Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 315 - 315 Marcus Vs Quillon

Chapter 315 - 315 Marcus Vs Quillon

"On my right we have the man who is the apprentice to the renowned expert known as the sword savant, Quillon. He so far has ended all of his matches with one swing of his sword so fast it is like a blur. And on my left we have the newest apprentice to another renowned figure Thabon Blazegram. Lady Irene Geist. She has shown both impressive magic and martial skills, in the tournament, even using a powerful tier six spell to defeat her fellow apprentice. However, does she have what it takes to be the first to survive a single attack from Quillon."

While the referee continued to hype up Marcus' match, he was busy looking over his opponent one last time.

'Still no good, something is blocking my appraisal. It cannot simply be because his level is too high, otherwise it would give me a message back saying cannot be appraised instead of appraisal blocked.'

Hoping to get lucky and find out Quillon's level Marcus had appraised him one last time but like he expected, came up empty.

Of all the fighters Quillon's true strength was difficult for Marcus to ascertain. He knew he was strong but how strong was something Marcus could not gage.

'I will just have to give it everything I have got and believe in my own strength.'

Steeling himself Marcus got ready for the battle that was moments away from beginning, and when the referee slash announcer finally finished his opening speech, Marcus positioned his shield in front of him ready to take Quillon head on.

"And let the match begin."

As the ref started the match just as Marcus had figured Quillon executed the same move he had used to finish all of his other fights.

He disappeared in a blur far faster than Marcus could keep up with without any of his enchantments activated.

Yet even as Quillon appeared in front of him, and his movements were to fast to deal with, Marcus trusted in the shield Thabon had made for him and began casting his buff spells.


The resound sound of metal clashing against metal echoed throughout the arena, as Quillon's sword clashed against Marcus' shield.

It as a powerful strike that had cut through adamantine like paper before, but against a shield painstakingly crafted by Thabon, it could not break through in one slash.

In fact, Marcus could see surprise on Quillon's face, as the shield blocked his first strike, and in that time Marcus had begun getting his buff spells cast.

"Heart of the forge, legs of light, lightning strider, Arm-"

Still even though he was shocked to see his first blow blocked Quillon struck forward with his sword again and knocked Marcus' shield out of the way, before making another striking and getting in the way of Marcus' fake chant.

However, as his sword was about to hit Marcus, he vanished.

Going into his ghost form Marcus allowed Quillon's attack to pass through him harmlessly.

He had not originally planned to use this strategy, but since the highest arthurites in the kingdom knew his secret, he figured he might as well use ever trick he had to win.

And with the window of opportunity he had created, Marcus quickly finished casting all of his enchantment spells.

Except as he was finishing his last one, he noticed Quillon training his eyes on him with the slight shimmer of spiritual energy covering them.

'I figured this might happened.'

Marcus then watched as Quillon sent out a slash filled with his spiritual strength right towards him, with no hesitation.

'Embodiment of eclipse, harmony form.'

Reappearing and using his supreme skill Marcus met Quillon's slash head on with his scythe.

The two of them clashed for a moment before Marcus was pushed back the power behind Quillon's attack, still being greater than his even after using all of his buffs and using his supreme skill.

But Marcus saw that Quillon was not done yet as he sheathed his sword and took his initial posture again before shooting after him like a blur.

With Quillon incoming Marcus straighten out his body and got ready to receive his blow.

Now that he was fully buffed by his spells and supreme skill, he could keep up with Quillon's movements, though he knew he was still going to be overpowered unless he did something.

'Soul devour.'

At the moment before they clashed once again, Marcus activated his next trump card gaining immense power and delivering a full-strength slash towards Quillon.

This time their clash did not end in Marcus' defeat as the two powerful blows colliding caused a large explosion that rocked the ring.


Jumping back after his second time coming to blows with Quillon, Marcus had a smile on his face since this time he had won.

'I managed to push him back. If I time it correctly and use soul devour at the instance our weapons meet, I have more power. I can do this; I have everything I need to win.'

However, Marcus' elation did not last long as his gaze looked down at his scythe's blade.

There he saw a deep nick on it where it had hit against Quillon's sword.

'Damn it.'

Seeing the damage to his scythe Marcus now knew that the difference in their weapons was too much.

Quillon's amethros sword was of a far higher quality and if they came to blows too many times his scythe would not hold out.

Still, that just meant he needed to land a decisive blow before his scythe was no longer usable.

As the cloud of dust their attacks had caused began to settle, Marcus and Quillon's eyes met, and for the first time in the tournament Marcus saw Quillon smile.

Then to Marcus' surprise instead of attacking again he held his right hand up and removed one of the rings he had on.

"You wanted to see right?"josei

Quickly grasping what Quillon was saying, Marcus once again used his creature appraisal skill and this time it was not blocked.

Yet what he saw now that Quillon's level was visible was astounding.

'Level forty-six! He is only level forty-six!'

Seeing that Quillon was only four levels above him, Marcus could barely believe it.

He figured that he was something like level fifty-five or somewhere around there. But he was only a few levels higher, yet still so strong.

'His quality must be incredibly high. This is the first time in a long time that someone around my level is just as strong as I am.'

"Now let us get back to our match. I have finally found a worthy opponent so try to keep this interesting for me."

After saying that Quillon charged towards Marcus once again, but this time rather than facing him head on Marcus jumped into the air and cast his tier five iron magic spell.

"Iron Wings of the Archangel."

Flying into the sky Marcus aimed to get out of reach of Quillon's sword and bombard him with spells from above.

Of course, he knew Quillon was not going to take this sitting down, but it was his best plan for now.

"Voltaic Bombardment."

Casting his tier five lightning magic spell, Marcus infused its electricity into his iron wings, and began sending hundreds of electrically charged feathers towards Quillon hoping to cause some major damaged with this barrage of attacks.

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