Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 413 - In Deeper Dept

Chapter 413 - In Deeper Dept

With everyone looking out in fear at this intruder, Marcus wondered who it could be until he called Lyra his apprentice.

That was when Marcus realized they were in the presence of the strongest warrior in the kingdom.

"EVERYONE RUN BACK TO THE TOWER AND PREPARE TO ESCAPE! I WILL HOLD CIBOR OFF!" Marek yelled astoundingly loudly so that everyone in the underground base could hear him.

Most quickly heeded his call, as people left everything they were doing and began rushing towards the tower.

They had heard the intense shout from their chief and not a single one of them did not know who Cibor was.

However, three people stayed behind, one being Tesia who looked concerned to leave Marek alone. Another being Lyra who was looking angrily at her master, and the final one being Marcus whose primary purpose was to make sure that Lyra did not die.

Seeing this Cibor smiled since the three people he wanted were staying behind to face him, but when his eyes landed on Marcus, he cooked his head to the side and wondered who he might be.

Yet a moment later, his relaxed posture disappeared and her drew two amethros daggers while looking towards Marcus.

"You there, the one hiding in the shadows. Did you think you would be able to hide from me? Now reveal yourself." Cibor said while looking at Marcus

Except as everyone followed his gaze, they all noticed that he was not looking directly at Marcus, but his shadow.

"Wow to think that a human spotted me. I must be getting rusty." A beautiful and entrancing voice said from Marcus' shadow.

A moment later Marcus' shadow seemed to stretch out and a beautiful blonde-haired woman with impossibly white skin appeared.

And along with these striking features if one looked closely, they could see her piercing red eyes and elongated canines. 

Seeing her suddenly appear everyone was quite alarmed by this mysterious person who had been hiding in Marcus' shadow.josei

'Wait. She looks familiar.'

As he stared at her, Marcus tried to recognize who she was and quickly recalled where he had seen her.

He had thought this person was a trick his dying soul had played on him, but seeing her here now, he was certain that this was the figure he had seen right before passing out after his battle with Jarek.

Marcus now realized that this was the person that had saved him from destruction at that time by giving him the mythic spirit gem.

But there was something else he could tell about her now, and that was that she is a vampire.

With the striking blonde-haired vampire having appeared everyone's attention was on her, as she stood around casually looking over Cibor.

She then turned her focus to Marcus and with an aggrieved tone said, "Ughhhh. To think that after all this time it was something so stupid that got me found out. I had to work so hard to avoid a dragon's and all those other monster's in Borealia's detection. I spent weeks camping out around your dull estate waiting for you to return while you fought in that tournament and visited the castle." 

"And now I have to reveal myself because this idiot crashed in unannounced." The beautiful vampire said pointing at Cibor.

Cibor who had taken up a defensive stance said, "What is a vampire like you doing here? Have the rebels gone crazy and offered up this kingdom to a fowl creature like you?"

Sighing the blonde-haired vampire cast a disinterested gaze towards Cibor before looking at Lyra.

"I want to offer you a deal. My master is very interested in you. So, I will stall this guy while you and your buddies make an escape. And in return you will owe me a favor."

She then turned her gaze towards Marcus and said, "Oh and I would like another favor on top of the massive one you already owe as well. I am not going to risk my life for nothing"

However, as she said this a dagger went flying towards her far faster than the speed of sound aiming right for her chest.

Yet even then she seemed to blend into the shadows and disappear for a moment as the dagger passed her by and pierced deep into the ground.

"Yes or no? I do not plan on fighting for free." She said as she looked at Marcus and Lyra.

Nodding her head Lyra agreed immediately, she knew that with Cibor here they would be in trouble, and it was likely that reinforcements were not far behind.

In the best-case scenario without this vampire's help, Marek would be killed or captured leaving the rebellion without its main pillar.

'In for a penny, in for a pound.' Marcus thought seeing Lyra readily agree.

"Fine I agree. So help us out." Marcus said with an exasperated tone.

Smiling the blonde-haired vampire turned to face Cibor and said, "Well then I guess I will be playing around with you for a bit."

Obviously angered by this, Cibor this time did not target the vampire who was certainly quite strong, an aimed for Marcus throwing his other dagger right towards his head.

With his danger sense going off like crazy Marcus immediately turned ethereal, but the dagger had still pierced hallway through his head before he was able to escape into his ghost form.

'Ah fuck that hurts.' Marcus thought feeling the hole in his head.

Luckily a wound like this was not enough to kill him, and quicky healed. In fact, even if the dagger had actually pierced all the way through, he still would not have died.

'Where did he go.' Cibor thought seeing Marcus suddenly disappear.

Except he did not have time to dwell on this for long as he had to abruptly dodge as a massive black blade smashed into the ground where he had been just a moment before.

"All of you get out of here. I will do as I said and buy you some time, but I will not be winning this fight. So, move it." The blonde vampire said as she rushed towards Cibor again swinging her massive sword around.

And with the developments as they were, Marek gave a conflicted look towards Marcus who had just reappeared and a concerned one towards Lyra before saying, "Fine let us go. This is an opportunity we cannot waste."

After that the four of them ran towards the tower where all of the rebellion members had gathered as they began the preparations to activate its teleport function and warp out of danger.

"Are you sure you want to do this vampire. I will admit you are strong at level seventy-three, but you are not going to be a match for me. If you run along, I will let you live. But if you continue to get in my way, I will end you quickly and get back to my mission." Cibor said as his two daggers warped back into his hands.

Smiling and revealing her two pronounced canine teeth, the beautiful vampire said, "No I do not think I will be dying today. 

She then stared right into his eyes as hers began glowing, and she said, "Now why don't you put down those daggers and come over to me."

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