Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 347 - 347 Meeting Mrazivý’s Siblings (2)

Chapter 347 - 347 Meeting Mrazivý’s Siblings (2)

With the second Prince's abrupt question, Marcus and Mrazivý were a bit stunned, but the other members of the royal family were looking at them intently also wanting to know the answer to this question.

Naturally they had all heard the rumors, and some of them had subordinates or friends that had watched the tournament and told them about Marcus' unusual powers and protectiveness of their sister.

They all wanted to know if Mrazivý really had a humanoid spirit contracted to her, and if she did why they were acting independently.

Still being blindsided by the question right out the gate was not what Marcus and Mrazivý were expecting. They had both figured this question would come up, but they thought that it would at least be after everyone had arrived and at least been introduced.

'Looks like your brother is determined to know. Should we just give them the answer we prepared right now, or did you want to wait until everyone else arrives?' Marcus said to Mrazivý using his recently acquired telepathy skill.

'Hm, I suppose it is probably best if we give the answer now. When James really wants to know something, he can get a bit forceful and will not let it go easily.' Mrazivý said aware that blowing her brother off could lead to some unwanted tension.

So, with their answer already prepared Mrazivý said, "No Irene Geist is not my contracted spirit. However, she is my friend, and have helped me out greatly, which is why I have brought them to meet all of you."

"I see so she is not your contracted spirit, but she is a spirit correct? I have heard that she survived being run through the heart, and that instead of blood some type of gray mist came out." James said not letting the subject go by.

Cutting into the conversation since he was the one being talked about, Marcus said, "Yes I am a spirit. Though that does not really matter in the long run. Whatever I am does not change who I am."

With that everyone went silent for a few moments before the second prince spoke up again and said, "Very well, if you are Mrazivý's friend and she trusts you that is fine."

After the second prince said this, the room went silent, no one else taking the initiative to talk, until the last two siblings showed up.

"Well, it looks like everyone is here now so as the oldest, I will start things off." The second prince said.

"First today we are here to meet Mrazivý's friend Irene Geist, so we should all introduce ourselves. I am Second Prince James Borealia, it is a pleasure, Irene Geist."

"Third Princess Frostine Borealia, and Mrazivý's full sister."

"Sixth Princess Maya Borealia."

"Fifth Prince Edwin Borealia."

"Seventh Prince Braylen Borealia." 

"Nineth Prince Rhys Borealia."

"Eleventh Princess Serenity Borealia."

Once the royal siblings were finished introducing themselves going from oldest to youngest, Marcus stood up gave a bow and introduced himself.

"As you already know I am Irene Geist, and Mrazivý's friend. It is a pleasure to meet her siblings."

After saying that Marcus sat down and waited to see what was going to happen when the third Princess who had the same mother as Mrazivý, got up and came right over to Marcus and pulled him into her embrace.

"Thank you for keep my little sister safe. I have heard that you have taken good care of her and that without you she may not be here today."josei

Surprised by suddenly being grabbed Marcus was not expecting this at all, and was now stuck in Mrazivý's sister's embrace, his face buried in her chest.

In fact, as he tried to wrench is way out of her arms, she strengthened her grip and Marcus found that he could not get out.

'What kind of monster is she.' Marcus thought as he tried to wrestle himself free.

Luckily Mrazivý came to his aid a moment later and started pulling on her sister saying, "Fros let go of him already can't you see him trying to get away."

However, her sister did not let go of Marcus yet and even with Mrazivý's help her grip was like iron.

"Oh, did you just say, him?" Frostine whispered into Mrazivý's ear mischievously.

In her fluster Mrazivý had forgot that Marcus was currently acting as Irene, since they had been hanging out alone for pretty much the last week and a half and she had gotten to relaxed.

Frostine then suddenly released Marcus causing both him and Mrazivý to stumble over before saying, "Well sorry to test you like that I just wanted to see how you felt. Though I am surprised to see how jealous you got."

