Twin Soul

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: (8/11)

Nanya knew she was no match against a Saint-tier warrior. She casted [Wind Walk] attempted to fly above them but Sir Raulnor threw one of his daggers toward Nanya. His speed was so fast and Nanya couldn’t react on time but Kain did. Kain threw one of his Blood Daggers and blocked Sir Raulnor’s dagger from touching Nanya. Nanya took a quick look at Kain’s dagger and realized it looked exactly like the Blood Dagger belonged to Kain Bersk. Nanya wanted to ask this masked Senior Blood Mage if he was Kain Bersk even though she knew the answer would be “no” since Kain Bersk is a Blood Conjurer Mage, not Blood Black Mage.

Kain gazed at Sir Raulnor and warned him, “Hey Sir Ass Head, If you dare to do that again then don’t ask me why I’m going to torture you longer than needed.”

Sir Raulnor threw another one of his daggers toward Nanya again and Kain threw his second Blood Dagger to block it. Said nothing else, Kain activated [Demon Anatomy III] and casted [Abyssal Flesh] spells to turn himself into a Giant Flesh Demon. Like a fortunate man, Sir Raulnor smiled and jumped up high then took the greatsword behind his back to conduct a spin attack on Kain. The other Saint-tier warrior dashed toward Kain, jumped up, and slammed his big steel hammer into Kain’s stomach. Kain blocked both attacks from the Saint-tier warriors and returned with turbulent blows of his own.

Kain turned toward Nanya and saw she was still there. He yelled out loud, “What are you waiting for? Get out of here!”

Nanya noticed she was still flying too close to those Saint-tier warriors, she quickly flew back to Master Whistler’s location to continue assisting other Blood Mages using her [Warding Wind] spells.

Etgar saw Vonda’s Hell Fiend tag team with Executioner Lynchfield to fight with Master Ballard. He flew toward the Hell Fiend and used his claws to attack it. The Hell Fiend casted [Explosion Fireball] toward Etgar but he casted [Wind Strike] to cut it without triggering the explosion until it was far away from him.

The Hell Fiend looked around to find a target then casted [Inferno] toward a tenth-tier warrior and burned him to death. Other nearby warriors were confused about why the Hell Fiend had killed an ally for no reason. The burned warrior then turned into a dark skin Horse Face Man who wields a heavy mace as its primary weapon. Now the other warriors understood what the Hell Fiend was doing. It sacrificed an ally who was much easier to kill compared to the Blood Mages to transport a creature from Hell Realm using the [Inferno] spell.

[Inferno] is a level 40 Fire Magic spell to create a strong wave of flame toward a target. If the target was killed, it would trigger an instant gateway connected to Hell Realm Thirteenth Gate and transport a creature from there. The creature transported by [Inferno] will obey the caster for thirty minutes. After that, it will be transported back to Hell Realm Thirteenth Gate.

Many warriors were upset when Hell Fiend decided to sacrifice one of their warriors. Unless the Horse Face Man dies before thirty minutes duration, the dead warrior caused by [Inferno] won’t be able to revive through [Resurrection] spell. The warriors looked around and saw too many of their warriors had died without a single one of them being resurrected. This had made their morale drop tremendously.

One of the tenth-tier warriors asked, “All the magic casters were revived while none of our brother and sister received a [Resurrection] spell. How can Lord Hardy do this to us?”

A female ninth-tier warrior said, “We don’t have enough Executioner Light Mages on board to revive everyone. Unless you are a Saint-tier warrior, if not then don’t even think about getting this type of special treatment.”

Another male ninth-tier warrior said, “Not only they didn’t revive our fallen brothers and sisters, now Lord Hardy’s Hell Fiend sacrificed one of us to summon or conjure or whatever it is to kill and turned our comrade into a Horse Demon. I swore an oath to serve the Bifjorkian Theocracy, not Lord Hardy. I refused to let her Hell Fiend take my life away like that.”

Another female tenth-tier warrior said, “I agreed. I know our lives are not valuable compared to magic casters. But if they don’t treasure our lives, at least don’t waste it.” josei

“They don’t even treat us like human beings.”

“They think we are replaceable, like a pile of trash.”

“All the magic casters who were revived could go to their rooms to rest while our fallen brothers and sisters still remain here on the deck to rot. This is unfair to us, the warriors.”

More warriors started speaking up about their concern of being treated unfairly and this had spread throughout the entire army. But many warriors still refused to talk bad about Lord Hardy and the unfair treatment from the Red. They swore to serve the Bifjorkian Theocracy and were assigned to escort Lord Hardy of the Red to the Kingdom of Winharfia. Even if it cost them their lives, they won’t abandon their duty just because a Hell Fiend sacrificed one of their warriors. However, their attitude quickly changed when some Executioners and Members of the Red started yelling at the warriors who bad mouth Vonda Hardy. There is an old saying, “I can beat my dog, but you can not.”

A male Executioner Light Mage named Kron Marivaldi said, “Lord Hardy gave us an order to kill any scumbag warriors that dare to speak ill of her.”

A female member of the Red named Daisy Rowland yelled at them, “Dumb rascals, continue to fight with the Blood Mages or you will die under our almighty spells!”

Another female Executioner Thunder Mage named Arla Mercier yelled, “You heard her, go fight with the Blood Mages now!” She then casted [Thunder Claws] spell in surprise and killed a ninth-tier warrior to make him an example for the others.

Other warriors were stunned by what had just happened. They couldn't believe an Executioner dared to kill one of their warriors like that. A male member of the Red named Fenton Bridger casted, [Flaming Phoenix] spell toward another ninth-tier warrior and killed her as well. Fenton said, "The longer you hesitate to fight the Blood Mages, the more we will kill. The Bifjorkian Theocracy served the Mages Council. Even the pope of Bifjorkian Theocracy had to kneel like a dog in front of our Lord. If you dare to insult Lord Hardy again, we will massacre your entire army."

This is it! The warriors could no longer withhold their anger toward the Executioners and members of the Red. All warriors who witnessed what happened started attacking Arla and Fenton. Arla grabbed Kron, Daisy, and Fenton then casted [Teleportation] to teleport far away from the angry warriors.

[Teleportation], level 50 Thunder Magic spell. This spell allows the caster to instantly transport up to three subjects from one location to another within two miles radius.

"Do you think they will fall for it?" Daisy asked.

"They have. Our job is done here. Let's go assist our Guild Leader." Kron said.

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