Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 314 - 314 Final Preparations

Chapter 314 - 314 Final Preparations

Having made it back to the royal capital, Marcus and Mrazivý went their separate ways.

Marcus needed to go and check on one final preparation for his match tomorrow, and Mrazivý had to go and deal with the consequences for disappearing.

"Make sure to come by my box after you win tomorrow, so we can celebrate. Though I am sure that Heward will not let either of us out of his sight again."

After saying that Mrazivý headed back to the royal mansion within the outer wall, while Marcus made his way to the Blazegram Forge.

"Oh Irene, it has been a while. The owner said he was expecting you and is in his back room waiting." The apprentice who was manning the reception and closing down shop said to Marcus as he entered.

Marcus nodded his head towards this apprentice and thanked him before heading into the back where Thabon's private room was.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Knocking on the door, Marcus waited for a response, and quickly Thabon yelled out, "Come on in I have been waiting for you."

Opening the door, Marcus entered inside, to see Thabon sitting down and taking a drink, while still having sweat pouring down his body after finishing up on his latest creation that was still sitting out on a work bench.

"Is that it." Marcus asked as he pointed at the adamantine shield that was Thabon's latest creation.

"That it is. It was difficulty to make but since I made one for Gurrom as well, it is only right that I make one for you. But remember it is only a loaner, I do want it after the tournament."

Nodding his head Marcus gave his confirmation to Thabon since that was what they had agreed upon beforehand.

'It is certainly strong, but will it hold up.' Marcus thought as he picked up the shield and looked it over.

His next match was going to be against Quillon and from what he could tell, this would be his toughest fight yet.

In terms of power, Marcus was certain that Quillon was among the four strongest in the tournament, and certainly his biggest competition within his own block.

He had seen that in all of his matches that he ended each fight with one slash, and Marcus knew he would be no different if he did not prepare.

"Master would you mind activating the shield for me, I want to test out how much it can take."

Letting out a sigh Thabon stood up his body creaking a bit since he had pushed himself to finish this shield on time, but he also wanted to show off just how good his work was to his apprentice.

'Okay let's hit it with everything right from the start.'

Casting every single one of his buff spells and activating his supreme skill and soul devour unique skill, Marcus shot towards Thabon and delivered a full power slash utilizing all of his strength.

Yet the floating shield that Thabon had painstakingly made managed to defend against this overwhelming attack, blocking Marcus' first swing.

Unfortunately, that was all it could muster, and was knocked away, but being able to block even one attack was all Marcus would need.

Going over and picking up the shield, Marcus found that it had a small scratch on its surface but that was it.

"Thank you master this will really help me in my next match. I was not sure if I would be able to cast my spells and activate my skills in time against my next opponent. But with this shield protecting me I think I can win." 

"Hmph, you better win after all the effort I put into making that. It does not have as many tricks as the one I lent to Gurrom, but its defensive ability is top notch and should be able to block almost any attack at least once without fail."

With a smile on his face Marcus thanked Thabon for his assistance before stowing the shield away into his item box.

"Well, I need to get going and get some rest for my match tomorrow." Marcus said, still feeling somewhat drained after his battle with the lamia, and the full power attack he had just unleashed.

"Good luck Irene I will be rooting for you tomorrow." Thabon said as Marcus exited his room.

After that Marcus made his way back to the Twisted Cats' Tails Inn and headed to his room.

And when he entered inside, he immediately noticed the steam coming from outside, meaning that the rooms private bath was in use.

Walking over to it Marcus found Roxene propped up over the side with her body mostly submerged in the tub.

"Looks like you have been enjoying yourself Roxene."

Opening her eyes and looking at Marcus, Roxene let out a long yawn before saying, 'Yeah it has been relaxing around here. Oh, but you did arrive right on time, I was about to run out of food.'

Rubbing his face Marcus could not imagine how Roxene could have already gone through the food he had left her but could only sigh and give into the little glutton's demands.

However, before that since the bath was already warm Marcus decided to get in as well and soak away some of his fatigue.

Then once they were done with the bath Marcus went down to the restaurant in the hotel and picked up dinner for him and Roxene.josei

Except before they began eating, he looked at Roxene seriously and said, "I need to tell you that I have been found out. Looks like someone in the kingdom's upper echelon has an ability that can see through my false status. Luckily it seems that they are not going to take any actions against me for now, so it looks like the good karma I have accumulated is paying off."

'I see, what about me have I been discovered.?

"I do not know, but it is possible. You were never brought up but since they also know of my identity as Marcus, they may put two and two together." Marcus said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Letting out a low growl Roxene definitely seemed displeased by the turn of events, but there was little she could do about it.

'Whatever happens I will stick with you.' 

Smiling and thanking Roxene for her support, Marcus began serving the food and the two of them ate though Marcus allowed Roxene to have most of it, since he was only eating for recreation.

Once they had finished eating the two of them curled up onto the large bed in the room and went to sleep.

'Tomorrow is going to be my toughest fight yet, but I have to win.' Marcus though just as he lulled into unconsciousness.

'Time to get going.'

Fully rested and feeling in peak form, Marcus got out of bed and ready for his match.

He did one last check on his equipment and sharpened his scythe back up to its peak, before storing everything he would need back into his item box.

Certain that he was as ready as he could be, Marcus exited the inn and made his way over to the arena for his big fight against Quillon.

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