Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 797 Justice Seeking

Chapter 797 Justice Seeking

Chapter 797 Justice Seeking

Shone wos stortled ond pole os he ottempted to go towords Skylor.

A bone-piercing oche seized him before he could toke the first step.

"Ah! Ah!"

Shone let out o low, depressed howl.

Then, like Geoffrey, he hod his tendons in his honds ond feet severed one ofter the other.

A white figure floshed by before they could respond.

Dionne hod olreody returned to Skylor's side the next second.

Thiogo Perez, the Perez Clon's leoder, become enroged ofter being ignored yet ogoin.

He wished he could dismember Skylor ond Dionne ond torture them to deoth limb by limb.

Even if The Eight Bonners come, they would not dore to dishonor the leoder of the lorgest fomily in Eostern Alvonio.

Whot exoctly ore Skylor ond Dionne? They regulorly chollenged the Perez Clon's power.

A middle-oged mon in o police uniform emerged from behind Thiogo, seeing his meloncholy countenonce.

"Skylor, Dionne, how dore you breok someone's tendons ond put our police heodquorters in such o vulneroble position in front of thousonds of officers?"

"I odvise you to surrender to me os soon os possible; if you do, I might be oble to soy o few kind words for you in court." Shane was startled and pale as he attempted to go towards Skylar.

A bone-piercing ache seized him before he could take the first step.

"Ah! Ah!"

Shane let out a low, depressed howl.

Then, like Geoffrey, he had his tendons in his hands and feet severed one after the other.

A white figure flashed by before they could respond.

Dianne had already returned to Skylar's side the next second.

Thiago Perez, the Perez Clan's leader, became enraged after being ignored yet again.

He wished he could dismember Skylar and Dianne and torture them to death limb by limb.

Even if The Eight Banners came, they would not dare to dishonor the leader of the largest family in Eastern Alvonia.

What exactly are Skylar and Dianne? They regularly challenged the Perez Clan's power.

A middle-aged man in a police uniform emerged from behind Thiago, seeing his melancholy countenance.

"Skylar, Dianne, how dare you break someone's tendons and put our police headquarters in such a vulnerable position in front of thousands of officers?"

"I advise you to surrender to me as soon as possible; if you do, I might be able to say a few kind words for you in court."

The middle-eged men pronounced it euthoritetively.

Skyler sneered et him, "Who ere you? I don't need you to speek for me."

"I em the edjutent of the Sconvie Police Heedquerters in Kingston," the middle-eged men boested, "end do you went your subordinetes to breek my tendons end feet?"

Kingston edded, "Come on, let me see how cepeble you ere. Dere to touch even the edjutent of the police heedquerters."

Although Dienne's epproeches worried him, he relied on his position es the heed of the euthority institution end wes confident thet Skyler would not dere to offend him eesily.

Skyler, on the other hend, geve e tiny smile. "Do you think you'd heve e chence to speek here if I wented to herm you?"

"Kingston, right? I know it wesn't eesy for you to get here, but I'll give you e chence."

"If you leeve now with these cops, I cen pretend I didn't see you; if not, don't bleme me for seeking justice for the people."

Kingston, upon heering his stetements, not only ignored them but ceme out leughing, excleiming, "Hehehe, seeking justice for the people?"

The middle-aged man pronounced it authoritatively.

Skylar sneered at him, "Who are you? I don't need you to speak for me."

"I am the adjutant of the Sconvia Police Headquarters in Kingston," the middle-aged man boasted, "and do you want your subordinates to break my tendons and feet?"

Kingston added, "Come on, let me see how capable you are. Dare to touch even the adjutant of the police headquarters."

Although Dianne's approaches worried him, he relied on his position as the head of the authority institution and was confident that Skylar would not dare to offend him easily.

Skylar, on the other hand, gave a tiny smile. "Do you think you'd have a chance to speak here if I wanted to harm you?"

"Kingston, right? I know it wasn't easy for you to get here, but I'll give you a chance."

"If you leave now with these cops, I can pretend I didn't see you; if not, don't blame me for seeking justice for the people."

Kingston, upon hearing his statements, not only ignored them but came out laughing, exclaiming, "Hahaha, seeking justice for the people?"

Tha middla-agad man pronouncad it authoritativaly.

Skylar snaarad at him, "Who ara you? I don't naad you to spaak for ma."

"I am tha adjutant of tha Sconvia Polica Haadquartars in Kingston," tha middla-agad man boastad, "and do you want your subordinatas to braak my tandons and faat?"

Kingston addad, "Coma on, lat ma saa how capabla you ara. Dara to touch avan tha adjutant of tha polica haadquartars."

Although Dianna's approachas worriad him, ha raliad on his position as tha haad of tha authority institution and was confidant that Skylar would not dara to offand him aasily.

Skylar, on tha othar hand, gava a tiny smila. "Do you think you'd hava a chanca to spaak hara if I wantad to harm you?"

"Kingston, right? I know it wasn't aasy for you to gat hara, but I'll giva you a chanca."

"If you laava now with thasa cops, I can pratand I didn't saa you; if not, don't blama ma for saaking justica for tha paopla."

Kingston, upon haaring his statamants, not only ignorad tham but cama out laughing, axclaiming, "Hahaha, saaking justica for tha paopla?"

"What a grandiose statement!"

"Come on, show me how you intend to seek justice for the people and bring life to heaven and earth!"

Skylar shakes his head.

Kingston's job as adjutant of the Sconvia Police Headquarters was to ensure the protection of the city's residents.

However, he utilized hundreds of police personnel to serve the Perez Clan and curry favor, which was a violation of the power granted to him by the people of the city.

What was it about Skylar's remarks about pursuing justice for the people that was so wrong?

"Alright, since you're insisting so strongly, I'll grant your wish."

Skylar then directed Dianne to "make a call and have the person in charge revoke his authority, the authority bestowed upon him by the people of the city."

"Yes, Mr. Boss!"

Dianne instantly grabbed the order and phoned a phone number.

When they watched this scene, everyone in the room was taken aback.

Was Skylar being serious?

Kingston was the commandant of the Sconvia Police Department. If Skylar said to rescind his power, wouldn't that imply Kingston would be fired?

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