Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 805 Nowhere to Hide in

Chapter 805 Nowhere to Hide in

Chapter 805 Nowhere to Hide in

Thiago and Giovanni were enraged when they saw that even the Dawn Legion, which had been passed down through their family for hundreds of years, had been vanquished and abandoned by them.

Giovanni glared angrily at Skylar and cursed, "Skylar, I don't know how you managed to mobilize the Dragon Army in the North."

"However, my Perez Clan has been in the Syldavia for hundreds of years, and even if you have a strong background, you are not qualified to destroy my Perez Clan."

Before Giovanni could continue his sentence, there was a huge roar like a mountain crumbling and the earth breaking.

Bang, bang!


The earth trembled.

All of the cannons pointing towards the Perez Clan retreated, followed by a hail of rounds.

They made their way to the Perez Clan's mansion.


Thiago, Giovanni, Austin, Leo, and the rest all looked at each other blankly, unable to think.

They stood there watching as the shells that could destroy everything approached.


There were no places to hide.


There was no time to run away.

Their eyes and lips enlarged in the blink of an eye.


Following the huge bang, all of the Perez Clan members in front of them turned to ash.

Naomi, the military leaders stationed in Eastern Alvonia, Caspian, Martha, and even Skylar were all taken aback and rendered speechless.

Everyone exclaimed in surprise as they frantically swallowed their spit.

However, before they could react, another loud boom interrupted them.

Countless shells rained down on the Perez Clan's mansion once more.

This ancient family, which had stood for hundreds of years in the river of history, was turned to ashes in a moment.

When the shells exploded, the shockwaves knocked those who were dazed down.

Whether they were Naomi's police officers or military commanders, they were all catapulted to the ground more than ten meters away, their garments shredded by the impact.

They all appeared to be in a bad mood.

When they were eventually able to stand up and look towards the Perez Clan's mansion, they noticed that the gorgeous private garden had turned to burned ground.

And the powerful shells automatically crushed Thiago, Giovanni, and others.

They were completely crushed.


Everyone was so terrified that they couldn't even breathe, let alone question Skylar. They wouldn't even look at him.

This was the Perez family!

Apart from the Eight Banners, the Perez Clan was the most powerful force in Alvonia.

Skylar easily annihilated the entire Perez Clan!

If this expanded, the whole of Eastern Alvonia would undoubtedly shake.

Even the inhabitants of the Eight Banners may be surprised.

"General Dragon King, the mission is completed; please issue your orders!"

Lorenzo jogged over to Skylar's side and saluted in the traditional military fashion.

Skylar nodded, then spotted two others standing next to him.

Landon and Jeremiah were their names.

"Both of you have been following me all the way, intending to kill me."

Skylar maintained her cool.

Landon grew pale with fear and frantically waved his hands, exclaiming, "No, no, no, Mr. Stone, you have misunderstood. I am Landon from the Kley City Pearson family."

"I came to the Syldavia on behalf of our Pearson family in Kley City to apologize to you."

"We had no knowledge of Caspian's use of the Black Feather Order until after he died; we only discovered that he had secretly used the Black Feather Order and mobilized the Pearson family's experts to cause trouble for you."

"When my grandfather found out, he immediately ordered me to come and apologize to you, Mr. Stone,

hoping that Caspian's wrongdoing would not affect your mood."

Skylar aasily annihilatad tha antira Paraz Clan!

If this axpandad, tha whola of Eastarn Alvonia would undoubtadly shaka.

Evan tha inhabitants of tha Eight Bannars may ba surprisad.

"Ganaral Dragon King, tha mission is complatad; plaasa issua your ordars!"

Loranzo joggad ovar to Skylar's sida and salutad in tha traditional military fashion.

Skylar noddad, than spottad two othars standing naxt to him.

Landon and Jaramiah wara thair namas.

"Both of you hava baan following ma all tha way, intanding to kill ma."

Skylar maintainad har cool.

Landon graw pala with faar and frantically wavad his hands, axclaiming, "No, no, no, Mr. Stona, you hava misundarstood. I am Landon from tha Klay City Paarson family."

"I cama to tha Syldavia on bahalf of our Paarson family in Klay City to apologiza to you."

"Wa had no knowladga of Caspian's usa of tha Black Faathar Ordar until aftar ha diad; wa only

discovarad that ha had sacratly usad tha Black Faathar Ordar and mobilizad tha Paarson family's axparts to causa troubla for you."

"Whan my grandfathar found out, ha immadiataly ordarad ma to coma and apologiza to you, Mr. Stona, hoping that Caspian's wrongdoing would not affact your mood."

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