Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 407 - A Long Chat (2)

Chapter 407 - A Long Chat (2)

Starting from the moment he touched down on Mirrion to just before he got into a fight with her, Marcus began telling Lyra everything that had happened to him on Mirrion.

"Wow, so you managed to build yourself up this far in such a short amount of time. It has taken me over sixteen years to get as strong as I am, and you still beat me. Ugh, and to think you still had a broken skill that brings you back to life even if you get completely obliterated. Talk about broken." Lyra said after Marcus finished telling her about his life since coming to this world.

Still hearing her say that his abilities were broken Marcus had an aggrieved expression and said, "Your abilities are pretty unfair as well. I mean you have a shield that can deflect attacks back to where they came. I mean how is that fair, a little shield blocking a three-hundred-foot-long iron sword. Plus, you also have all those weird illusion tricks and can breathe fire."

Shrugging her shoulders Lyra had to conceded that she did have her fair share of powerful abilities, but she pointed out that Marcus managed to beat her so her was the one that was more busted.

"Okay I have told you everything about myself. Now would you mind telling me about what has happened to you? How did you end up as part of the rebels in this kingdom?" Marcus said steering the conversation back to a more serious topic.

And to match this Lyra's expression turned sharp and she said, "Yeah, I owe you that much. Though my story is going to take a bit longer to tell than yours did."

Lyra then took a deep breathe and said, "When I died, I experienced a similar situation to yours. Floating in a void like space while unable to move and in a long line of other souls. After that I was given the same options you mentioned, though I did not try to bargain and somehow end up as a ghost. And I am sure it is obvious at this point, but I choose to reincarnate as a new person. I just could not forget my last moments being in a broken body that would not move as I slowly suffocated. I wanted a fresh start and not to have the fear that when I was brought to another world my body would still be broken."

After saying this Lyra closed her eyes for a moment to refocus herself as she once again remembered her painful and tragic death.

Then once she was ready, she said, "The first thing I remember was pitch black darkness followed by this force that was pushing on me. Next thing I knew I saw a blinding light and felt the urge to cry. It was not tell a couple minutes later that I realized I had just been born as my mind began to be able to processing things."

Lyra then stopped to smile for a moment before saying, "At first, I thought I was a normal human since the people that were holding and looking over me for the first few minutes were human. But then I saw the woman who was breathing heavily on a bed that was still soaked in blood. Even after having a child, she was still the most beautiful person I had ever seen, with flowing golden hair and a divine looking face. Still, those only kept my attention for a moment as I noticed the two pointed and furry ears on her head and long fluffy tail. That was the first time I saw my new mother, and when I was put into her arms, I felt a certain familiar warmth. That was what I remember from my first day in this world before the overwhelming urge to sleep took over."

Pausing for a moment Lyra allowed Marcus to process everything she just said before continuing on.

"For the next few days, I looked over what I could in my status, and toiled around with using my langue token to try and understand the conversations going on around me. But ultimately, I decided to try and learn the langue first, and while it took around a year, I managed to get a decent grasp of what was being said."

Lyra then pulled out her langue token and showed it to Marcus proving that she had never used.

This surprised Marcus a bit since if he had been in the same situation as her, he definitely would have used it immediately.

Next, Lyra told Marcus about what she learned from the conversations she heard while still a baby about her family.

Apparently, she was born in a noble family which she later learned was a duke's house that was in charge of the northern portion of the kingdom.

This meant that she actually rarely saw her parents during her infancy as they were busy with work and left her to dedicated servants.

Still when she did talk about her parents, she always had a warm smile on her face though her eyes seemed a bit sad.

"Oh, and that reminds me. My name is not Lyra Bridger in this world, but Jadzia Augustyn. So, when we are around other people would you mind calling me Jadzia. Though when it is just the two of us, I do not mind you calling me Lyra."josei

Nodding his head, Marcus made sure to make a mental note in his head to call her by her name in this world.

Luckily, he was already used to the name juggling that he had to deal with by having two identities, so he did not believe it would be much of a problem.

Continuing on, Lyra told Marcus about her adolescence where she would run around the massive palace her family lived in, and would throw her nose into any book she could get her hands on.

Eventually her parents began to notice how active Lyra was even for her age and began assigning her tutors to channel her energy.

"Ah and then there was the day that I finally leveled up enough to buy some of the skills I wanted. The first thing I did was buy mana circulation and then fire magic. And I accidently burned down a room when I cast a fire shot inside." Lyra said laughing remembering the situation.

"After that I thought I was in for the scolding or maybe even the beating of my life, so I tried hiding in a closet that was practically never used. But somehow my mother found me with ease and pulled me out of the closest where I hade wedged myself on the top self in between some towels. However, contrary to my expectations my mother had a gleam in her eyes and said she was very proud of me. She did not seem to care about the room I had destroyed since it was just a guest room of which they had dozens." 

Lyra then told Marcus about some of the happiest memories she had which were learning magic with her mother.

"She was amazing. Her fire magic was so pretty, and she was able to cast by only saying the spells name. For the me then, it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. My mother was truly and incredible person, and I hate to say it but when I imagine the person I love the most, it is her face that appears and not my original mother.. Every day I wish she was still here."

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