Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 479 Rank Three vs Rank Two

Chapter 479 Rank Three vs Rank Two

While Marcus, Marek, Mrazivý, Lyra, and Verona fought against a less than motivated Cibor, Argus confidently walked towards the throne room where it was likely the king was located.

However, as soon as the door came into sight, Argus saw the second ranked great knight standing stalwartly outside.

Of course, this was to be expected, as his family had always been the personal protectors of the monarch of Tralenstein, and the strongest of their generation would become their personal protector.

In fact, it was quite often that their family would hold the first rank of great knight, but Cibor had been considered just ever so stronger than the current second ranked great knight.

“Ah Rosly, I see that you still stay next to your master like a well-trained dog.” Argus said as he approached, not even trying to feign any sort of pleasantries and let his normal personality show.

Narrowing his eyes, and staring at Argus with a murderous expression, Rosly responded saying, “Argus you bastard. Do you think that your betrayal will go unpunished? But this good that you have come to me yourself. As the king’s personal protector, I cannot be far from him, so I could not hunt you down personally, but now you have come to offer your life up to me.”

Smiling and cackling, Argus said, “Ah, your greater than thou personality never ceases to make me laugh. You truly believe that you alone are strong enough to protect the king from everything. But you do not even know what true power is in this world. Both of us are ants compared to the monsters that sit at the top. Still, I can at least put you in your place, and then I am going to rip the head off the king you blindly follow.”.

As Argus said this, Rosly no longer stood idly by, and charged forward like a bull, throwing his spiked amethros shield in front of himself and aiming it right towards Argus.

In response, Argus activated his behemoth aspect and grew many times larger, before swinging forward with his adamantine hammer.

As Argus smashed his hammer into Rosly’s shield, even though he seemed to be a massive giant of a man under the power of his unique skill, it became painfully clear very quickly that he was outmatched as Rosly pushed him back.

Jumping back, Argus put some distance between himself and Rosly, and clicked his tongue as he looked at his hammer.

After just one confrontation with Rosly, his adamantine hammer now had shallow holes in it, as it simply could not match the power of the amethros shield that Rosly had.

To make matters worse, Rosly also pulled out his amethros mace, which was his weapon of choice.

At this point, Argus wished he still had his own amethros weapon, but it had been confiscated when he was arrested. So, he had been having to make do with the adamantine hammer Marcus made for him.

‘Eruption Crash.’

Swinging his hammer down, Argus smashed it into the ground which shattered under the impact, before a series of blasts of mana began shaking the area and expanded all around Argus.

Holding his shield in front of himself, Rosly stood firm and took on the power of Argus’ attack unique skill, using his unbreakable defender unique skill to counter it.

Standing firm, Rosly managed to take the full power of the strongest attack that he knew Argus could unleash, and the area around and in front of him had come out unscathed from the devastating attack,

Yet, the area of the castle that was not being protected by Rosly, had crumbled and was collapsing.

What used to be pristine halls had been turned to ruble, as even the roof of the castle collapsed and revealed the sky above.

Argus then grew to his full size, and said, “Ah now we have some more room to move around. It was too cramped before for me to really show off my full strength.”

Frowning, Rosly looked around at the destroyed area of the castle and said, “You truly have no respect. You not only come here to defy his majesty, but also destroy the royal castle. I will have you pay in blood.”

Rolling his eyes, Argus could not care less about Rosly’s preaching, and swung his now huge hammer down on the man who looked like an insect in front of Argus’ size.

Gusts of heavy wind blew, and the already unstable walls that had managed to stand blew over as Argus swung his hammer with full force.

But, Rosly just held his shield straight up, and stopped the full weight of Argus’ hammer with one hand.

Not even the ground shook as Rosly held aloft Argus’ attack, having completely negated the force behind it with his superior power.

In terms of strength, Rosly was far closer to Cibor that Argus was to him, and while Argus tried to sound big, the truth was that he was currently weaker than the second ranked great knight.

“Hmph. You could not beat me even with your superior equipment, yet you think that with the scrapes you are using now you have any chance?” Rosly said as he swung his mace forward and sent out a dominate blast of mana right for Argus.josei

Being hit square in the stomach by this blast, Argus even in his behemoth form, was blasted upwards were Rosly had directed his attack.

Feeling his armor buckling and his stomach caving in, Argus brought forth all of his might and just barely pushed Rosly’s mana blast away.

However, as soon as he stopped, Rosly began firing blast after blast into the sky after him, forcing Argus to take evasive action.

Of course, with his massive form, it was harder to avoid the precise attacks fired off by Rosly, who to this point had not incurred any difficulty dealing with Argus.

As he understood he was not going to win this way, Argus sighed and thought, ‘I knew this was not going to work, but I had to tried anyway. Oh well, I just have to make sure I kill him quickly before anyone else shows up.’

Shrinking back to his normal size and dropping to the ground, Argus landed hard and looked towards Rosly who had a confident smile on his face, looking at Argus like he had already won.

“Hm, do you think that shrinking down is going to help you. Even with your behemoth aspect you could not overpower me, but without it your attacks are no threat at all.” Rosly said mockingly, seeing Argus deactivating his unique skill as a sign that he had given up.

“Ha, ha, ha. Yes, you are right even behemoth aspect could not help me against you. In terms of defensive abilities, you are far and away the best in the kingdom. So, I will just have to use the true power of my unique skill.” Argus said his voice going cold and deadly.

“Demonic Aspect.”

Unleashing a truly vile aura, Argus’ body began to twist and change much like when he used his behemoth aspect, but far more violently.

First his teeth grew into long and sharp fangs, his eyes turned pure red, a crown of horns began to sprouted out of his head, his muscles bulged, claws grew out from his fingers, and his skin began to take on a blue hue.

Then finally as the transformation ended a large blue gem appeared right in the center of his forehead, as he crackled with demonic energy.

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