Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 166 - 165 A Name And Skill Sharing

Chapter 166 - 165 A Name And Skill Sharing

Having earned the respect of his recently hatched divine wolf companion, Marcus was deep in thought thinking about her request for a name.

'Okay what am I going to name her. My naming sense is actually pretty bad but, ah maybe I can just use a classic.'

Having though of a name Marcus turned to the wolf pup that was currently laying in his lap and telepathically said, 'So how do you like the name Fenrir, it hails from my home world and was the name of a mythological wolf said to eat the sun and defeat the gods.'

Marcus who was feeling good about his choice, looked at his companion with bright eyes only to see her look up with an expression of ridicule as she rolled her eyes, obviously not pleased with the name.

'Yes, I have heard of this Fenrir before, and I have no desire to follow the stereotype of being named after them, come up with something better.'

The little wolf then placed its head back down and waited for Marcus to come up with a name suitable for her taste. josei

'Great here goes my best option, I suppose I will have to try coming up with something else. Maybe she will like Artemis, she has moon in her race so it could work.'

Unfortunately, Marcus' next attempt also ended in failure causing him to start racking his head stating a number of random names which all got rejected.

'Damn why is she so picky, when I had to pick a last name for myself, I literally just used the German word for ghost.'

Racking his brain for a while, after giving it much thought, Marcus finally came up with what he hoped would be a suitable name for the young diving wolf of the sun and moon.

'How about Roxene which means dawn, the time when night is transitioning to day and when both the sun and moon can be seen in the sky.'

For the first time the little wolf pup did not immediately reject the name Marcus had suggested and gave it some serious thought.

'Hm yes we have decided we like this name. From this point we shall be called Roxene.'

As Roxene excepted her new name, a white light wrapped around her and Marcus' body, and Marcus suddenly received a notification from the system.

'Conditions met for skill sharing via the mutual seal with Divine Wolf of the Sun and Moon Roxene.'


Yelling out loud in surprise, Marcus startled the two maids that were still reeling from Roxene's intimidating presence causing the two of them to become completely dumbstruck by what was happening.

Barely able to control his excitement Marcus opened up his status and navigated to a new window that was connected to his status and his companions.

Opening up this window Marcus found that the mutual seal allowed him to share three of his skills with Roxene and vis versa.

Looking over the skills that could be transferred Marcus nearly jumped out of his chair when he saw that he could even share supreme and unique skills albeit with some restrictions.

Unfortunately, Marcus' embodiment skills could not be transferred over since they came directly from his blessings, and the same with Roxene' howl unique skills and the supreme skill Paragon of the Divine Wolf.

Marcus also found that personal status could not be shared, but the rest of the skills were all on the table.

Looking at Roxene who was looking at Marcus weirdly after his outburst said, 'What is going on I am new to this system, but something just happened when you named me, would you elaborate.'

Seeing the inquisitive look on the wolf pup, Marcus explained what was going on and once Roxene was caught up on what was happening, the two of them began formulating the best skills that they could share with each other.

'Okay so from me I will share with you light magic, dark magic, and soul burst.'

'And we will bequeath you greatest potential, false status, and high-speed regeneration.'

With their plan set Marcus activated the skill sharing function which he would not be able to change once selected and suddenly a slight light connected between him and Roxene before slowly shimmering away.

After that Marcus received another notification from the system confirming that he skill sharing had been successful.

'Parties Marcus and Roxene skill sharing initiated. Error party Marcus has derivative skill lesser regeneration, merge lesser regeneration with shared skill high speed regeneration.'

Receiving this message, Marcus immediately had a screen asking him if he wanted to merge the skills appear in front of him.

'Shit what am I supposed to do in this case. I just finally managed to level up lesser regeneration, but I guess I merge them. High speed regeneration is way better than the lesser regeneration that I have now. This is my only chance to get this skill since as a ghost I cannot even normally obtain a physical regeneration skill and the one I have now is just a fluke from an unnatural occurrence.'

With his mind made up, Marcus accepted the merging of the two skills and lesser regeneration disappeared from his status permanently, and the experience he had gathered for the skill transferred to his new high-speed regeneration.

Unfortunately, this did not level the skill up but the difference between the effectiveness of each skill was still astronomical.

Now that they had finished the skill sharing process, Marcus felt elated since the powers he had just obtained were truly something.

'I have to say the greatest potential may be the best skill I have ever seen. Now instead of the base amount of stat points I get when I level up, I instead receive the maximum for my level and race as if I had consumed a bunch of natural treasure or other stat boosting items. This means that any stat boosting items I get can now go straight to Lilia and I will always be at my peak. Then there is false status which allows me to add falsify information on my status, so I can make myself seem to be level five or only have skills like gardening. Unfortunately, it cannot make me seem stronger than I am but just having people underestimate me and keeping my true strength hidden is enough.'

Thinking of all the applications that he could use his new skills for, Marcus had a big smile on his face as he looked over his status and began rearranging it.

Regrettably, since his ID already had him at level thirty-five, he could not go crazy, but Marcus did decrease his stats down to a lower value and hid his recently acquired high speed and soul regeneration skills.

'That should do for now and Roxene has changed her status to that of an epic grade magical beast called a light and dark hound. I wonder why everyone is not making mutual seals with beast, being able to share skills is incredibly powerful.'

Had anyone heard this thought by Marcus most of them would have wanted to kill him since it was incredibly hard to get a mutual seal on a magical beast. One had to have the consent of the beast in question which normally only happened if the beast was reared from infancy, or some extraordinary event happened where you were able to gain the beast's absolute trust. Not to mention that most beasts were not anywhere near as strong as Roxene, and they had either no or weak skills to share. In addition, only transfers and reincarnations could access their status and chose what skills got shared, for other it would be random.

With his application of the skill sharing complete, Marcus looked up from his status only to see both Grace and Elianna looking at him with concern.

From their point of view Marcus had been staring off into space while occasionally mumbling things after a soft light had enveloped him and the new magical beast in his lap.

For all intents and purposes, it looked like Marcus was having a psychotic break and the maids in his service were wondering what they should do.

'Fuck they are looking at me like I am crazy, I need to defuse this situation quickly.'

"Grace, Elianna, I am sorry about what just happened so let me explain. I obtained the egg of an epic grade magical beast some time ago and as you can see, they have recently hatched. What happened just now was me and her solidifying the mutual seal between us. I received a long message from the system which I put all of my focus into which is why I seemed to be spacing out. I assure you I am still in perfect health, and I am sorry that my new beast companion unleashed one of her albites earlier that effected the two you."

Both Grace and Elianna hearing Marcus' explanation immediately felt better since it seemed that their master was not undergoing a break in their psych but were just preoccupied.

"We understand Lady Irene, an epic grade magic beast must have been difficult to control but we are happy that you are still well. So, if you do not need our services anymore, we will beginning cleaning up."

After that the two of them began to pick up the dishes while Marcus carried Roxene who had fallen asleep to his room.

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