Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 346 - 346 Meeting Mrazivý’s Siblings (The Ones She Actually Likes)

Chapter 346 - 346 Meeting Mrazivý’s Siblings (The Ones She Actually Likes)

After learning how to control his spiritual energy, Marcus had gone to Mrazivý to show off his gains and help her with her own practice.

He knew that she wanted to become stronger, and he also wanted her to be able to become just as strong as him.

Unfortunately, even as the days passed, Mrazivý's growth was far slower than Marcus', and even with his help when there were only two days left until the kingdom's meeting, he ability to use her spiritual energy were shaky at best.

"So today is the day that you and your siblings are gathering." Marcus said to Mrazivý as they were eating breakfast.

"Yep, and you are coming with me so I can introduce you. Oh, but do not worry, these are my siblings I get along with, so it will not be like with Soith. Actually, I did receive some good news about Soith this morning. It turns out he hired and tried to smuggle in some assassins, to kill the second prince, me, and you." Mrazivý said smiling and snickering like she had found out he tripped into a fountain and not hired professional killers.

However, seeing the look of confusion on his face Mrazivý said, "Naturally if I know, that means he got caught red handed. Ah I wish I could have seen his face when Great Grandmother Aria appeared as he was brining in the assassins. Like how stupid does he have to be, to think he can sneak people into the castle without someone at a high level noticing."

After saying that Mrazivý joyously shoved a bit of syrup coated pancake into her mouth obviously pleased.

"So, what happened to him after that. Was he locked in his room, or is he going to be shipped off to some foreign kingdom in exile under the guise of studying?" Marcus said, thinking about things he had read about happening to disgraced royalty.

"Nope, father disowned him, and kicked him to the curb. In fact, I heard that using the power of the king, father stripped my brother of his title and last name, before having his head shaved and burned to prevent the royal family's signature hair from growing back. After that he was allowed to gather some of his belongings, and he was escorted out of the castle." Mrazivý said all while smiling brightly, her hated brother's misfortune bringing her more joy than Marcus would have thought.

'I suppose I only saw the surface of how bad that guy was. Well, goodbye and good riddance. I thought I would have to be dealing with him again in the future, but it looks like everything worked itself out.'

With one more potential problem nipped in the bud without any effort on his part, the good mood that was emanating from Mrazivý was slowly spilling over to him.

"Though there is just one last thing I want to ask. If your brother was such a bad guy, why did your father not disown him sooner." Marcus said inquisitively.

"Hm, I guess father was hoping that one day he might be able to use his scheming for the good of the kingdom, holding out hope that maybe his first born would some day rise up to his name. Though I would also have to say it was likely for the queen as well. I know that even if I was a rotten good for nothing my mother would do everything in her power to keep me safe. But trying to have assassins kill my other brother, me, and you, that was not something that could not go unpunished." 

With that, there discussion about Soith was wrapped up, and Mrazivý, quickly finished off the rest of her breakfast

"Ah though that does remind me. I am going to meet some of you siblings today, but what about you mother, when will I meet her." Marcus said curiously.

Shrugging her shoulder Mrazivý said, "I want to introduce you to her as my… well I am not really sure what to call us. But I want you to meet her as Marcus first. Sadly, we need to wait until after the kingdom's meeting where my father will resend your wanted status."

Latching onto what Mrazivý said first, Marcus was also wondering about them.

Since Mrazivý had given him the quick kiss outside the ravine that led to the crystal caverns, they had not had any sort of intimate physical contact.

Though at this point Marcus was starting to think that Mrazivý had definitely been trying to have him make a move.

She had been leaving herself in very vulnerable positions, like on the first night when she drank enough alcohol to get tipsy, and last night she had come out of the bath in just a towel and walked right in front of him.

'I was trying to be respectful but maybe I should test the waters. It also does not help that I have next to no sexual desire since becoming a ghost, though like sleeping I can still do it.'

Still Marcus decided to tackle this conundrum at another time, as they needed to keep their schedule and go to meet with some of Mrazivý's brothers and sisters.

Thus, the two of them quickly cleaned up, and headed towards the depths of the castle towards one of the large and luxurious meeting rooms reserved only for the royal family.josei

"This is it right?" Marcus asked stopping in front a set of double doors.

Nodding her head Mrazivý gave her conformation, happy that he was getting used to navigating around the castle and got them to the correct room.

Opening the door, Marcus quickly noticed that a number of people were already present even though he and Mrazivý were fifteen minutes early themselves.

"Ah it is Mrazivý!" One of the women sitting at the table said with excitement.

She looked incredibly similar to Mrazivý and there could be no doubt that they were sisters.

Mrazivý's sister then swiftly stood up and ran right past Marcus and gave Mrazivý a big hug.

"Ah I have missed you little sister. It has been two years since I last saw you when I visited Loursend."

Walking into the room, Marcus gave Mrazivý and her sister, some space and went and sat down at the table that was set up for their meeting.

Around the table there were currently four other members of the royal family identifiable by their blue hair.

However, the one that caught Marcus' attention was a middle-aged man, who had a sharp appearance and gave off the aura of someone very strong.

'That must be the second prince that Mrazivý told me about. If I remember correctly, he is the leader of the kingdom's sky knights.'

Looking at the second prince, Marcus could see that his gaze was also fixated on him, as if trying to look through him and discover whatever secrets he was hiding.

Luckily Mrazivý and her sister soon finished up their reunion and came to take their seats, with Mrazivý sitting right next to Marcus.

Yet as soon as Mrazivý had sat down, the second prince looked intently at her and said, "So is it true. Is this woman Irene Geist actually your contracted spirit?"

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