Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 478 Fulfilled Duty

Chapter 478 Fulfilled Duty

‘Embodiment of Eclipse, Bright Form.’


‘Draconic Form.’

Facing off against Cibor, Marcus, Lyra, and Mrazivý all activated their strongest abilities, with both Lyra and Mrazivý transforming, and Marcus enveloping himself in his supreme skill.

To even fight on the same field with Cibor this was going to be the bare minimum of power they needed.

Of course, if they were alone, they would still just be like children before Cibor, but with Marek taking the lead they could do their jobs well as support.

“Allies Field.”

And along with their own boosts, Verona who specialized in enchantment magic cast one of her tier six spells, that increased the stats of all of her allies within a certain area.

Yet, this spell actually had two forms, either to strengthen allies or weaken enemies, but with Verona’s twined spell unique skill she was able to cast the spell twice and use both forms.

However, once Verona had cast this spell, Cibor no longer waited and sprung forward, moving in to kill Verona who he knew would be a major threat in this battle.

Though as he expected, Marek intercepted him blocking his two daggers with his tonfas.

As these two clashed, the floor in the room began to crack, and the windows shattered under the pressure that they exerted.

However, neither of them was truly using their full power, but that soon changed as Cibor used his path of asura unique skill.

Growing four new arms, Cibor swung them back and was about to slash forward, when both Lyra and Mrazivý appeared at his sides and opened their mouths.

Firing out of their mouths each of them unleashed their breath attacks, with Lyra firing a blast of scotching flames and Mrazivý firing a frigid beam of cold energy.

Spinning his extra arms around, Cibor had to give up on his offensive against Marek and deal with the powerful breath attacks coming for him.

Even he could not ignore these attacks, since taking them head on would cause a decent amount of damage..

Still with slashing both of his extra arms Cibor was able to blow back Mrazivý and Lyra’s breath attacks.

‘Powerful Slash.’

Jumping in from above, Marcus brough down his scythe right on top of Cibor’s head, as he opened himself up for an attack while blocking Marek, Lyra, and Mrazivý.


Having his scythe stopped right in its tracks, Marcus was surprised to see two of Cibor’s extra arms stretched up and met his attack.

To this point, none of them had seen Cibor do this, but in actuality his extra arms were not limited to the movements of normal human arms, and could extend and twist in unnaturally.

Normally Cibor never used this ability of his unique skill, since it took a great deal of focus, and the further he extended the arms the less power they had.josei

But along with using this aspect of his path of asura, Cibor had also activated his third eye awakening, allowing him to see everything around him, and glimpse a couple seconds into the future.


With his attack blocked, Marcus seamlessly moved onto his next plan, and Roxene jumped out of his companion storage, her size rapidly growing as she used her supreme skill.

Yet, as she opened her mouth and went right for Cibor’s throat, he brought his foot up and kicked Roxene away.

Cibor, then spun around pushing everyone away from him, as he unleashed a barrage of mana slashes that tore through the area.

With everyone having been disrupted by his wild attack, Cibor locked onto his nearest foe, and charged straight for Mrazivý.

He knew he needed to pick off whoever he could quickly, for the longer the fight lasted the more he would get worn down fighting against so many people.

‘Ice Dragon’s Egg.’

Seeing Cibor coming for her, Mrazivý cast her strongest tier six defensive ice magic spell and was quickly incased in an egg of ice.

This was a spell that Gwyneira had personally given to her, and it boasted some of the best defensive abilities of any tier six spell.

Still, Cibor tore through it with just one slash from two of his daggers, and plugged the other four towards Mrazivý.

However, before he could finish the attack he abruptly jumped back, as Marek smashed into the ground where he had been standing moments before.

Now using both of his unique skills, Marek was teeming with power, and Cibor was going to have to really watch out, since he already knew how hard the old man could hit.

‘Roxene. Looks like we are going all out early. Let’s do it.’ Marcus said to his companion.

Nodding her head, Roxene after her first attack failed to land, already knew that she was far out matched, but now it was time for them to close the gap a bit.

‘Soul Burst.’

Both of them using their trump cards, Marcus and Roxene doubled their powers for the next three minutes.

At this point, they knew that Cibor was fighting with all he had right from the start, and that this battle was going to be decided quickly.

Circling around him, both of them continually fired laser spells into his blind spots, using their most precise and quickest spell to keep him on his toes.

Of course, for Cibor these attacks were just an annoyance, but still they limited his movements and made it difficult for him to go back on the offensive against Marek who was going all out.

And during this time, Verona had been casting buff and debuff spells continuously, strengthening her allies while simultaneously weakening Cibor.

‘Freezing Chains.’

Conjuring a set of powerful chains, Mrazivý sent them towards Cibor along with coating them in her mercurial ice to further empower them.

Jumping around Cibor did his best to avoid Mrazivý’s chains while also dealing with Marek, Marcus, and Roxene’s assault.

He saw that if he tried to block these chains that the silverish liquid coating them would latch onto him, and he was making sure to not allow this to happen.

However, Cibor quickly found himself in between a rock and a hard place as Lyra surrounded him with her eight clones.

He was already having a hard enough time taking on everything else, and being pressured by Lyra was going to push him over the edge.

Not to mention that just her presence prevented him from using any sort of concentrated powerful attack, since she could use her reflector shield to send it right back.

