Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 165 - 164 Divine Wolf

Chapter 165 - 164 Divine Wolf

Staring at the pup that was currently in his arms and had just said it was hungry even after eating so much mana, Marcus could not help but have an exasperated look on his face.

However, before Marcus could say of do anything else the small canine in his arms swiftly rolled out of his grasp and looked at Blitz who was sitting not too far away still recovering.

'I suppose that one will do for my first meal. Marcus as my caretaker kill that beast and serve it up to me.'

Hearing this telepathic message in his mind, Marcus stared dumbfounded at the little puppy that had just ordered him to kill Blitz for lunch.

At the same time Blitz felt the hungry stare of the small pup and felt an indescribable sense of fear.

Blitz had never felt such a presence before and every fiber in his being was commanding him to run but he felt that if he took one wrong step his life would be over.

However, Marcus was not just going to let his first beast companion that had just hatched eat his second one and began laying down the law.

'Hey, I know you just hatched, but Blitz is also contracted to me, though in a different way than you. So, you cannot eat him since in a way he is your junior as a beast companion. I will get you something else to eat if you just wait a few moments.'

With a reluctant look the small pup retracted her aura of hunger that had been aimed at Blitz, and looked at Marcus and said, 'Very well then. If you have something else to offer, take me to it now.'

Sighing Marcus looked at the bossy magical beast he had just hatched and was already missing the time when it was an egg.

'This is going to be a pain. Unlike Blitz who treats me like a leader, I can already tell that this pup is going to try and push me around. However, we have a mutual seal attached to each other so neither of us is above the other and I will not be steamrolled.'

'Okay if you are hungry, I have a fully stocked kitchen, you can take your pick once we get there.'

With a big yawn the puppy sent a mental message to Marcus saying that she was going to sleep until the food was ready and then jumped back into Marcus' beast storage.

After that Marcus looked over at Blitz who still had a look of pure terror on his face.

"It's okay, I have already told her you are not on the menu so do not worry about being eaten, I will keep you safe."

Blitz hearing this felt a bit better but the horror he had experienced would probably haunt him for the rest of his life.

Once Blitz had calmed down enough, Marcus jumped on his back and had him run back towards the mansion where he would prepare his new companion's first meal.

However, on the ride over Marcus decided to look at the mythical puppy's status and could only stare astounded.

Companion 1/1

Name: ???????

Age: 0

Race: Divine Wolf of the Sun and Moon

Level: 1

HP: 3680/3680

MP: 3450/3450

STR: 397

AGL: 456

VIT: 368

INT: 345

SPR: 401

Supreme Skills: Greatest Potential, Paragon of the Divine Wolf

Unique Skills: Howl of Day, Howl of Night, False Status

Skills: Small Item Box, Telepathy Lvl 5, Mana Circulation Lvl 5, Feral Combat, Superior Lvl 3, Danger Sense Lvl 3, Speed Burst Lvl 3, Mana Regeneration Lvl 3, Powerful Bite Lvl 3, Mana Body Lvl 3, High Speed Regeneration Lvl 1, Mana Barrier Lvl 1

Divine Blessing of the Moon, Divine Blessing of the Sun

Race Abilities: Darkness Form, Shine Form, Bite, Claw Strike, Scent, Intimidating Presence, Immortal

'What the hell is this status. She is only level one, yet her stats are already in the three and four hundreds. Not only that, she has two supreme skills, three unique skills, and a sloth of regular skills, plus her race albites, and last but not least two divine blessings.'

Marcus seeing this could not help but feel cheated since he had worked hard for the powers he had obtained, but his companion had been born with a status that was stronger than even most people at level forty.

'Now I see why everyone was so up in arms about finding me and this egg. Right now, she is manageable, but if left unchecked she could gain the strength to destroy an entire country with no possible resistance.'

