Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 456 Beginning of War

Chapter 456 Beginning of War

‘There they are.’

Floating high in the sky above the city of Valenhart, Marcus could see the approaching soldiers of the kingdom’s army in the distance.

From his current vantage point, they looked like armies of ants marching towards a tiny city.

Of course, this was only a matter of perspective and Marcus knew what really lay before him.

‘Looks like our intel was correct. They have split up into fifteen different armies.’

Looking around Marcus could see that the kingdom’s troops had quite the distance from each other being split up into their own forces.

Each one of the armies were made up of around ten thousand troops, other than the main force that was led by Cibor which numbered fifty thousand.

These armies had spread out and were moving towards the city in a half circle in order to keep the pressure on..

This way they would be able to split up the liberation’s troops, and in order to take the city back they would only need for one of their armies to break through.

Still, the liberation army had the power of their base, which was a heavily protected city.

In terms of mana cannons and other weapons. they had the advantage and with the huge stores of magic cores obtained from Borealia, giving them a near infinite supply of power for the city’s defenses.

Also, during the time that the kingdom’s army marched on the city, they had used this opportunity to prepare.

The liberators who had intel on the kingdom’s formation had already set up some fortresses to halt the advance of the kingdom and had placed their own forces there.

Though they knew that this would only be meant to slow down the kingdom’s advance and that after the initial clash they would need to abandon these forts, before moving back to the city for the final battles.

Except there was one of these forts that was not maned and that was the one that would be in the path of the army Marcus would be facing alone

It was only there for show to prevent the kingdom’s armies from funneling into their least defend area.

‘Hm maybe around three thousand.’

Looking into the sky Marcus saw that along with the ground troops, there were many soldiers riding on flying mounts in the air or were flying with magic.

Though he also saw something he had not seen yet in this world, and that was a massive airship that had large mana cannons protruding out of its sides.

In terms of size, Marcus could really only compare it to an aircraft carrier from Earth, and it certainly was an imposing vehicle of war.

After scanning thought the kingdom’s forces that were still far on the horizon, Marcus descended back into the city to give his report.

“So, our scouts’ intel was correct. To think that they would even deploy the Aerial Castle.” Marek said after Marcus gave full confirmation of the kingdom’s armies and the weapons they had.

“Then we will stick to our original plan. Everyone get into your final positions. It is likely that by dusk that the kingdom’s armies will be upon us.”

Quickly everyone followed Marek’s command, and the agreed upon positions were taken up and the troops were prepared for engagement.

However, before he took his place, Marcus had Roxene get out of his companion storage and bent down to eye level with her.

“Roxene, I need you to keep Lyra safe for me. I do not care what you have to do, just make sure she survives. If it comes down to it, drag her away from the battle kicking and screaming if you must.” Marcus said to his companion with deadly serious eyes.

Nodding her head, Roxene agreed to Marcus’ request and said, ‘But what about you? Are you really going to be okay?’josei

Giving a reassuring smile Marcus said, “Worst case scenario, I have to use deny destruction and then run away. It will take more than this to end me. I am not so easy to get rid of.”

Marcus then gave Roxene one last pat on her head before going into his ghost form and flying off to his position.

Soon all of the forces had taken their places and standing at the top of the lead fortress that would be facing off against Cibor’s army was Daniela, with Argus and Marek on either side of her.

Yet she was no longer dressed in her normal royal clothing, but had donned full system recognized adamantine equipment.

She cut an imposing figure wearing intricate full plate armor which had a winged helmet covering her head, and for her weapon was holding a double-sided lance with the form of a dragon engraved on either side of it.

Truly she now looked less like a well brought up royal lady, and like a war goddess who was ready to strike down all of her enemies.

Clutching a pendant around her neck, Daniela became connected to all of the speaker magic devices that had been set up in the surrounding area, as well as the projector that was positioned above the city.

Soon a giant holographic version of her was projected above the city of Valenhart and she began speaking to all who could hear her.

“People of Tralenstein, today is the day that will go down forever in the annuls of history as we take back our kingdom from a king who does not care for his people. We will not allow a single one of his men inside the city of Valenhart, and we will show that our resolve far outweighs his tyranny and the fear he instills.”

Daniela then paused for a moment as resounding cheers echoed through the city and surrounding forts, as her presence and speech strengthened their spirits and drive.

“And now to those of you who would follow my brother because he was named king only for his ability to kill or drive away those that would oppose him. I offer you a chance. Place down your weapons and surrender. There is no need to follow a king that does not care about any of you. If he were a true king, he would lead his men onto the field of battle and face me. But instead, he cowers away. However, I am no coward and will fight to my last breath alongside those that would follow me.”

Unfortunately, as she had thought, the approaching army from the kingdom did not miraculously stop and surrender, or even slow down.

They were either fueled by some form of warped loyalty or were far too afraid to go against the kingdom.

Still, this was what was expected, and Daniela quickly began her speech once again.

“Today we prove to the people that have put their trust in us that we will stand up for them. Now prepare for on this day we strike the first of many blows against my brother’s reign of terror.”

Not long after Daniela said this, the kingdom’s armies came into range of the thousands of mana cannons that had been set up along the city’s walls and the outlying fortresses.

Quickly the sky was filled with light as both sides began bombarding each other with spells and mana blasts, as the first major battle in the civil war for Tralenstein began.

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