Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 143 Don't Trust Anyone

Chapter 143 Don't Trust Anyone

"Don't take this the wrong way." He cautioned, uncomfortable with the moans that escaped her lips.

She bopped her head, the only thought on her mind was to get back the warmth she felt.

"Now that's enough!" Nix pulled her away, clearing his throat and backing away.

"But..." She hesitated, realizing how she sounded and hated herself for that.

"Now fulfill your end of the bargain." He folded his arms, "or you know what would happen to you."

Aer felt a gust of hot air push back her hair. Immediately the force had stopped, and parts of her hair came rushing back and into her mouth.

"I get it!" She spat out her hair, tying it with a few strands of her hair and rolling it up into a messy bun.

"Get me out of this shit hole!" He ordered, feeling helpless being trapped in the darkness with nothing other than relying on his augmentation.

"I will do that now, but is that–"

"Tell me, why were you there?" Nix cut in, realizing if they were out, she might make use of the opportunity to escape.

Aer's lips opened and closed several times, no matter how she wanted to tone that down, there was an underlying fact that she would spill too much information with just that question.

"I was sent there." She replied, knowing the question that would follow.

"Who sent you? and what is their..." Nix paused, shaking his head at the question he was going to ask. What he needed was a more direct approach.

"What is the name of this person who is referred to as 'master'?" He questioned, recollecting what he had heard one of the teachers blurt out when the dark cloak was sucked out.

Aer's body stiffened under the direct approach of such a question, what's more, he knew how they referred to their leader.

'How did he know? Who made a slip?' She made a quick calculation in her thoughts.

"Don't look too shocked." Nix clicked his tongue, shaking his head.

"We aren't allowed the privilege to know his name." She said with a pout and avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"Is that so?" Nix questioned, clenching his fist and pulling on her warmth.

"I swear, I'm not lying!" She called out in desperation in keeping her warm.

"What's his purpose?" He switched to a much more prying question.

Aer swallowed hard, this question had her in a tight corner. If she were to reveal even the little she knew in comparison to the others, she was as good as dead once she's identified as a mole in the organization.

"He needs a certain object to get something in return." She replied vaguely once more, angering Nix.

Aer let out a hiss at the jabbing pain under her skin. She would rather endure the pain than spill more than that.

[Trait usage: Charisma in effect]

"What is his plan?" He stressed, enforcing a hold on her to spill the truth.

'I'm as good as dead if I say much more!' She held his gaze, choosing to rather defy him than her master.

'Why isn't this working?!' Nix thought in frustration, then his eyes trailed to a faint glow on her chest. Looking away so he wouldn't be termed a pervert.

"Then I guess you've made your choice." Nix let out a sigh of disappointment.

[Trait usage: Charisma deactivated]


Nix's ears picked up on the hissing sound caused by a metal object.

Sidestepping at just the right moment, two throwing knives brushed past him.

Giving them a bit of a push with his gust of hot air, they propelled forward, one lodging in Aer's shoulder and the other in her neck.

Blood trailed the corner of her upturned lips. She closed her right eye in pain.

"Nix..." She tried to speak, spurting out blood this time.

Not flinching, he simply watched her struggle to stay alive.

Spreading out her hand, she cast a magic circle similar to the one she had used to suck him in.

"Don't trust anyone." She warned, "if... if... you..."

Gasping for breath, she began to convulse.

Nix was still fixated on the spot, this was the first time he had caused the death of a human, and his eyes merely widened in horror.

Doing a quick analysis of what could make her react so violently to the stabs she had gotten.josei

Squinting his eyes, he could see some sort of purple liquid dripping from the jagged edge of the throwing knives.

'Poison!' He deduced and frowned at the only possible explanation.

"Ahhh!" She let out an ear-piercing scream in pain.

"Go!!!" She yelled at him, forcing her magic to stabilize just to allow him to escape.

Nix looked at her with sad eyes, as much as she had deserved what she was passing through, a part of him still wished there was a way to save her, she could help in his goal.

"It's better this way," she said with a forced grin, turning invisible so he couldn't see her facial expression.

"Na... na!" She tried to speak, but a gasp followed.

Her invisibility was deactivated, revealing a lifeless body. Her pink necklace gem which had been hidden between her cleavage spread into a throbbing vein-like chain and stabbed into her body, draining her of her magic.

'That glow was from a gem? It blocked my hold on her?' He pieced the information together.

"No!!!" Nix yelled at the horrific death playing out, his urge to head over there was cut short when he realized the once glowing magic circle was beginning to flicker.

Deactivating his gifts and hearing augmentation, he was left drained.

Left with no choice, he ran towards the magic circle, just in time to transport him back to the classroom.



Opening his eyes, Nix shielded his eyes immediately from the blinding light. Staying in the dark for that long had made him sensitive to the light.

Slowly he began to open his eyes, so he could search for what had come of the class.

'Arranged?!' He was as confused as ever.

He had tried to walk to the door, only to stagger and hold himself up by leaning on the wall.

His mind trailed to what Aer had done to his leg. Facepalming, he could only blame her for what he would have to endure for a while as he gradually felt blood rush back to his feet.

Walking at his own pace, he locked the door behind him, head-on straight to the infirmary. "Please be safe."

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