Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 457 Marcus the Ethereal Menace

Chapter 457 Marcus the Ethereal Menace


As long ranged attacks were flung from both sides, flashes of light and massive explosions shook the entire area as the kingdom’s army steadily advanced.

However, one of the armies was having a much easier time that the others, as the fortress that was in Felica’s path barely returned any fire with its mana cannons, and its barrier was already beginning to crumble under her troops’ attacks.

It was certainly strange, and she was staying on guards for some sort of sneak attack, thinking that the lack of power was meant to lull her into a false sense of security.

Unfortunately, even though her senses were heightened, she did not noticed as Marcus slipped out from under the ground and into the heart of her troops.

‘You will do.’

Immediately Marcus targeted the officer that was commanding one of the mobile strongholds that deployed a barrier around the majority of Felica’s army and was mounted with mana cannons.

He quickly possessed the man who was level forty-two, and after just a momentary struggle was in control of his body.

Then once he had done a quick check over what type of gear the man had on him, he pulled out the spell wand on the man’s belt and opened fire..

The first six or so soldiers had no idea what had happened as lightning javelins pierced through their heads, coming from the wand Marcus was using to cast the spell.

Though it did not take long until the soldiers that were operating this mobile stronghold noticed that their commander suddenly turned mutinous and was killing them.

Unfortunately, none of them stood a chance against Marcus who shoot those who fled and cut down any who approached him with the commander’s mithril sword.

Soon, an alarm was blaring through the mobile stronghold alerting the troops inside and out that something was amiss.

‘Looks like I need to speed up.’ Marcus thought as the alarm gave him away.’

Having caused what he felt was enough chaos within this mobile stronghold, Marcus swiftly made his way towards the large mana furnace that was supplying it power.

‘That should do.’ Marcus thought as he placed the last of four mana charges around the furnace.

These charges each had the power equivalent to a tier three spell, and would be enough to cripple this mana furnace.

After that Marcus ran out of this room, though as he did, he was met by one of Felicia’s direct adjutants.

Appraising the man Marcus found that he was level fifty-four, and certainly no slouch being decked out in adamantine gear.

“Brett what the hell are you doing? Why have you killed your men?”

However, Marcus simply ignored the man that had come to stop “Brett’s” rampage and yelled, “For the true ruler of Tralenstein, Queen Daniela.”

Charging towards the man that had come to stop him, Marcus made it seem like Brett was just a manic turncoat.

Yet right before he was about to clash with Felicia’s adjutant, Marcus left Brett’s body and watched as the poor man was cut down with one slash.

But at that moment, Marcus detonated the charges he had set shaking the mobile stronghold and causing it to grind to a halt.

‘On to the next one.’

Leaving this one behind, Marcus began heading towards the next one. Though along the way he would momentarily possess some of the soldier’s bodies and begin attacking the people around them, making it seem that a mass mutiny was happing among the soldiers.

‘Oh, I guess that might be a good idea.’

Taking a slight detour, Marcus took over a gunner of one of the largest mana cannons and turned the cannon around and opened fire within the ranks of the army.

This caused even more chaos to Felica’s army that was already beginning to fall into shambles.

Soon the army was not even advancing as they were running around like headless chickens as Marcus sent out blasts from the mana cannon he had taken control of.

“What do you think you are doing.” A cold icy voice said as a sulfurous liquid wrapped around the body Marcus was controlling.

Looking back, Marcus recognized who had stopped him as they were one of the kingdom’s elite mages.

He had made sure to memorize all of their faces and the information about them, same as the great knights.

‘Oops look like I overstayed my welcome here.’ Marcus thought as he felt the man’s body he was possessing start to dissolve.

“For Queen Daniela.” Marcus said right before leaving the man’s body, along with an added present for the elite mage.

As soon as Marcus clear of this body, he detonated another mana charge causing a large explosion that disabled the mana cannon he had been using, as well as creating a distraction so that the elite mage had no chance to notice him.

Floating out of the smoke and into the mobile stronghold, Marcus found his next victim who was one of the engineers in the mana furnace room and began slaughtering everyone else inside, before again sabotaging the room with charges.

After that he floated back outside to look at the damage he had done.

Unfortunately, the disorder he had caused was already mostly subdued, but they were still none the wiser as to his presence.

He had made sure up to this point not to use any of his skills or abilities so that no one would figure out that these soldiers were being controlled.

To everyone it would just seem that they had gone traitor or maybe that they were always traitors to begin with.

Still, fighting in this method meant that the damage he could do was limited, but he was just stalling for time not trying to win.

Continuing his strategy, Marcus moved to the back lines and took over one of the captains back there before he began killing the rank-and-file soldiers, until someone that was strong enough to stop the guy he was possessing appeared.

He then dropped out of the poor person right before they died and moved onto the next one, causing more and more mayhem within the ranks of the army under Felica’s command.

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