Shacking his head at the unequal circumstances of the world, Marcus continued forward soon coming up to his mansion. josei

Hopping off of Blitz at the front entrance, Marcus watched as the bolt stag quickly ran off heading towards one of the far corners of the estate his prey instincts telling him to never come in contact with the small wolf pup again.

'Great now Blitz has PTSD. I am going to have to smooth this out later but for now I guess I need to feed the little glutton before she starts sucking the mana and life out of everything around her again.'

Walking inside Marcus made his way straight to the kitchen where he found both Elianna and Grace cooking lunch.

"Grace, Elianna, could you come here for a moment."

The two maids hearing Marcus' call for them stopped what they were doing and promptly came over and gave slight bows before waiting for their master's instructions.

"Okay we are going to have a new addition to the house from today onward, so to welcome them I would like the two of you to prepare a number of meat dishes so that they will have their pick."

The two maids nodded upon hearing Marcus' request and went to work on preparing a number of different dishes using the best cuts of meat as per Marcus' instructions.

With that taken care of Marcus headed to the nearby sitting room and slouched down into a chair, allowing the fatigue caused by draining and replenishing his mana numerous times to catch up with him.

'Ugh that was draining. I drank way too many mana recovery potions and came close to permanently damaging my mana pool so I will need to wait at least a week before drinking anymore. But now I should have a reliable partner to fight with me once she has grown up a bit, though her albites are already close to mine.'

Closing his eyes Marcus simply sat back and decided to relax until lunch was ready, taking a few minutes to shut off his mind and think about nothing.

Soon the preparations for lunch had been completed and Marcus moved to the large dinning room where a small feast had been prepared.

Seeing that there was now plenty of food, Marcus brought his new divine wolf out of his companion storage and the little glutton smelling food woke up immediately.

The maids seeing this were of course startled, they did not expect for Marcus' new member to be a magic beast, and a small and cute one at that.

'So, Marcus is this the food that his been prepared for me.'

Marcus receiving the telepathic message nodded his head in acknowledgement and the little wolf began scanning the wide variety of food.

'Hm, I would have preferred to eat the deer instead, its meat would have been more delicious, but I suppose I will make do with this for now.'

The small wolf pup then hopped up on the table and began eating the numerous different types of meat on the table, trying a bit of each before deciding that the lamb was her favorite.

Seeing this the maids all gave Marcus a strange look since it was unusual to say the least to allow a magical beast to eat at the same table as you.

However, Marcus had already suspected that treating his recently hatched companion as a normal beast would only cause him a headache.

It was not long before the little wolf had wolfed down most of the meat that it had been presented with eating more than its own weight in food.

In fact, the only meat that was left was the pork which she seemed to not be fond of.

Licking her lips with a satisfied look, the little wolf sauntered across the table before plopping down into Marcus' lap and starting a telepathic conversation with him.

'Very well, now that this goddess has eaten her fill we can get down to business. First I suppose we need a name and as our caretaker you will provide one for us.'

Looking down at the wolf that had made itself at home in his lap, Marcus decided that right now was the time to make things clear.

'Okay but first we are going to have to lay down some ground rules. While I may be taking care of you, I am not your caretaker. We are both equal in this partnership that we have come to have, so I will not be taking orders from you. Now then do you think you can curve your attitude a bit and stop treating me like a servant.'

The young divine wolf who was laying comfortably in Marcus' lap raised its head and looked him straight in the eyes and said, 'Oh you think you are my equal. You may be one of Au- I mean the admirations favorites, but do you think you are our match.'

The little pup tried staring Marcus down, letting out its intimidating presence causing the maids in the room to immediately start shivering and drop to the floor under the pressure.

However, Marcus just continued staring, seemingly not affected and in retaliation applied his phantom pressure.

The little pup feeling this pressure could no longer keep up her bravado and had to relent under Marcus' power, shutting off her intimidating presence.

'Very well, you are more capable than we realized. Allow us to start over then.. I will be in your care, companion Marcus.'

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