, and their strongest fighter Colonel Ives having managed to not either die or be knocked out.

But with their formation broken and a new threat garnering their attention, Inten came blasting through them and slammed hard into the colonel’s shield along with a battering ram made of diamond.


Swiping his right index finger along a line, Marcus severed the leges of the other soldiers that remained standing while allowing Inten to deal with Ives.

Soon enough the last remaining resistance the solders had been putting up was stamped out, and Marcus added those that had survived his and Inten’s attacks to his group of prisoners.

‘This should be more than enough. I captured the most important ones in the generals and the two full colonels, along with around three dozen more. Now I just need go and pick up Enzo before cleaning up any of the soldiers that managed to survive.’

With everything wrapped up fairly well Marcus had Roxene and Inten get back into his companion storage and began flying over to where he had left his first captive.

When he arrived, he found that the man named Enzo was still alive, and that his iron golem was perfectly intact.

However, there were plenty of signs of battle here as well, but not with any soldiers.

There were two corpses of the armored boars that patrolled this area and claimed it as their domain.

Each one was easily the size of a tank and likely had been in the upper thirties level wise.

Still, they never stood a chance against Marcus’ iron golem. Which at this point reached level sixty-seven when he charged it with as much mana as he could.

‘Okay, that is the last captive secured. Now to take care of any possible survivors.’

Activating his supreme skill and holding his hand up, Marcus accumulated a truly terrifying amount of mana. Which soon even exceed what he had used to cast his umbral fissure spell.

‘Starlight Rain.’

A massive ball of light left Marcus’ hand, and when it reached the ceiling of the area it exploded like a firework.

Thousands upon thousands of thin beams of light much like Marcus’ laser spell began descending down on the stone pillar area and destroying everything within.

Even the sturdy pillars that gave the area its name quickly began to be blown apart, and every living thing not within a hundred-foot radius of Marcus was assaulted by the beams of light.

Thousands of monsters and beasts died without being able to put up any resistance, and the soldiers that had managed to survive the initial calamity of Marcus’ power were soon pierced by the falling light.

Truly this was a devastating spell on a level very few could wield and was the power to lay waste to an entire small city in one go.

‘Tier seven spells really are terrifying in their range of destruction.’ Marcus thought as he looked out at the damage he had caused.

What used to be a fairly breathtaking natural environment had been pretty much reduced to a wasteland.

All that was left were half crumbled stone pillars and the corpses of the thousands of beings that had died.

Still, as impressive as the spell’s destructive power was, in a one-on-one fight against anything around the same level or stronger it was not really that usable.

Its specialty was in taking out huge numbers of weaker enemies.

‘It kind of reminds me of Aria’s magic when I was fighting the ice ants. With one clap of her hands, she wiped out thousands of them and turned the tide of the entire battle.’ Marcus thought, almost nostalgically.

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