Hearing this both Mrazivý and Marcus began looking around the room and noticed some of them looking at this development enthusiastically while others seemed completely disinterested.

"Wait what is going on here?" Mrazivý said confused.

That was when Frostine said, "Did you really think that father did not tell us about your 'friend' here. Part of this meeting was so that we could evaluate this spirit that seems to have won father's favor and taken your heart."

Both Mrazivý and Marcus stood there dumbfounded after this, looking at everyone around the room who seemed too already have been in on this.

"Wait, what, you all already knew!?" Mrazivý said in a fluster.

"Yep, we know that Irene Geist, is also called Marcus Ferrous and is a being from another world like our ancestor Boreas. So why don't you go ahead and take on your original form so we can get a good look at you." Frostine said winking at Marcus.

Sighing, Marcus did as he was told, and disappeared for a moment before reappearing in his original form.

"Here is this what you wanted to see. Yes, I am Marcus Ferrous as well as Irene Geist, it is a pleasure." Marcus said somewhat exasperated before sitting back down.

Having changed back into himself, everyone in the room was looking at him more keenly.

Yet while Marcus was taking things in strides Mrazivý was a bit angry to have been caught off guard like this and said, "So all of you were in on this. You could have just told us that father had already told you everything instead of creating this ruse."

"We all just wanted to see what kind story you were going to come up with. I mean personally I was hoping you were going to come completely clean, but it looks like you did as we thought." Rhys said with a teasing smile.

Groaning Mrazivý looked at her siblings like they had betrayed her, but Marcus grabbed her hand and said, "It is fine. They tricked us this time, but I can tell that they all care about you. I am sure they just wanted to get read on the situation."

"Fine you are right.' Mrazivý said calming down a bit and sitting back down.

However, the eleventh princess aggravating things again said, "Wow, to think that someone could actually calm down Mrazivý so easily. You used to be so much more of a wild child, but it looks like you have been tamed."

Standing back up Mrazivý was about to say something when a ball of mana went flying right for her head.

Except when it was only a few inches away Marcus had put his hand out and grabbed it stopping the attack from hitting Mrazivý.

Many of the royal siblings gasped seeing this and looked towards the source of the attack.

With a hole now in his hand Marcus was glaring at the man who had attacked Mrazivý, ready to attack the second prince who was sitting their nonchalantly as if he had not just sent a killing blow towards his sister.

"Hm, I have to say that was better than I expected. You blocked my attack with no hesitation and blatant disregard for yourself." James said in an impressed manner.

"What the hell are you doing James, you could have killed Mrazivý with that attack and now there is a hole in the spirits' hand." Edwin said shocked by what he had just witnessed.

However, before the room erupted into chaos, Frostine stood up and said, "Everyone calm down that was just a little test by me and our brother. Mrazivý was never in any danger, I was already in position to stop that attack if Marcus here had not."

She then turned towards Marcus and Mrazivý who were still on edge and said, "Sorry about that. Both me and my brother wanted to see how far you would go for Mrazivý, and you have more than met our expectations."

Bowing her head, Frostine was asking for Marcus and Mrazivý's forgiveness.

Understanding that he was being tested by Mrazivý's siblings, Marcus relaxed himself, and stopped giving a murderous glare towards James. 

"I get what you are saying but was it really necessary to go that far." Marcus said feeling that this test had been a bit extreme.

Standing up from his seat James said, "Yes, it was. Father may have acknowledged you but even he is not flawless. I wanted to confirm with my own eyes your character. You are an unknown spirit that could bring ruin to the kingdom and could have just been using my sister. But after watching you just now I can believe my own eyes and gut, that you truly care about Mrazivý. If she was simply a part of some plan, you would not have reacted like that, and the look of murderous intent for you gave me for trying to harm someone you care about is not something that can be faked.

After saying that James joined Frostine in bowing and said, "I am sorry for testing you so harshly, but I would do it all over again to make sure that my family is safe."

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