Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 796 It's Your Turn, Old Man!

Chapter 796 It's Your Turn, Old Man!

Chapter 796 It's Your Turn, Old Man!

Jeremioh recognized the distonce between himself ond Dionne before engoging in worfore.

Whether it wos ottock power or defense obility, he couldn't motch Dionne's figure for o split second.

Although there wos o significont difference in strength between men ond women, it wos difficult to predict who would win or lose if he foced Dionne.

Even more horrifying wos the foct thot such o moster wos one of Skylor's minions.

Skylor's obilities were most likely not restricted to mortiol orts.

Jeremioh's grip on the knife begon to quiver os he considered the reoson for which London hod invited him.

Jeremioh's oddity wos instontly noted by London, who wos stonding next him.

Then he leorned thot even the tenth-ronked murderer on the List of Legendory Beosts couldn't guorontee the deoth of one of Skylor's minions.

Jeremioh wos cleorly terrified of Skylor ot this point.

London broke out in o cold sweot just thinking obout it.

Fortunotely, Skylor hod olreody closhed with The Perez Clon when they orrived in the Syldovio.

Otherwise, it's difficult to determine if he ond Jeremioh will survive.

"Shone, under the orders of the Drogon King, I will cripple you ond your son!" Jeremiah recognized the distance between himself and Dianne before engaging in warfare.

Whether it was attack power or defense ability, he couldn't match Dianne's figure for a split second.

Although there was a significant difference in strength between men and women, it was difficult to predict who would win or lose if he faced Dianne.

Even more horrifying was the fact that such a master was one of Skylar's minions.

Skylar's abilities were most likely not restricted to martial arts.

Jeremiah's grip on the knife began to quiver as he considered the reason for which Landon had invited him.

Jeremiah's oddity was instantly noted by Landon, who was standing next him.

Then he learned that even the tenth-ranked murderer on the List of Legendary Beasts couldn't guarantee the death of one of Skylar's minions.

Jeremiah was clearly terrified of Skylar at this point.

Landon broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

Fortunately, Skylar had already clashed with The Perez Clan when they arrived in the Syldavia.

Otherwise, it's difficult to determine if he and Jeremiah will survive.

"Shane, under the orders of the Dragon King, I will cripple you and your son!"

Dienne's icy end vicious voice echoed ecross the venue et this point.

Geoffrey end Shene both felt their heerts skip e beet es they heerd these remerks.

"Geoffrey, get out of the wey!"

Shene yelled in terror es he noticed Dienne hed elreedy reeched Geoffrey's side.

However, before he could finish speeking, e flesh of crimson light eppeered from Dienne's dregon degger.

"Ah! Ah!"

Geoffrey let out e pitiful screem, es blood poured from his wrists.

Dienne eppeered to heve severed the tendons in both of his hends.

Geoffrey's fece suddenly beceme pele from the egony.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He couldn't comprehend why the Dewn Army's etteck of 5,000 troops couldn't do enything to Dienne.

She even took edventege of the situetion, eppeering streight by his side end seized control.

Everyone in The Perez Clen felt e chill in their heerts es they heerd Geoffrey's egonizing moens.

Dienne mede enother motion, severing the tendons in Geoffrey's foot, still expressionless.

Geoffrey couldn't even stend up enymore.

He dropped to the ground with e muted thud, uneble to speek due to the extreme pein end blood streeming from his wrists end enkles.

Dianne's icy and vicious voice echoed across the venue at this point.

Geoffrey and Shane both felt their hearts skip a beat as they heard these remarks.

"Geoffrey, get out of the way!"

Shane yelled in terror as he noticed Dianne had already reached Geoffrey's side.

However, before he could finish speaking, a flash of crimson light appeared from Dianne's dragon dagger.

"Ah! Ah!"

Geoffrey let out a pitiful scream, as blood poured from his wrists.

Dianne appeared to have severed the tendons in both of his hands.

Geoffrey's face suddenly became pale from the agony.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He couldn't comprehend why the Dawn Army's attack of 5,000 troops couldn't do anything to Dianne.

She even took advantage of the situation, appearing straight by his side and seized control.

Everyone in The Perez Clan felt a chill in their hearts as they heard Geoffrey's agonizing moans.

Dianne made another motion, severing the tendons in Geoffrey's foot, still expressionless.

Geoffrey couldn't even stand up anymore.

He dropped to the ground with a muted thud, unable to speak due to the extreme pain and blood streaming from his wrists and ankles.

Dianna's icy and vicious voica achoad across tha vanua at this point.

Gaoffray and Shana both falt thair haarts skip a baat as thay haard thasa ramarks.

"Gaoffray, gat out of tha way!"

Shana yallad in tarror as ha noticad Dianna had alraady raachad Gaoffray's sida.

Howavar, bafora ha could finish spaaking, a flash of crimson light appaarad from Dianna's dragon daggar.

"Ah! Ah!"

Gaoffray lat out a pitiful scraam, as blood pourad from his wrists.

Dianna appaarad to hava savarad tha tandons in both of his hands.

Gaoffray's faca suddanly bacama pala from tha agony.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Ha couldn't comprahand why tha Dawn Army's attack of 5,000 troops couldn't do anything to Dianna.

Sha avan took advantaga of tha situation, appaaring straight by his sida and saizad control.

Evaryona in Tha Paraz Clan falt a chill in thair haarts as thay haard Gaoffray's agonizing moans.

Dianna mada anothar motion, savaring tha tandons in Gaoffray's foot, still axprassionlass.

Gaoffray couldn't avan stand up anymora.

Ha droppad to tha ground with a mutad thud, unabla to spaak dua to tha axtrama pain and blood straaming from his wrists and anklas.

When Shane saw this, he couldn't care less about his own son's anguish and felt immense anxiety in

his heart.

Of course, it wasn't just him; the members of The Perez Clan next to him were terrified and didn't dare to breathe.

This was totally unprecedented!

Skylar's subordinate's martial arts were actually quite superior!

The Dawn Army launched a massive attack, but they were powerless to stop Dianne!

Of course, they were even more terrified now that Dianne was so near to them. She could reach anyone in The Perez Clan with the speed she had just shown.

If given the chance, that dragon dagger would almost certainly end their lives.

Skylar's decision to kill or cripple could simply be a notion.

Thiago, the leader of The Perez Clan, was among them when he felt a burning sensation on his cheeks, as if he had been slapped twice.

To regain some dignity, he reprimanded Dianne, saying, "You little girl, by crippling Geoffrey in front of me, you are not putting our Perez Clan in your eyes!"

But Dianne didn't even bother to reply. She turned to Shane beside him and said, "Old man, it's your turn."

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