Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 406 - A Long Chat

Chapter 406 - A Long Chat

"I see so you died around thirteen and a half years after me. Well, you certainly aged gracefully. I mean you had a baby face to begin with, but even now you do not look much older than your early twenties. To think you are thirty-one, you are practically an old man." Lyra said in an attempt to lighten the heavily mood after Marcus told her about his death.

Smiling, Marcus said, "Yeah well at least I did not have to go through infancy and puberty again."

Wincing at this, Lyra remembered her first three years of her new life which were a bit rough. She did not have proper control over her body and due to her parent's station, she was practically never left alone to explore or do much anything and spent her infancy in boredom. 

However, puberty had actually not been so bad this time around since she knew what was coming, and her race had a faster growing period.

After the two of them had a little fun at each other's expenses, Lyra got the topic back onto more serious matters and said, "So what exactly are you? I know that you are not a human even though you look and smell like one."

"Well, you are right about me not being a human, but I am actually some sort of weird mixture."

Marcus then explained to her about how he had originally ended up as a ghost, in what he figured was a cruel joke by the administrator when he asked for a broken ability that made him untouchable. And then later he underwent a miraculous transformation becoming a great spirit as well when he bonded with some sort of powerful being that was sent from another world.

"Wow it sounds like you have been through a lot. But to think that you have actually become a great spirit. I have heard that they are begins that sit at the top of the world, but I guess you are a special case. Wait I just remembered. I still do not know what level you are. And do not try to pass yourself off as level twenty-four."

Holding up his hands in defeat Marcus said, "You got me, I am not level twenty-four. I have actually risen to a much greater height and am at level twenty-five."

Bending her head to the side Lyra gave Marcus a disbelieving stare, and he began laughing a bit before saying, "Okay for real I am level forty-four."

Hearing this Lyra was still in a bit of disbelief since she figured Marcus was probably around the same level as her and at the lowest maybe level fifty.

He had fought with incredible strength that just would not be expected of a level forty-four unless it was a mythic grade beast.

Lyra herself was actually the strongest prodigy of the Tralenstein Kingdom, and at level fifty-three she was considered to have no peer within ten levels of her.

But here was Marcus who was nine levels lower than her, and he was stronger than her even when she had started from scratch and built herself up as strong as possible.

"I see being a great spirit is not just for show. To think you could be that powerful before even hitting level fifty." Lyra said with a tinge of envy.

"Okay now it is time for another one of my questions. How old are you now? I want to see if there is any sort of time lapse between this world and Earth." Marcus said wanting to confirm if this world and Earth's times were synced.

"I am around sixteen and a half. And now that I think about it, I guess I am just a bit older now than I was when I died back on Earth. If I was still alive, I suppose I would just be a couple of months away from turning thirty-four." Lyra said trying to imagine her past self at thirty-four.

Nevertheless, as Lyra was off in her own fantasy, Marcus had confirmed exactly what he wanted to know.

'So, the times really are perfectly synced.' He thought finally having the absolute confirmation he wanted.

While Mirrion's days did have a different length each being thirty hours instead of twenty-four, a year was still calculated on the same time for both.josei

'Hm, I guess that would mean that Mirrion would have two hundred ninety-two days in its year instead. Still the only real measure of a year is when the number goes up for someone's age in their status. Borealia does not keep actual months and bases things more on the seasons, which their timing can change from year to year.'

As Marcus analyzed the intricacies of the workings of time on Mirrion, Lyra seemed to remember something and said, "Oh yeah, I meant to ask earlier but how was Sylvia before you died? I remember that she used to always want to be a marine biologist."

Frowning Marcus had not expected the sudden change in the conversation, and for the first time a topic was making him a bit upset.

"My sister was doing great before I died. She had recently had a baby girl with her husband. And for if she became a marine biologist, I am afraid that is a no. She actually ended up being an accountant, which she constantly complained about. But it paid the bills and had great benefits, so she worked her hardest for her family." Marcus said as a bit of sadness crept onto his face.

He had been very close to his older sister and thinking about how he would never see her again or meet his niece made him a bit downcast.

Seeing this Lyra said, "Sorry, I should have been more considerate of your feelings. Everything you have told me so far led me to believe that you have been doing well here. But I know how hard it is to suddenly be wrenched away from your old life. You must have also suffered your fair of hardships here."

Shaking his head Marcus put his thoughts in order and said, "No it is fine. She was your best friend, so I understand why you wanted to know about her. And while I have dealt with some unpleasant experiences since coming here, I would not trade what I have gained for anything. I now have a little sister who relies on and looks up to me. As well as a lover who is very dear to me."

Hearing this a look of extreme confusion could be seen on Lyra's face, and she asked, "Wait how did you end up with a little sister. And please tell me she is not also your lover.

Immediately Marcus' expression turned into one of terrible disgust as if he could not be any more offended in the world.

"No, I am not some kind of freak that would ever go after my little sister. My lover is someone else and she is twenty-three. In fact, you may have heard of her. She is the thirteenth princess of the Kingdom of Borealia, Mrazivý Borealia."

After Marcus said this Lyra's eyes went wide and she began bombarding Marcus with questions and at a certain point he held up a hand and said, "Wait. Just let me start from the beginning.. That will be a lot easier."

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