Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 379 - 379 The First Three Secret Items

Chapter 379 - 379 The First Three Secret Items

After Amelia had announced that there were five secret items that were up for sale, everyone looked even more intently at the stage waiting to see what the first of these beyond rare items would be.

Of course, while these items had not been publicly revealed, there were whispers of what might appear, and plenty of people had come only for these items and had been saving their money to try and win one.

Then when Amelia could see that the auction goers' anticipation had reached its peak, she had the first of the five items brought out.

Sitting atop the cart that was used to bring items on stage, everyone could see a beautiful circlet made of some type of wood that was letting of a slight glow and had five incredibly pure elemental crystals incorporated into it.

"I see that this item has attracted quite a bit of attention from all of you. I am sure many of you are wondering what this item may be and let me tell you it is something truly special. Its origins are unknown, coming to be in our auction house from beyond the sea, but I have taken to calling it the crown of nature. This circlet contains within it, an immense and great power that could rival even an archmage. Some of you with more discerning eyes may have even noticed the five elemental crystals that are a part of this item." 

Amelia then took a moment to pick up the circlet and hold it aloft while spinning it so that all five of the elemental crystals would be easily visible.

"With this item, anyone who wears it will be able to cast the system's tier one through four spells of the elements, fire, water, earth, air, and lightning, thrice per day. However, that is not this circlet's main power as it also imbues the wearer with the nature magic skill at level five. Truly this item is one of a kind and would bolster anyone's power. In fact, this item, is so rare and unusual, that it was difficult for our auction house to place a price on it. So, we have decided to simply start the bidding at fifty thousand gold coins, and see where the bids take us. Now for all those of you who might want this item, let the bidding begin."

As soon as Amelia stopped talking the bids came flying out like rain in a storm.

"Fifty-five thousand."

"fifty-eight thousand."

"Sixty-five thousand."

Quickly the price of this item soared up to around ninety thousand gold coins, which was a price only the wealthiest people or companies in the kingdom could afford.

Of course, one of the bidders was Duke Fealltoir, who felt he could not pass up on such a powerful item.

Except, even as impressive as this item was, Marcus who still had the majority of his money, did not bid.

He actually had little use for this circlet since he already had numerous magic skills at level five and one at level six.

Also, he was certain that Amelia would not have the most valuable of the five secret items come first, and that it was likely that the last one would blow this circlet out of the water.josei

Eventually the circlet settled at ninety-four thousand five hundred gold coins being purchased by an individual in one of the private boxes, far blowing out the previous high from the water magic enhancing staff that had come before it.

Naturally, an item that gave someone a level five skill of any kind would be very precious, but one that gave a magic skill was in an entirely different league, not to mention that it also came with the ability to cast spells from the five most common elemental magics.

However, there actually was a cavoite that Amelia had not mention, and that was that the circlet took a great amount of man to activate so if it was given to someone with a low level hoping to bolster their strength, they would find the results lack luster.

Still for anyone of a suitable level with enough mana, it would make an excellent tool that would make them more versatile.

'Ah this is going to be one profitable year.' Amelia thought seeing how much the first of the unrevealed items sold for.

Yet, she knew they had only just gotten started, and after giving the people a bit of time to stew and raise their excitement, she had the second item brought on to the stage.

"Our second item as you can see is an adamantine shield. However, this is no ordinary shield having been forged by the great Thabon Blazegram himself. This shield actually saw recent use in the kingdom's tournament, being used by Thabon's apprentice Irene Geist. In fact, this shield blocked an attack from Quillon the sword Savant's disciple, when he had previously sliced through adamantine like butter."

Grabbing the shield, Amelia tossed it in front of her and showed off its self-defending enchantment, by having one of the auction house's guards come up and unleash a flurry of attacks against her that were all easily block.

"As I just demonstrated for you all this shield can defend its user without even being in their hands, so I am sure that any of you who used a two-handed weapon or cast spells can understand how valuable this shield is. Of course, this is also just one of its many enchantments that would keep you safe. Now, for an item of this quality made by the greatest forgemaster in the kingdom, the starting price will be forty-five thousand gold coins. Now who will be the one to take home this superb item that falls only just below the highest tier of adamantine items."

Once the bidding started, the shield that Marcus had once briefly used, began to increase in price, quickly passing fifty-thousand gold coins, and then sixty, until it had passed seventy-thousand and people quickly began to drop off.

"Sold, to our honored guest in box number fourteen, for seventy-eight thousand gold coins."

Looking at the shield that had protected him against Quillon's opening strikes, Marcus felt a bit regretful that he did not win it, but he knew that ultimately that shield would not be as valuable as the next items.

'It was a good shield, but it already did its job for me. Anyway, I plan to make all of my own gear and one day I will make an even better shield than that one.'

Rekindling his passion, Marcus said farewell to the shield that gave him a fighting chance against Quillon and promised one day to make an even greater item.

After the shield that Thabon had made was taken off of the stage, this time Amelia did not wait and had the next item brought out immediately.

And as it came onto the stage, everyone knew what it was, but what might be contained inside was a mystery. Nevertheless, since it was this late in the auction it must have been something spectacular.

"Our next item, as anyone could surmise is a magical beast egg. Yet this is not any magical beast egg as what is inside has been tested, and its grade may surprise you. This egg contains within it, a magical beast of the epic grade. But not only is it an epic grade beast, it is one that sits at the top of its rank nearly being as strong as a legendary beast. A pseudo legendary! I am sure that you all do not need me to tell you how rare and valuable this egg is.. Whoever is lucky enough to get ahold of it, would be able to form a mutual seal with a beast as strong as any other in the kingdom."

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