Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 497 Final Lesson (2)

Chapter 497 Final Lesson (2)

“That is not hot enough! Pour in more power!”

Gritting his teeth and sharpening his focus, Marcus pushed with all his might to control the raging flames within the furnace.

The amethros ingot within was still resisting becoming hot enough, even as it was blasted with heat over ten thousand degrees.

This had already caused the room to grow boiling hot, and if not for the magic formations in the room, the entire building would have begun melting.

Still the amethros was resistant, and even using his full power with the furnace raging as hot as it could go. Marcus could not pass the hurtle necessary to heat up the amethros.

‘Fine if I need more, I will give it more!’

‘Embodiment of Eclipse, Bright Form!’

Bursting with light and darkness, Marcus’ strength skyrocketed as he used his supreme skill.

His normal power simply just was not enough to cut it when it came to heating the amethros, so he was going to have to dig deep and give it all he had.

Yet even with his greatly increased stats, he could not make the last jump necessary by simply controlling the flames being emitted by the furnace. He was going to need something more..

“Don’t Blame me if I blow up this room!” Marcus yelled to Thabon before stepping forward right up to the furnace.

At this point even his form that was impossibly resilient began to burn. As the temperature had long gone past what the surface of the sun in Earth’s solar system had.

‘Blazegram’s Furnace.’

Casting his strongest tier five fire magic spell, Marcus molded the shape of the spell, shrinking it down to fit within the physical furnace.

It was harrowing to do while also focusing on his control flames spell. But soon Marcus had packed all of the power that was normally contained in the spell into the smaller area.

The furnace made of pure fire then opened up and unleashed a powerful jet of flames that merged with the others.

Controlling these new flames proved difficult, and at any moment they threatened to break free and run wild through the room.

Normally Marcus would simply let his spells run wild in the direction he was aiming, but this was completely different.

Though after many minutes that felt like an eternity Marcus could not keep track of, he felt his strength begin to wane.

Keeping up his supreme skill as well as his focus on the flames was too much for an extended period of time.

However, right before he felt like he was going to reach his limit, Thabon yelled, “That is enough! Stop the flames and remove the ingot.”

Releasing his magic, Marcus stopped the flames, and once they had dissipated, he could see the now glowing ingot of amethros.

The resilient and strongest metal in the world had finally been heated up enough to be worked with.

Clenching his fists and working through the fatigue of his extended use of his supreme skill, Marcus sent out his spectral arm and grabbed the blazing hot ingot.

He needed to work fast before it cooled, and he did not have time to rest.

Taking it over to the system recognized adamantine anvil Thabon had, Marcus placed the ingot down and got to work.

He only truly needed two small parts, and with precision, chiseled off what he needed.

‘First the blade.’

Taking one of the pieces, Marcus used Thabon’s best hammer and began the process of molding the metal into the form of a blade.

Moving expertly with motions he had practiced thousands of times. Marcus let his instincts and training guide him, and soon the blade for his new mana etcher had been completed.

For working with amethros this was always the first step, yet it had still been terribly difficult for Marcus to take.

‘Whew, it is done.’ Marcus thought as he instinctively wiped off his forehead even though he did not have any sweat.

Picking up the tiny blade, Marcus brought it over to Thabon for his approval.

“Yep, it is well shaped and sturdy. This will do. Now we need to assemble the rest of the new etcher, but this should be much easier.”

With the blade made, Marcus began building his first mana etcher under Thabon’s guidance.

Luckily, it really was not all that difficult, since all of the parts were pretty much the same as a normal one other than the addition of the amethros blade.

“So, now that we have finished up making your new mana etcher. What is it you are wanting to make with that small piece of amethros you took off?” Thabon asked. Noticing how Marcus had taking off another small piece form the ingot.

‘I suppose now is the time.’

Steeling himself, Marcus looked Thabon straight in the eyes with a serious expression, and said, “Master. I believe that now it is time that I should tell you the truth. I am not human but a type of spirit. I know that I approached you under false pretense, but I wanted to tell you the truth now.”

Looking at Thabon’s expression, Marcus waited for what felt like an eternity for his master’s response.josei

“Yes, I have known you were not human since I first began teaching you. It is pretty easy to figure out if you watch closely.”

Letting out a breath of relief, Marcus was glad to hear this from his master.

He had thought that Thabon would have already known but telling him really helped to get a weight off his chest.

However, Marcus was a bit disappointed by his master’s calm response to his reveal. So, he figured he should get a good shock out of him.

“Actually, there is more that I need to tell you than just being a spirit.”

Shifting his form, Marcus quickly lost his shape and began reforming.

In just an instant he had gone from his guise as Irene Geist and taken his normal form as Marcus.

This time he certainly astonished Thabon, who was at a loss for words.

“Irene is actually just one of my identities. I also go by Marcus Ferrous and truthfully this is who I originally was. I can understand that this is hard to process, but since this will be my last time being your disciple. I wanted to come clean and tell you about who I truly am.”

Putting all his cards out on the table, Marcus did not stop there, and began telling Thabon all about himself. That he was a transmigration, that he was also a ghost, and that he was in a relationship with Princess Mrazivý.

Listening to all of this, Thabon, became more and more overwhelmed until he finally sat down in a chair. A stunned expression on his face.

“I knew you had your secrets, but this is far from anything I had ever expected. But this does explain a lot.”

With Marcus having revealed nearly everything about himself to Thabon, his master had now gone deep into thought.

Still, who or what Marcus was did not make much of a difference. Thabon had taught him because of the promise and strength of character he saw.

It was needless to say that Marcus had been a great student and was now just one step away from being considered a true master himself.

“Why tell all of this to me now?” Thabon asked. Wondering why Marcus had decided to disclose his secrets after keeping them hidden for so long.

“Because I wanted you to trust me. For what I am going to do next will take your cooperation, and it would have revealed my nature anyway.”

“I plan to bind a part of my soul to the item I am about to make.”

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