Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 299 - 299 Marcus Beats The Sh*t Out Of Wyatt

Chapter 299 - 299 Marcus Beats The Sh*t Out Of Wyatt

After having destroyed Wyatt's barrier and disabling his robe's ability to teleport, Marcus was about deliver his first blow to Wyatt, when the red gem embedded in his scepter began to glow and a torrent of flames burst out of it engulfing Marcus.

"Ha ha ha. Did you really think that you could beat me, now feel free to burn to ashes for your arrogance."

However, Wyatt's bravado was brought to a quick end as Marcus' hand shot out of the flames and knocked the scepter out of Wyatt's hand.

"Radiance scales."

Casting his tier five light magic spell Marcus had managed to protect himself completely from the fire storm spell that Wyatt's scepter had released, and easily disarmed him with the flick of his wrist.

"I am actually pretty impressed by scepter daddy lent you. An item that is able to cast a tier five spell is no joke, but when its wielder is as incompetent as you, it is not going to make a difference."

Anger welling up inside him Wyatt thrust out his hands and tried to cast another spell planning to destroy Marcus' mind.

"Rending Psyc-Guh."

Yet before Wyatt could finish his incantation, Marcus moved like a blur and jammed his hand into Wyatt's mouth.

Luckily for Wyatt in his form as Irene his hands were pretty small, so Marcus had not actually caused mush damaged, unfortunately for him, he had grabbed ahold of his tongue and with a quick tug, yanked it out.


With completely incoherent screaming Wyatt began rolling around on the ground as blood gushed out of his mouth now that Marcus had ripped out his tongue.

This served as a twofold measure for Marcus, as it would prevent Wyatt from casting spells, or surrendering since Marcus was planning to teach him a very painful lesson.

"Persistent healing. Greater Cure."

Casting two healing spells on Wyatt Marcus did not want him bleeding to death or being considered incapacitated.

As long as he kept Wyatt form being outside of the ring, no longer being able to fight, or surrendering, the match would go on no matter what until the time limit was reached.

It showed that the tournament probably needed to update their rules, but it was these same rules that had allowed Wyatt to thrash Mrazivý, so Marcus was not going to show any remorse.

Soon the healing Marcus had administer had fixed all of Wyatt's wounds, but of course they were not strong enough to restore his now missing tongue.

Wyatt no longer in excruciating pain stood up and looked at Marcus with a hateful glare, and Marcus in response held out his tongue and said, "Did you maybe want this back."

But a second afterwards Marcus allowed the darkness coming off of his embodiment of eclipse to engulf Wyatt's tongue and turn it into dust as the darkness corroded it away.

"Sorry looks like you will need to get a new one."

With his rage having reached a breaking point, Wyatt pulled out a dagger from under his robe and activated its enchantment.

The dagger then began to gather wind around it before it started spinning in its own mini tornado and shooting towards Marcus like a bullet.

Still even though the dagger was quite powerful, it only broke through three of the dozens of radiance scales that were still protecting Marcus, before running out of mana and falling back to the ground.

Picking up the dagger Marcus looked it over and was fairly impressed by its workmanship and the powers it had.

"Daddy certainly made sure you were well equipped for this tournament I will give you that. Unfortunately, he cannot come into the ring and fight your battles for you."

Grinding his teeth Wyatt was furious that his last attack had failed to do anything and once again tried to activate the enchantment on his robes to teleport away, but the mithril pole Marcus had embedded into the middle of the ring still disrupted the portal.

With no other option Wyatt again moved to pull out another magic item on his person, but Marcus had already had enough of seeing Wyatt's desperate tricks and was ready to begin teaching him a lesson.

So, in a flash Marcus appeared right in front of Wyatt and punched him in the stomach causing him to reel back and begin vomiting, which Marcus jumped back to avoid.

Wyatt then held his stomach where Marcus had hit him, and the imprint of his fist could still be seen in his clothing and armor.

Seeing Wyatt barely standing upright after just one light punch, Marcus was certain that he no longer needed to use the power of his supreme skill and deactivated it so as to not eat away at his stamina.

He then walked up to Wyatt who was just recovering from the punch thanks to Marcus' healing spell that was still in effect.

'First things first.'

Bringing his knee up Marcus completely destroy Wyatt's most precious place, and a loud pained yelp escaped from Wyatt's mouth that was almost pitiful enough for Marcus to show him mercy.


"Well, you did not act very much like a man, so I have fixed that for you. Now I believe you were going to cut up Mrazivý's face so why do I not start there."

Balling up his hand into a first Marcus punched Wyatt who was still loopy from having his important equipment completely destroyed and smashed his head into the ground.

There was then a sickening cracking sound as Wyatt's nose and cheek bones were shattered, as Marcus crushed his head straight into the floor of the ring.

With the immense pain and head trauma he had just experienced, Wyatt was on the verge of blacking out.

"Greater cure. Greater cure."

Unfortunately for Wyatt, Marcus was not going to let that happen just yet, and pulled his limp body back onto his feet, before chaining healing spell after healing spell until his face was fixed.

However, while doing so Marcus did not fix it quite correctly and now his formally fairly hansom face was disfigured.josei

It was at this point Wyatt's father who was watching in the stands was about to charge into the arena and kill Marcus to save his son.

He did not care about any repercussions he might face for this, but he had already invested too much into his son who was his only heir to let him be destroyed here.

'As if I am going to let this farce go on any longer.'

Yet as he moved to stand up a powerful hand had gripped his shoulder and forced him to stay down.

"Who the hel-"

But as Viscount Mudak turned around to see who had entered his room and was stopping him, his wrath quickly dissipated and was replaced by fear.

"Grand Archmage Aria what are you doing here?"

Snorting Aira said, "Making sure you do not do something stupid. I could tell you were about to go out their and try to rescue your imbecile son. Well, let me make one thing clear, none of us made a move as he beat my great granddaughter, so you are also going to sit back and watch. If you have any grievances, you can deal with them afterwards."

Aria then applied more force with her hand causing Viscount Mudak to sink all the way back into his chair.

He could now only internally grumble since not matter how strong he was, he had no chance of going against the grand archmage and could now only watch out as Marcus enacted his retribution for Mrazivý.

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