Eventually as the battle continued, Cibor began taking hit after hit, slowly being beaten down, until he was caught between having to take Marcus’ eclipse meteor or Marek’s poweful swing head on.

Turning around, Marek, faced off against Marcus, and with four of his arms slashed out towards, him, to block his attack.

Yet instead of using his remaining two arms for defense, as the explosive power of Marcus’ attack discharged all around him, Cibor thrust forward and stabbed his daggers into Marcus.

Feeling his body suddenly pierced, Marcus gritted his teeth and pressed on, pushing as hard as he could against Cibor.

Then an instant after Marcus had been skewered by two of Cibor’s daggers, Marek appeared and slammed him in the back with a devastating blow.

With a loud cracking sound, Cibor went flying along with Marcus who was still impaled on his daggers.

Though they did not get far before Cibor slammed into a wall of ice that popped up conveniently, cutting him off from Marcus.

The ice then began to encase his body, but with the swing of his weapons he shattered it, and saw Marcus who he had just stabbed was already beginning to recover at an exponential rate.


Using both her howl of day and night, Roxene unleashed an explosive blast of darkness and light that fully enveloped both Marcus and Cibor.

However, unlike Marcus who was immune to this attack, Cibor who was already being worn down, had to use a full powered mana barrier to block Roxene’s attack that devastated the area.

And not giving him any time to recover, as soon as Roxene’ attack began to dissipate Lyra who had assumed her most powerful form came from above.

‘Fox Deity’s Judgment.’

Firing off a massive pillar of her blueish sliver flames from her entire body, Lyra blasted her master with everything she had, and even Cibor’s skin began to burn under this attack that could melt adamantine.

Following up, Mrazivý cast her tier six ice magic spell, raging tundra, and the immensely hot area around Cibor began to rapidly cool, as he was subjected to one extreme after the other.

Still, Cibor was one tough bastard, and even after this chain of powerful attack he was still standing and ready to continue on.

‘Slashes of Furry.’

Swinging all six of his arms Cibor for the first time sent out a full powered attack right for Marek, since he was the biggest threat.

Of course, he had timed this attack now since Lyra had finally committed herself to a full-on attack, rather than taking positions where she could reflect any big attacks he used.

‘Twister Blow.’

Rapidly spinning his tonfa’s around, Marek unleashed the full power of his unlimited stockpile and with his own attack skill met Cibor’s head on.


Screaming out and pushing his arms to the side, Marek caused Cibor’s power attack to change trajectory, as the six slashes all went in different direction around Marek.

Theses slashes then continued on tearing the castle apart and collapsing a great deal of it.

‘Eclipse Railgun.’

Having taken the time while everyone else was bombarding Cibor to prepare, Marcus fired off his eclipse railgun which was his fastest and most devastating attack.

Yet Cibor with his third eye had already seen Marcus’ attack coming, and after slowing Marek down he had immediately launched towards Marcus.

Swinging one of his daggers forward, Cibor expertly intercepted Marcus’ eclipse railgun having already seen its trajectory with his third eye.

Then with the flick of his wrist, he sent the powerful projectile away from him, and closed the distance between him and Marcus.

Pulling back three of his arms, Cibor slashed down on Marcus who was still in a disadvantageous posture after using his railgun.

Smiling Cibor closed his eyes right before slashing Marcus into ribbons, and an instant before he would have hit, a large hole was blasted into his side as the eclipse railgun shot right through him and his light armor.

Looking back Cibor could see Lyra standing behind him, her reflector shield just vanishing as she had used it to redirected Marcus’ missed railgun.

Swinging his scythe, Marcus cut off Cibor’s arms before kicking him away, as he felt his soul pulsing since he had been very close from being torn apart.

Sliding across the floor, Cibor came to a stop right in front of Marek, who was looking down at him with a conflicted expression.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood. Cibor was certainly mortally injured, and his life was quickly leaving.

“What was that? Is that all you had? I know you are stronger than that Cibor? Why did you take that attack, I know you could have dodged or blocked it?” Marek said almost angry at how Cibor was dying even though he was their strongest enemy.

“You put to much on me old man. I am not as strong as you think I am. I put up a good fight, but I could not win. At the very least, I feel like I satisfied my duty as the first ranked great knight.” Cibor said with a content expression on his face.

Yet while it was Cibor who was the one dying, Marek was experiencing anger and frustration.

“What do you mean satisfied? Your heart was not in this battle from the start. I know you could have done more damage to us than that. At least one of us should be dead, and the others all heavily injured. You have even turned off your skills. I know you have regeneration, so why are you just letting yourself just bleed out here?” Marek said entirely not satisfied with this outcome.

However, Lyra came up and placed a hand on his should, before looking down at her master.

“Chief I am sure you can understand my master’s feelings. There is no need to do anymore. Just let him die with dignity.”

Letting out an angry sigh, Marek walked away, as Cibor lay there looking up at Lyra, and said, “Jadzia, if you would not mind following your master’s order one last time, please finish it? I would prefer not to suffer and wait to bleed out, so if you could make it quick?”

Nodding her head, Lyra held up both of her kukris’ and placed them on either side of Cibor’s neck, as he said his last words.

“Jadzia, I want you to know that I wish now that I had taken your side when your parents were executed, and that I had no idea about the king’s plan to blow up the city. I suppose in the end, I had misplaced my loyalty.”

After saying that Cibor closed his eyes, and with a quick movement from her kukri’s Lyra took off her master’s head as she cried a flood of tears.

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