Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 496 Final Lesson

Chapter 496 Final Lesson

Once the clamoring over Thabon’s latest and greatest creation began to wind down. The master of Marcus and Gurrom asked both of them, “So what is it that the two of you need from me?”

Motioning to Gurrom, Marcus intended to let him go first, since his fellow apprentice had already been waiting when he arrived.

Clearing his throat and working up his courage, Gurrom said, “Actually master, I am out of celestial platinum, and was hoping I could borrow some?”

Hearing this, Thabon smiled devilishly and said, “Truthfully, I am running pretty low myself. However, if you promise to go to the mine and procure some more within the next month. I would be willing to let you have some of what is left in my stores.”

Fear quickly taking over his face, Gurrom still remembered his first traumatizing experience in Thabon’s celestial platinum mine.

As for Marcus he winced right along with Gurrom his time in the mines having been quite hectic and dangerous as well.

Yet even though he had sworn to himself that he would never set foot in that hell hole again. Gurrom agreed saying. “I suppose that it is time that I put this fear behind me. I will go master.”

Surprise was evident on Thabon’s face hearing this, but quickly a proud smile replaced his devilish one..

“That is great Gurrom. I can see that you really have grown.”

“Here go ahead and take these.” Thabon said as he took out a half dozen ingots of celestial platinum and handed them to Gurrom.

Bowing his head, Gurrom thanked Thabon for his support. Before excusing himself to get back to his own work.

With Gurrom now gone. It was just Marcus and Thabon left alone in the quite workshop.

Not knowing exactly where to start, Marcus simply opened his item box and pulled out one of the amethros ingots he had recently obtained.

Seeing this Thabon’s eyes went wide like saucers. As he never expected to see Marcus pull out something so valuable.

Normally something like an amethros ingot could only be found in the vaults of royal families, or very powerful organizations that spanned continents.

Even Thabon had never gotten one of this size for his own personal use, with any he had obtained belonging to the royal family who were commissioning him.

“Irene where on Mirrion did you get that?” Thabon said, the disbelief in his tone evident.

Scratching the side of his cheek nervously. Marcus knew he could not tell his master the truth, but he knew a lie would not work either.

“I did some very hard and dangerous work recently for the royal family, and this was part of my reward.” Marcus said, not going into any more detail.

“I see. It must have been truly harrowing if that was the reward you were given.” Thabon said, understanding that Marcus was not going to elaborate.

Still, while he felt a little jealous. He was also very proud that his apprentice had gotten ahold of the rarest and most powerful metal in the world.

“So, have you come to ask me to make that into something for you? Though I honestly think it would be best if you waited to be able to work with it yourself.”

Shaking his head, Marcus understood Thabon’s misunderstanding here, and said, “Actually I came to ask if you would help me with my first time working with amethros. Truthfully, I have just recently gotten my forge skill up to level seven.”

Receiving another wave of shock. Thabon was truly flabbergasted by Marcus’ uncanny ability to achieve milestones that were supposed to be difficult with such ease.

For someone to have a level seven skill, they would normally need to be in the mid-sixties level wise, even if they had a talent for it.

Heck even a supreme talent would normally only be able to achieve a level seven skill at the earliest around level fifty-eight.

Rushing over to his safe, Thabon quickly opened it up and looked for the contract he had Marcus originally sign when he was accepted as an apprentice.

Yet when he found it, the piece of paper that used to have writing scrawled from top to bottom was empty. Indicating that the contract had either been fulfilled or was voided somehow.

“You really have attained a level seven forge skill!” Thabon said, his eyes going wide with disbelief.

However, the proof was right in front of him, and he had no choice but to believe that once again, Marcus had thrown logic on its head.

“Ha, ha, ha. To think that you have been forging for less than two years. You never cease to amaze me, Irene.”

“Very, well. I will give you your last lesson as your master.”

Rushing around his workshop, Thabon grabbed a number of items, from tomes to miscellaneous materials.josei

“Please go ahead and place that ingot here.” Thabon said pointing to his prized top tier adamantine anvil.

Doing as his master said, Marcus placed the ingot down. And as soon as he did, Thabon struck down with all his might with a top tier mithril hammer that would normally be used to forge with adamantine.

Except, the sturdy hammer broke as soon as it hit the amethros and did not even leave a single scratch.

“Hm, as you can see, even the best mithril hammer cannot hope to mold amethros. Even if this ingot had been heated up, the result would have been the same. No this is the very least you need.”

Thabon then pulled out a system recognized adamantine hammer, that was his greatest tool for forging.

This just went to show the difference in amethros to even the second-best metal, that it required the absolute pinnacle of what was below it to be worked with.

“Now for the next part of the difficulties in dealing with amethros. No ordinary flames are going to be enough to heat this metal up to be mailable enough to work with. You are going to need something special.” Thabon said, as he went over to his work bench and pulled a certain leveler.

The loud sounds of something shifting in the room began to echo about, as a large never before seen furnace popped out in the center of the room.

It was made entirely out of scarlet ore and had what appeared to multiple nozzles protruding towards its center.

“With this furnace it will be possible to superheat the amethros by hitting it with dozens of dense and high energy flames. that would normally be hot enough to vaporize unprotected adamantine. However, it eats through magic cores like no tomorrow, and to fuel it takes several dozen cores of creatures that were over level fifty. Not to mention that you will need to use your own magic to enhance and control the flames if you are to have any chance of success.” Thabon said explaining the process.

After that he pulled out a special mana etcher that unlike the normal ones which were bladeless and had the blade be made of pure mana. This one had a blade made of amethros attached to it.

“Finally, the only thing that can effectively cut into amethros is the metal itself. So, our first order of business with be making you a new mana etcher.”

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