Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 604 We Meet Again

Chapter 604 We Meet Again

As Marcus impacted against the Doomsday Worm, he felt his already barely holding together form break apart, and he was completely obliterated in wake of the massive explosion he had created.

Luckily it happened all so fast that he did not have time to feel any pain and for just a moment his vision went completely black.

Then in contrast to darkness, in just an instant he found himself in a completely white space that seemed to stretch on infinitely.

For a moment he wondered if he had truly died again, but as he looked over himself, he appeared to be completely fine.

Even the negative effects of his soul devour unique skill seemed to have not popped up and he felt as normal as he always did.

Along with his form being the same, he was also happy to see that his scythe and the engagement ring were still with him. Though the scythe Jaela had lent him was nowhere to eb seen.

‘Hopefully I did not destroy it. I mean I doubt it since it was such a fine weapon, but if I did, I wonder how long it would take me to make it up to her.’

Shaking his head and pushing that thought to the back of his mind, he focused on much more pressing matters, like where he was and what he needed to do next.

Opening his status window, he was hoping to find some information from there, and fortunately his assumption was right.

At the very top of his status was a clock that was winding down from twenty-four hours and next to it was a button that said, “Return Now”..

After seeing that he checked his message log and found that his unique skill deny destruction had indeed activated and saved his life.

He then went back to looking at the timer and return button next to and thought about what to do.

However, while he was contemplating on hitting it, he heard a voice from behind him which caught him completely by surprise.

“How long are you going to fiddle with your status? I have been waiting here patiently for you to notice me, but you are more unobservant than I thought.”

Closing his status with great haste, he looked out towards were the voice was and saw a figure that was sitting in a recliner and looking back at him.

Seeing this Marcus immediately became apprehensive since he could not make out their features as they were wearing a hood and cloak.

“No need to be on guard. Who else do you think could be here other than your favorite administrator?”

Immediately the tension Marcus was feeling left him, as he was certain this was the administrator by the way she had just spoken.

Walking up to her, he figured that she had something to say to him or otherwise she never would have appeared before him.

Also, he had a number of questions himself and this was probably his only chance to ask them.

“So, what is it you want from me?” Marcus said.

But before the administrator responded, she waved her hand and another recliner appeared next to her, and she said, “Go ahead and sit. We can talk once you are comfortable.

“You certainly seemed to be able to do pretty much anything.” Marcus said as he sat in the suddenly conjured chair.

Though at hearing this, the administrator began laughing, and said, “If only.”

The two of them then sat in silence for a few moments, before she said, “As for what I want from you, it is just to have a little chat. I am sure that you have some questions for me about you current predicament with a certain nasty monster.

His eyes going sharp Marcus certainly did have things he wanted to ask about, especially in regard to the Dread Burrower.

“Yeah, there are a few things that I want to know. First of all, why are none of the other great spirits helping out here? From what I know is that you left them in charge to preserve world order and prevent entire continents from being destroyed by high level entities on a rampage.” Marcus said to the administrator with a fierce gaze.

She sat there for a few moments, letting him stew, before saying, “I specifically instructed them not to interfere in case of a doomsday monster going on a rampage.”

Hearing this Marcus clenched his fists, understanding that it was likely that the administrator had set this up from the start, and had released menace on the world for her on amusement.

“You must really get your kicks out watching people suffer? Do you know how much death that thing has caused in the short time it has been freed?”

The anger was very clear in his voice, and if not for knowing it would do no good, he wanted to punch the administrator with all his might.

“Ha, what do you know about suffering. Your life has been relatively peaceful for the most part. You have not even endured a single percentage of the pain I have throughout my life.” The administrator said with the first outburst of actual emotion Marcus had ever heard from her

“So, no I do not enjoy watching people suffer, and for the most part none have. Those that have been killed have mostly died within an instant without feeling any pain. Not to mention that you and that dragon’s quick intervention have prevented quite a number of deaths.” The administrator said her tone having returned to normal.

“Then why did you allow this thing to cause such destruction? This is your world is it not?”

“Yes, this is my world, which is exactly why I have done what I want with it. I believe you already know this, but I made this world to raise future allies for myself. I do not need the weak and am only looking for those that have risen to the top. In that respect their must be challenges to overcome. In a utopia progress is seldom made, and few would strive to get stronger when there is no merit to it. That is why I created these doomsday type monsters. They push even the strongest of people to fight to their limits and beyond. And to encourage them to continue getting stronger. Anyway, it is not as if I have populated the world with hundreds of such monsters. In truth there are only four.”

Once the administrator stopped talking it sunk into Marcus that she had just confirmed that there were two more monsters like the one that was currently destroying Borealia.

That meant that at any point another untold danger could pop up somewhere and it was possible he might end up having to deal with it as well.

“Why are you telling me this?” Marcus asked suspiciously.

The administrator then turned towards him and her could see just her mouth under the shadow of her hood which curved up into an eerie smile.

“That is because you are going to be my messenger. The world has gotten pretty lax and peaceful, and while that is fine, growth has been on the decline. Just for an example, that dragon friend of yours has been sitting at level eight-six for nearly a century now. Such a promising talent going to waste. I want you to let the world know that some huge waves will be coming soon. The next time a monster of this caliber comes out it will not take another four hundred years. Oh, and I think it is time that I added a few new patches to world, it could use an update.”

Clenching his teeth, Marcus could now tell that the administrator really did not see things the same way he did.

To her this world was like some sort of game, and he could tell that was exactly how she had set it up.

But he knew that this world had real people with real lives, and that some of them were going to die because of the whims of an uncaring god.

Still, there was nothing he could honestly do about it.

He highly doubted that a lecture on human morality was going to work against a being that had created a world where living creatures got stronger by killing each other.josei

Also, who was he to be the one doing the lecturing.

In all honesty he had abandoned a good deal of his human morality himself.

Before coming here, he had never thought about killing people, and it had truthfully made him sick.

Yet on this world he had already killed more people than he could count, most of which happened during the civil war in Tralenstein.

Nevertheless, he still did not want to treat people like pieces in a game as he could see the administrator was doing.

“Oh, that is a scary look you are giving me. But I suppose that is just a difference in our perspectives. I have and currently do see a lot more than you do.” The administrator said. “Now let us move away from such topics. I believe you might want to see how your friends are faring against the monster you scarified your live to give them a chance against.”

Snapping her fingers the administrator created a number of floating screens in front of them, each showing a different perspective of the battle.

Currently everyone was unleashing their best attacks on the Dread Burrower that was desperately trying to regenerate itself after taking Marcus’ suicide attack.

Unfortunately, it was not going as well as he would have liked as the enormous worm was still somehow hanging on and fighting back.

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