Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 414 - Tralenstein’s Strongest Great Knight Vs Relia Draayer

Chapter 414 - Tralenstein’s Strongest Great Knight Vs Relia Draayer

Using her enchanting gaze, Relia the beautiful blonde vampire tried to bring Cibor under her control.

Nevertheless, even as she attempted to push her will over his, it only caused him to shake his head for a moment to break the effect.

"DO YOU THINK I WILL BE SO EASILY CONTRLOED!" Cibor said roaring with anger.

He was infuriated that Relia had tried to take over his mind and that the effect actually got through his defenses.

Still his higher stats allowed him to resist the effect, but he was now seething in anger.

"Path of Asura."

Activating his strongest unique skill Cibor grew four extra arms that were made out of mana and along with them were replicas of his amethros daggers.

He then pulled back all six of his arms and sent six devastating slashes of mana towards Relia.josei

This attack unleashed enough power that the mountain they were in began to quake and the ground in its way turned to dust.

Seeing this attack coming for her Relia's eyes went blood shot and all of the veins in her body became pronounced as she pumped her blood at an explosive speed knowing she would need everything she had to block this attack.

'Blood Blockade.'

As she cast a sixth-tier blood magic spell, a torrent of blood gushed out of her body, far more than should have been physically possible and soon the entire area in front of her was covered in hardened blood.

However, even this powerful defensive spell, quickly crumbled under the power of Cibor's attack that could destroy an entire town with ease.

'Sanguine Champion.'

Casting a tier seven blood magic spell this time, Relia covered herself in a glistening suit of armor made of blood that increased all of her physical abilities by a large margin.

In fact, this was the advanced form of the spell that the vampire Marcus had previously fought used.

Relia then swung her massive sword with both hands putting all of her power behind it and using one of her strongest attack skills.

'Vicious Strike.'

Meeting Cibor's attack head on, Relia pouring in as much mana as she could into her sword, overpowering the six slashes and directing them upwards along with the power behind her own attack.


As the two attacks hit the roof of the underground base, they caused a massive explosion that blew gaping hole through the mounting, making it look like a volcano that had just erupted.

Tremors then began to shake the place and the buildings inside collapsed under the pressure, while the mountain itself was losing stability as cracks formed throughout it.

Soon the only building left standing was the mithril tower in the center of the base, and anyone who had been on the outskirts and were not close enough were crushed under massive chunks of rock that were falling down all around.

"Consider me impressed. I did not think that you would be able to block that. You are no ordinary vampire are you. At this rate I really will be stalled, and the rebels will escape. But do you think that I came here alone"

After Cibor said that five more figures descended into the mountain and headed right for the mithril tower where Marcus, Lyra, Marek, and Tesia were about to enter.

Clicking her tongue Relia knew that she could not do anything to help against these newcomers as she already had her hands full dealing with Cibor who was stronger than she thought he would be.

'All I can do is keep this man busy. Worst case scenario I will grab those two and make a break for it.'

Rushing towards Cibor, Relia jumped up and brought her sword overhead before slamming down with all of her might.

Bringing his six arms together Cibor crossed all of his daggers together and met the attack.

He then forced back Relia's giant blade knocking her off balance, and with her in a precarious position he launched his six daggers sending them flying like missiles.

'Manifest Shadows.'

As the six daggers we coming for her, Relia cast a tier seven shadow magic spell and dozens of shadows within the area began to elongate before jumping towards her and wrapping around the daggers veering their trajectory away from her.

However, that was not all it did as her own shadow seemed to come to life and charged towards Cibor.

Standing his ground Cibor summoned his daggers back to him and prepared to shred Relia's shadow, when he suddenly felt something grab him from behind, and a sharp pain of something stabbing into his shoulders.

Glancing behind him he saw that his own shadow had become a physical body and was restraining him. Along with having stabbed two shadowy daggers into him where his armor did not cover.

Relia's shadow then stabbed its huge shadow blade towards Cibor's chest aiming to impale him.

Still even in this disadvantageous situation, Cibor exploded with mana and broke free from his shadow, while using three of his blades to cut it apart.

At the same time, he focused on Relia' shadow with his other three arms catching its blade with one dagger while his two asura arms extended forward and sliced Relia's shadow into three pieces.

The two shadows after being destroyed quickly melted and returned to their sources no longer moving.

Yet this did not matter to Relia, as she never expected these two shadows to do much and had been using them to buy time.

Now she had focused all of the shadows in the area around her and sent the mass of shadows towards Cibor to engulf him.

'Slashes of Furry.'

Swinging all six of his arms around with rapid and methodical movements, Cibor cut through all of the descending shadows turning them into mist that dispersed until the torrent of shadows were no more.

After that Cibor looked up right towards Relia who was stunned to see one of her strongest attacks blocked so easily.

Cibor then disappeared from her sight, and as she felt the impending danger, she tried to slip into the shadows to escape. But before she did, six cuts appeared on her body and she began falling apart as Cibor had separated her body into multiple pieces.

Falling out of the sky Relia could tell that her head had been separated from her body and her torso had been split in thirds.

Along with that her feet were chopped off at the ankles and her legs at the knee.

It was a brutal sight, and no normal being could possibly survive being slices apart like this.

Except Relia was not an ordinary being but a vampire, and even this level of damage would not come to close to killing her.

Though Cibor of course knew this as well and was already preparing his next attack, charging his six blades with his mana.

He then sent all of this accumulated mana into one big blast that would completely destroy the remains of Relia's body.

'Guess I will have to go all out.'

As the Cibor's blast of mana was about to completely blow her away Relia's blood began to move reconnecting her body, and her red eyes turned an inky black as she faced Cibor's attack.

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