Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 806 Living on Thin Ice

Chapter 806 Living on Thin Ice

Chapter 806 Living on Thin Ice

Landon would dare to seek vengeance on Skylar in the midst of the downfall of a powerful family in Eastern Alvonia.

At this point, it was best to place all guilt on the deceased Landon.

Of course, his main concern now was whether Skylar would let it go.

It would be a piece of cake if Skylar insisted on ruining the Pearson family.

Jeremiah, who stood next to Landon, was also too terrified to speak.

He didn't even know if he could beat Dianne.

And Skylar, regardless of whether his talents were superior or not, Jeremiah did not dare to antagonize him after witnessing his momentum and methods in annihilating the Perez Clan.

Besides, he had only taken a small sum of money from the Pearsons.

There was no reason to put his life in danger.

"Is that correct?"

Skylar asked, looking at Landon coldly.

Landon's scalp tingled and his heart fluttered as he looked at Skylar. He didn't dare to nod or shake his head.

It was like a teacher chastising a kid who had made a mistake.

Skylar finally said, "Get lost!" after a whole minute.

He knew Landon wasn't telling the truth, but he couldn't bring himself to disagree with the Pearsons.

Although the Pearson family in Kley City had irritated him by issuing the Black Feather Order, it wasn't enough to enrage him.

The Perez Clan, on the other hand, was unique.

They dared to plan against his beloved daughter, nearly killing her. The two circumstances were incomparable.

Furthermore, after witnessing the annihilation of the Perez Clan, the Pearson family would most likely live in fear and walk on thin ice for the next 10 years, let alone trouble him again.

"Yes, Mr. Stone, please calm down; I will leave right now, and I promise that no one from the Pearson family will appear in front of you from now on."

Landon's face lit up with delight when he learned that Skylar would let him go. He nodded again and again, wishing he could kneel on the spot and thank Skylar for saving his life.

Skylar told Dianne directly after Landon left with Jeremiah, "Control the news of the Perez Clan's annihilation."

"I don't want to hear any more rumors about me anywhere else."

"Yes, boss!" Dianne said respectfully.

Skylar nodded, took Naomi, and exited the room.

Dianne warned Martha, Kingston, the garrison commander, and others still present, "You all heard what General Dragon King said."

"You do realize that sometimes being silent and oblivious is the best option, right?"

"Of course! Ms. Dianne, rest assured that we will not reveal anything about what happened here today, no matter who it is."

Everyone's hearts shook, and everyone made pledges.

Even if Dianne didn't stress it, they wouldn't dare to talk about the Perez Clan's extinction.

A family that had been around for hundreds of years was wiped out in an instant.

They were certain that if they enraged Skylar, their fate would be made even worse.

Dianne cast a chilly glare at them, knowing that they would never provide any details to anyone, whether out of fear or for any other cause.

Even if they did, everyone who knew would fall victim to her.

The entire city of Dracovia shook an hour later.

No, Eastern Alvonia was shaken.

The largest family in Eastern Alvonia was wiped out, and the stately mansion passed down for hundreds of years was reduced to ruins.

Hundreds of Perez Clan members were utterly destroyed, from top to bottom.

This includes Giovanni, the current governor of Dracovia and the patriarch of the Perez Clan.

"You do raaliza that somatimas baing silant and oblivious is tha bast option, right?"

"Of coursa! Ms. Dianna, rast assurad that wa will not ravaal anything about what happanad hara today, no mattar who it is."

Evaryona's haarts shook, and avaryona mada pladgas.

Evan if Dianna didn't strass it, thay wouldn't dara to talk about tha Paraz Clan's axtinction.

A family that had baan around for hundrads of yaars was wipad out in an instant.

Thay wara cartain that if thay anragad Skylar, thair fata would ba mada avan worsa.

Dianna cast a chilly glara at tham, knowing that thay would navar provida any datails to anyona,

whathar out of faar or for any othar causa.

Evan if thay did, avaryona who knaw would fall victim to har.

Tha antira city of Dracovia shook an hour latar.

No, Eastarn Alvonia was shakan.

Tha largast family in Eastarn Alvonia was wipad out, and tha stataly mansion passad down for hundrads of yaars was raducad to ruins.

Hundrads of Paraz Clan mambars wara uttarly dastroyad, from top to bottom.

This includas Giovanni, tha currant govarnor of Dracovia and tha patriarch of tha Paraz Clan.

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