Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 603 Ultimate Sacrifice

Chapter 603 Ultimate Sacrifice

“I suppose if you cannot do it then we will need to move to plan B.” Gwyneira said with downcast eyes.

She had no idea how long it would take them to make a suitable device strong enough to halt the Dread Burrower, but it was likely much of Borealia would be destroyed before then.

“No, I can still do it. I just need a bit more power. I was thinking of a new attack strategy, and I think I have come up with a good one. But I need more enchantment spells. I took what I was able to last time, but now I need to go beyond my limits. I ask that all of you lend me your power until I cannot take anymore.” Marcus said with a resolute look in his eyes.

Everyone seeing his determination agreed to his request, though those that were close to him did so tentatively.

A person could only take so many enchantment spells before they were overwhelmed, and Marcus was far lower level than any of them.

If not for him being a great spirit even just one of Jaela’s full power spells would kill him with how much power they possessed.

Still, they did as Marcus asked and piled over a dozen enchantments on him before his form literal started breaking apart.

To compensate for this, he activated his spirit healing and was repairing his body as it was constantly being crushed by the mana of all the spells making him stronger.

It was honesty an excruciating experience as his body was constantly being repaired and destroyed, and he wondered how the Doomsday Worm had shrugged this off so casually..

“Okay wish me luck.” Marcus said as he shot into the sky.

Quickly he rose higher and higher, as he headed straight up.

He traveled thousands of miles up into the planet’s atmosphere.

To guarantee his attack would be strong enough he needed as much force as he could get, and so he planned to exit the atmosphere and come down like an actual meteor.

Yet as he was reaching the edge of the atmosphere, he suddenly hit something.

It was like an invisible barrier had been erected, and no matter how hard her tried he could not leave the confines of the world.

‘I guess that the administrator made a boundary zone to prevent anyone from leaving. Well, I can think about that later. I have reached my limit, so it is time to fall back down.’

Looking down at Mirrion below him, Marcus was now able to see something close to the sight he had witnessed when he was first brought here.

Before him was the world looking much smaller, and he could see other landmasses beside Borealia.

‘I do not see that purple continent. Must be on the other side of the planet. I suppose I have ended up on the other side of the world from where I originally landed. To think if I had not been ignorant of how to control my powers, I never would have been pushed down to the core of the world and then made it back up to appear in Borealia. If that had not happened, I would never have been fighting in this battle against a calamity of a monster I have no business taking on. But I would not have changed any of it for the world.’

With a nostalgic smile on his face Marcus prepared for his descent back down to the world.

First, he activated his supreme skill followed by conjuring his cataclysmic iron sword.josei

However, instead of making it as large as usual, he compressed it as small as he could until it was only around thirty feet long.

He then held out both his scythe and Jaela’s in one hand. Wrapping them up with iron threads to prevent losing his grip.

‘Well, I needed to test this skill out sometime anyway.’ Marcus thought as he gripped ahold of his cataclysmic iron sword, and mentally prepared himself to truly use everything he had.

Having all of his weapons now ready, he stopped his control over his iron sword’s ability to hover and released his float ability.

With nothing holding him up any longer, he began plummeting back towards the ground as gravity pushed him downwards.

Quickly he began building up speed as he went, pushing himself faster and faster downward with his magic.

He was currently using his flame jets spell like rocket boosters and he cut through the air as he sped towards the ground.

‘This should be about right.’ He thought as the ground was getting every closer.

He could no longer see anything but ground in front of him, meaning he was getting closer to his target.

‘Soul Burst, Soul Devour.’

Activating his two powerful enhancing unique skills, Marcus felt an immeasurable surge of power as all of his stats were doubled, and then boosted even more as he burned through his own soul.

He held absolutely nothing back, truly giving it his all as he descended in a fiery blaze.

‘Phoenix Fire.’

When he finally caught sight of his target, the Dread Burrower, he cast the tier seven spell form the blaze glove and surrendered himself with its power.

Faster and faster he sped up, and he became very grateful that he had a huge and slow target to aim for or he would have certainly missed it.

‘Final Eclipse Meteor!’

Just a mile before he impacted, he coalesced all of his remaining power around himself and the two scythe he had tied to him.

At this point he was descending so fast that he traveled the last mile quicker than a blink of the eye, going at a speed that the Doomsday Worm simply could not react to.

Then right before he hit its barrier, he disappeared for less than an instant before a massive explosion shook the inside of the Dread Burrower’s barrier.

Marcus had successfully slipped past its barrier and impacted it with his full force in an explosion that easily broke though the barrier around its eye and then proceeded to ripple across its body.

It was an attack with so much force and heat behind it that the Doomsday Worm’s head was vaporized, and the entire length of its body was ripping apart under the pressure.

Soon all that was left of it was a heaping mound of flesh and the barrier that had been protecting it disappeared with its source having been destroyed.

Seeing this everyone rejoiced internally, since Marcus’ attack had not only left the Doomsday Worm without its impenetrable barrier, but he had done enough damage to where it was practically helpless right now.

Yet their elation quickly died down as they got closer to finish the job, and it became very clear that there was not a single sign of Marcus left.

His entire presence had vanished and not even Gwyneira with her dragon eyes could spot him.

She even tired calling out to him over telepathy, but no response was had.

In fact, it was not that she did not receive a response, but that no connection was made in the first place, meaning he was out of range which should have been impossible.

That left only one undeniable fact. Marcus had been completely destroyed by his own attack and was no longer of this world.

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