Twin Soul

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: (7/11)

Enye shook her head when she saw Markus yelled at Wayne. At level 35, Fire Mages will have access to [Hell Fiend] spells, but rarely anyone cast it. If the Fire Mage who casted [Hell Fiend] failed to kill it before the one-hour duration is over, it will break free and roam around Toria Continents to terrorize anyone it sees. After that [Hell Fiend] is killed, the source will be traced back to the one who had summoned it. The Fire Mage summoned will be held responsible for all the damages. If any civilians get killed, the Mages Council will put that Fire Mage in the Rogue Mages list and Executioners will hunt him/her down. Therefore, [Hell Fiend] spell was rarely casted unless the Fire Mage really needed its help since the result could be like holding a double-edged knife.

Mival saw Maetheus was defeated and the Hell Fiend was heading toward his direction but he still refused to ask Robert for help. The Hell Fiend casted [Explosion Fireball] toward Mival when it was approximately a hundred feet away from him. Mival allowed the Explosion Fireball to almost hit him before he instinctively casted [Haze Mode] to transform into vapor for five seconds and allowed the Explosion Fireball to pass through him to avoid the exploding damages. Robert was about to help Mival anyway but then a vampire flew up from the sea. Then two, three, four, one thousand, two thousand, and finally a total of three thousand two hundred ninety one (3291) vampires flew up from the bottom of the sea led by a Vampire Lord. Needless to say, this Vampire Lord must be Etgar Revenmar.

Etgar gave the order, “All Masters who can use [Vampire Lord Transmutation] go ahead and use it now!”

Except for Master Ballard who had already transformed into a Vampire Lord, Master Weaver, Master Lora Cathloy, Master Katherine Bolton, Master Nonek Gresser, and Master Luusi Cobb casted [Vampire Lord Transmutation] spells to transform themselves into Vampire Lords.

After that, Etgar gave the commands for them to convene their vampires. Besides Master Ballard who already had convened his vampires, other Vampire Lords activated [Blood Extricate] spells then casted [Convene Vampires] spells. Including Etgar’s vampires, a total of more than eleven thousand vampires were convened. Etgar and other Vampire Lords activated [Darkness] spells together and a total of seven layers of [Darkness] were casted. Not only was the sun covered, but complete darkness was also surrounded within a ten miles radius of the area.

Vonda shouted, “I have been waiting for this moment. Now, all of your nasty vampires can go to hell!” Vonda then casted [Doomsday], another Saint-tier Fire Magic spell she had created.

In the total darkness, one, two, three, a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand fireballs were flying down from the sky that lightened up the entire area affected by [Darkness]. Vonda shouted, “Enjoy [Doomsday], my strongest self-created Saint-tier spell. Executioner Berethryl, protect all of our allies!”

Markus smiled as he said, “No worry, Lord Hardy.” He then started chanting for [Angelic Shield] and ready to cast it on all warriors, Executioners, and members of the Red. [Angelic Shield] is a Saint-tier Light Magic spell created by Markus Berethryl. This spell will create physical angel shields on allies to protect them from physical/magical attacks. [Angelic Shield] spell will require mana maintenance. That means the longer Markus kept [Angelic Shield] spells active, the more mana it will drain from his mana pool. But as a level 90 Light Mage, Markus had no problem maintaining [Angel Shield] until [Doomsday] is over.

Kain Bersk and Aber Hardy both looked up to the sky to observe what was going to happen. Will the vampires overcome the fireballs? The Saint-tier warrior used this opportunity to attack Kain. Kain didn’t want to play with the warrior any longer so he casted [Demon Anatomy III] and [Abyssal Flesh] spells at the same time and pushed the Saint-tier warrior back in less than twenty seconds. The Saint-tier warrior noticed Kain won’t be so easy to kill so he decided to pick another target to fight with and left Kain alone. Kain then deactivated [Demon Anatomy III] and [Abyssal Flesh] spells to go back to his true form then continued to observe the fireballs collapse into the vampires.

All the Blood Mages Etgar brought with him could use [Abyssal Flesh] so none of them were afraid of the [Doomsday]. As long as the blood pools inside their Blood Rings are not depleted, they can continuously heal themselves through a combination of [Abyssal Flesh] and [Life Drain] spells.

Markus casted [Angelic Shield] spell on his allies, then he gave the command, “All Executioner Ice Mages be ready to protect our ship using [Ice Spear].” Markus wanted [Ice Spear] spells to be used to destroy any fireballs going to collide with the vessel of the Red. They can’t afford to lose such a huge vessel that cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins to build.

One by one, vampires got killed after repeatedly getting hit by fireballs generated by Vonda’s [Doomsday] spell. [Blood Extricate] spells could immediately revive all the fallen vampires but in exchange, it will cost Etgar and other Vampire Lords a lot of blood in their blood pools that was why they decided not to revive any fallen vampires. Five minutes later, the sky was once again cleared due to numerous fog created by seven layers of [Darkness] spells ran out of duration. Some Blood Mages died because the blood pools inside their Blood Rings were depleted and their mana pools were not large enough to help them maintain their [Abyssal Flesh] forms. However, Master Whistler and other Master-tier Blood Light Mages quickly revived them but they won’t be able to fight anymore due to mana not being generated for a month as a side effect of [Resurrection] spell. The Blood Wind Mages casted [Wind Walk] spells to help the revived Blood Mages to fly back into the Etgar’s five ships so they won’t be killed again.

Similarly, all fallen Executioners and members of the Red were revived and couldn't fight anymore. They had to go back to their cabin room to hide away from those Blood Mages. Two strong Saint-tier warriors continued to stand guard by the door from the deck to the cabin rooms to prevent any Blood Mages from sneaking in there.

Kain quickly counted and noticed there were seventy-eight Blood Mages left including himself while the enemies still had more than six thousand warriors and at least a thousand magic casters that still could fight.

Nanya fought her way toward Kain’s direction. She arrived at Kain’s back and said, “Little sis, I mean, Senior, you should get back closer to Master Whistler so she can revive you just in case you die.”

Kain knows he is strong but he won’t be stupid enough to think that he is unkillable. Under his mask, Kain said, “You are right, let’s go back to Master Whistler then.”

Kain and Nanya fought their way back toward Master Whistler’s direction. But halfway there, two Saint-tier warriors blocked their path. Kain recognized the big steel hammer-wielding Saint-tier warrior and asked, “I see, you brought back up.”

“Masked Blood Mage, I won’t waste my time dragging the fight with you any longer. This is one of the Twenty Swordsman Heroes of the Bifjorkian Theocracy, Sir Benes Raulnor.”

“I have no interest in learning anyone's names since you all will die today. Please stop wasting my time with your introducing bullshit.”

Sir Benes Raulnor was not happy to hear Kain’s statement, he said, “Little bastard, I will scar my name on your forehead to help you remember it.”

“Nanya, go ahead and leave us. Let me show Sir Ass Head who is the little bastard.”josei

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