Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 300 - 300 I Feel Better Now

Chapter 300 - 300 I Feel Better Now

After rearranging Wyatt's face, Marcus gave him a break to recover from the beating he had just received.

And as Wyatt got his bearings back, he quickly realized that there was something wrong with his face and brought his hand up to feel around.

Immediately he could feel that his face was no longer symmetrical, and that one side of his face was caved in, and the other side had shifted positions about an inch.

Disbelief followed by rage began to well up inside Wyatt as his hansom face was no more, and to fix something healed improperly would be near impossible even for his father.

With a loud scream that sounded more like the sound of an angry goose than a person, Wyatt charged towards Marcus blinded by rage and began throwing out punches like a wild person.

Easily evading each of the strikes Marcus had no problem dealing with Wyatt's frenzied attacks which were backed by no technique and very little strength.

Of course, Wyatt was simply a mage, so while his high level still gave him fairly high physical stats compared to the average person, the difference between him and Marcus was far to great for him to ever accomplish anything like this.

"This is just getting sad at this point. So, I think it is time that I finish this, and hopefully you have learned your lesson."

With what he set out to accomplish done, Marcus stopped evading Wyatt's pitiful blows, and instead grabbed Wyatt's right arm and broke it with a resounding crack.

The rage Wyatt was feeling was then once again replaced by pain, but before he could do anything else Marcus began pummeling him with punches, and each time using his life drain ability to chip away a bit at Wyatt.

Then when Marcus was satisfied with the beating he had delivered, he sent one last powerful kick right into Wyatt's stomach and knocked him out of the ring.

The referee who had been watching this one-sided beatdown, let out a sigh of relief when this happened since it had been getting difficult to watch, and he was afraid Marcus would kill Wyatt.

"And that is it, the winner is Lady Irene Geist."

The audience then broke out into a resounded cheer, since many of them were not a fan of Wyatt after what he had done to Mrazivý.

Naturally they had all seen Marcus rush into the ring after Mrazivý and Wyatt's match, and while there were plenty of people that were happy to see a member of the royal family getting beaten, there were more that were appalled. 

Therefore, they understood why Marcus had been so brutally and while parts of it had been hard to watch, they could tell that Marcus just wanted to avenge his friend.

With the match over and his win secured, as well as getting retribution for Mrazivý, Marcus moved to the center of the ring to pick up the dimensional disrupter that he and Thabon had made.

However, as he was about to pick it up, Halgin the referee stood in his way and said, "I understand why you did what you just did. But next time could you please refrain from taking out your grudges in my ring."

"Okay. And I do not have a beef with anyone else anyway so I will be more civil in my remaining matches."

Nodding his head Halgin accepted Marcus' answer and walked away allowing him to collect his dimensional disrupter and be on his way.

"Mrazivý are you in there." Marcus said as he knocked on the door to her private room.  josei

He wanted to check up on her since he had not seen her since the two of them parted ways after his confession, and they made their plan to keep her from marrying someone she hated.

Luckily the door to her room soon opened and Diana allowed Marcus to enter.

"Would the two of you mind leaving us alone, I have somethings I want to talk about with Irene alone." Mrazivý said to her guardian knight and Diana.

Her two protectors, nodded their heads, easily complying to Mrazivý's request even though her guardian knight would normally put up some form of opposition.

Yet as he walked by Marcus, Mrazivý's guardian knight Sir Heward who had pretty much hated Marcus from the start, gave him a smile and said, "Thank you for helping the princess."

Sir Heward and Diana then quickly left and closed the door, allowing Marcus and Mrazivý to talk alone.

"There now no one can here or see into this room from the outside." Mrazivý said as she turned the picture frame that activated the anti-eavesdropping spell in the room.

Unfortunately, while this did work to prevent most outside interference, it was not going to work against Aria who had developed the magic, and was still able to listen in.

Mrazivý then went back to sit on the couch in the room, and Marcus walked over and stood in front of her.

"Thank you for beating that asshole for me. I know you did all that for my sack, and I am not going to lie that I feel better now that I have watched you take him down a peg. After what he did to me, I needed that. While it was like my mind was disconnected to my body, when I was under the control of his spell, I could still feel everything he did to me, and as he was kicking me, he broke some of my ribs and one of them pierced my lung."

Marcus then saw as Mrazivý instinctively put her hand on her side as she remembered the pain of the broken ribs and her pierced lung.

Seeing this Marcus almost wanted to go back and give Wyatt another beating, but even though he did it out of anger and for retribution, Marcus was not really a fan of hurting people just for the sake of it and decided against it.

"So, what is next." Marcus said, while awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

He had confessed that he had feelings for Mrazivý a couple of days ago, and she had asked for some time to think about it, and he was wondering if she had come to a decision.

Understanding what Marcus was asking her, Mrazivý, began blushing slightly.

She was definitely a stranger to romance being a princess.

For her it was either be forced into an arranged marriage or put it off for as long as possible by continuing to be an adventurer and denying any suitors.

Unfortunately, that ship had sailed, as her father had now decided to crack down on her and force her to get married.

In fact, Mrazivý was one of only three princess that was not already married or betrothed to someone, and she was certainly the oldest.

She had managed to make it twenty-three years without being roped into an arranged marriage, and by most noble standards could be considered a spinster.

"I have thought about what you said to me the other night, and I cannot deny that when you came to rescue me in the dungeon, I thought you were like a hero and my heart did sway a bit.. But you are a monster, a spirit, and a being from another world. Do you really think it could work out between us?"

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