Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 380 - 380 Shut Up And Take My Money

Chapter 380 - 380 Shut Up And Take My Money

Looking at the magical beast egg that was center stage and had everyone's attention, Marcus contemplated on whether to buy it.

It was certain to be a very powerful beast that was sealed inside, and there were only two other items after this one.

Still, he decided against it for a three main reasons.

The first being that he already had Roxene who far outclassed whatever could be in that egg. The second being that he did not want to raise another beast when he already had Blitz and Roxene to take care off. And the third because the final two items were probably even better.

'I will just wait for the final two items. Surely one of them will be useful to me. The only problem now is if I will have enough money.'

Quickly the magical beast egg soared up in price having started at fifty-three thousand gold coins, and finally stopping when it hit ninety-eight thousand six hundred.

It was an impressive number just edging out the previous high from the powerful circlet that had been the first of the hidden items.

With the magical beast egg having been sold, Amelia quickly had the second to last item brought out, planning to keep up the momentum that the auction house had going.

Looking down at it, Marcus wondered what could be so special about it since it seemed like a completely normal black cloak.

However, for it to be the second to last item in the highest profile auction in the kingdom, it must be something incredible.

"I can see from the looks on all of your faces that you are wondering what this cloak is. Certainly, it just looks like any run of the mill cloak you could pick up just about anywhere for only a couple of silver. But let me tell you, its looks are deceiving."

Ameillia then picked up the cloak and put it on, and a moment later she completely disappeared.josei

'An invisibility cloak, is that all?'

Of course, Marcus was not the only one thinking this, as while a cloak that made someone invisible was great an all, it really did not stand up to the other items that had been showed before it.

Heck, it was not even in the same league as the items shown in the later parts of the auction like the adamantine bars, being more in league with he items shown in the middle section.

"Hm, I can see that none of you are very impressed. But do you honestly believe that this is a simple invisibility cloak. Now let me ask you this, can any of you find me." Amelia said challenging the members in the audience.

And it was after she said this that some of the higher-level people in attendance realized that they could not find her even when using their detection skills.

Then after waiting a few moments, Amelia appeared behind one of the stronger looking people in the audience who was currently looking around frantically for her.

"No need to look so hard I am right here." Amelia said, startling the man that had been looking for her.

"Yes, as all of you just witnessed, this cloak does not grant simple invisibility, but also hides your presences. Even those with the keenest of hearing, or with the ability to sense heat fluctuations will not notice you while wearing this cloak. It can hide you from almost any presence sensing skill." Amelia said as she walked back onto the stage.

Hearing this those at the auction were starting to see the value of this cloak, and while no one thought it was at the same level as the other secret items, it was still pretty strong.

Yet, Amelia was not done yet and a smile crept onto her face as she saw the growing interest in the cloak she was currently wearing.

"Still, this is only the lesser ability that this cloak has been enchanted with."

As she said this, one of the auction's guards, who was wielding a staff and obviously a magician, walked forward and cast a fire ball spell right at her.

Seeing this everyone looked out in horror, believing that this guard had gone mad, and was about to burn Amelia alive.

Except as the fire ball got closer to her, the cloak opened up and the fire ball quickly broke apart into pure mana, before being sucked into the cloak.

As this happened gasps escaped from the crowd, and everyone looked intently at the cloak that had just absorbed a magic spell.

It was an amazing sight that had everyone wanting this cloak that was easily the most valuable item shown so far.

"It appears now that you all understand just how amazing this cloak is. It not only can make its wearer invisible, but it can also absorb the power of magic spells. Oh, and the mana it absorbs can be used by the wearer as their own, allowing you to essential have another source of mana. Truly this item, is in a realm all its own, and its only limitation is capacity to store mana. Once it has reached that capacity it can no longer break down spells, but after extensive testing we found that it could take even a dozen tier four spells at the same time."

Hearing this, everyone went wild. They wanted to know where this item had come from, how it was made, and everything else they could about it.

"Please calm down everyone, I will answer your questions shortly." Amelia said, trying to get the situation back under control.

"As for where this item came from, I am afraid we do not know. A traveler traded it to us for one of the items in our vault some two years ago. And as for how it was made, unfortunately even the best in the kingdom when we asked them about were unable to tell us. However, we did learn that the material used to make the cloak comes from the fur of a mythic grade beast."

Once Amelia had explained everything she knew about the cloak to the auction goers, things began to settle down.

"Now, it seems that all of you are at the end of your patience and since I have demonstrated the main powers of this cloak, let us begin the bidding at eighty-thousand gold coins."

After saying that Amelia let the bids come in. And come in they did.

Any and everyone with enough money began bidding, and the price quickly made it up to a hundred thousand gold coins and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.

"One hundred twenty thousand."

Raising the bid up by fifteen thousand, Marcus had determined that this item was certainly worth having, and he was ready to spend every coin he had on it.

'This is why I did not go all out on that last set of adamantine. Because I knew something like this might appear.'

Yet even after raising the bid by a large margin, those with even more money did not stop, and quickly the price had gotten to one hundred twenty-five thousand gold.

"One hundred twenty-seven thousand."

Putting in one last bid, Marcus offered up everything he had, hoping that it would be just enough.

Unfortunately, his bid was swiftly outmatched, and the cloak made it all the way up to one hundred forty-nine thousand five hundred gold before finally stopping.

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