Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 142 Not Convinced

Chapter 142 Not Convinced

She let out a gasp of disbelief at what had happened.

"That's impossible!" She hissed, still refusing to let go. It was more than obvious that if she were to let go, he could do more wonders than she had seen.

'It's a good thing he doesn't know the full extent of his rank yet.' Aer thought with a smile. If he did, she would have been toast before she could counterattack.

[Passive gift: Telekinetic Maneuver deactivated]

Uninterested in prolonging the fight any longer, he resorted to using his fire evolution stats.

[Solid Flame manipulation]

[Liquid Flame manipulation]

[Gaseous Flame manipulation]

'Gaseous Flame manipulation.' He thought of the third option, the thrill of choosing the last one, wanting to see to what extent this evolution could take his gift.

Aer felt something was wrong with the way Nix didn't focus on her anymore, it almost felt like she didn't exist as he concentrated on something invisible even to her.

Immediately Nix had chosen his option, it blew a gust of hot air at him, his hair blowing backward.

[Gaseous Flame manipulation]

[Ability to a create gust of combustible air]

Aer's body trembled in fear, the moment she felt the intimidating force of the gust of hot air that brushed past her.

Regret set in as she contemplated her actions, whatever upgrade he had acquired in a matter of seconds, this was a dangerous treading she had placed herself in.

Visible steam escaped from the nose of Nix, opening his mouth, a steam ring popped out.

Raising his hand, he opened his palm and clenched it immediately. The steam followed his hand movements and engulfed his fist.

This feeling almost felt like he was high in the clouds, his body as light as a feather.josei

His eyes glowed a faint blue, a ring of glowing white on his iris. Looking down at Aer, he had a devilish grin as a wicked thought came to mind.

"Remember when I had told you there was only one slot?" Nix questioned his demeanor and action a bit unsettling.

He managed to squat to meet her at eye level and lock gazes even though there was a barrier covering her.

Aer gulped, fear gripping her by the throat. She forced herself to stop her hands from letting go of his leg.

She wondered how he was able to move his leg to squat. This only made her feel like her magic circle had no hold on him anymore.

'If he can move... that means–' She immediately pushed back and away from him.

Getting to her feet, she immediately turned invisible. The lights that had popped on, switched off again, leaving both in darkness.

The corner of Nix's lips raised at her futile attempt to catch him unawares.

His eyes stared at her, being able to see in the darkness and directly at his target through heat signatures that his eyes had unlocked due to the evolution.

"How far do you think you could go before I get you?" Nix snickered, locking his gaze on her but pretending otherwise.

He watched as she took light steps to the right. In her right hand, she was conjuring another one of those Fūma Shurikens again.

'Oho ho no you don't!' Nix shook his head, not waiting for her to complete her dangerous move.

Pinpointing her heat signatures, he clenched his finger, targeting the very places which gave off more heat than the rest.

Slowly the heat in her body began to get sucked at great speed.

Aer's hand stiffened, shattering the process of creating another Fūma Shuriken, she wondered what could be the cause of what had happened to her right hand all of a sudden.

Nix slowly took a step forward every time she let out a low groan at the strange occurrence on her body.

Shivers coursed through her body. Unable to bear it anymore, she wrapped her hands around herself as tight as possible.

"What. are. you..." She began but couldn't continue anymore, focusing much of her attention on rubbing her hands on her side, seeking warmth.

Choosing not to respond, he left strategic heat signatures on her body so he could still pinpoint her location, but enough to force her to be immobile and vulnerable.

Aer had heard his footsteps so close that the moment she raised her head, she felt his grip on her neck.

p He pushed her up against the wall, raising her with one hand. Her legs dangled in the air.

To her surprise, she felt warmth from his palms.

"Mmmmm!" She brought out her tongue in satisfaction with the warmth Nix unintentionally provided.

Frowning, Nix could see her heat signatures return and spread from her neck to her torso with just one grip.

Immediately letting go, he cursed at the fact that he couldn't touch her if he wanted her to suffer not having the privilege of having warmth.

"No... Please!" Aer called out, crawling and reaching out to him.

Dodging her efforts, Nix squatted, giving at least three feet of distance between the both of them.

"Do you want some warmth?!" He questioned, knowing the answer she would give.

Without a doubt, she nodded her head to his question, "I would answer! I swear I will." She vowed, feeling the right side of her body stiffen, underneath her skin, she could feel tiny piercing cold needles jab at her constantly.

"I am not convinced." Nix shook his head, feigning disinterest. Getting to his feet, he was about to proceed and leave when he heard her call out desperately.

"I would do anything, just... just please take this feeling away." She begged.

Closing his eyes momentarily, he nodded to her request.

"Any change of heart would earn you a straight ticket to the afterlife, do you get that?" He warned, having a feeling she had some sneaky trick up her sleeves.

She bobbed her head continuously to his warning. "I wouldn't dare do such a thing, now please..."

Walking close to her, he pulled her in for a hug, feeling her bust press against his body.

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