Twin Soul

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: (9/11)

Kron, Arla, Fenton, and Daisy then activated [Vampire Lord Transmutation] spells to transform into Vampire Lords. The four of them are level 50 Blood Mages. Just like Kain, they had gone undercover in the Mages’ Academy at very young ages and later were recruited to join the Mages Council. This was more than a thousand years ago. They were the ones who leaked the intel about Vonda Hardy leaving Flumen city of Bifjorkian Theocracy to the Blood Mages Guild. They had been patiently waiting for the right time to assist the Guild and when they heard some of the warriors started speaking about their concern regarding unfair treatment. They immediately used it as a reason to kill two warriors which had triggered anger from a small group. Nevertheless, the anger started from this group will soon spread throughout the entire army.

The Horse Face Man had the physical strength of a Saint-tier warrior but it couldn't fly so Vonda commanded one of the Executioner Wind Mages to casted [Wind Walk] spell on it. After the Horse Face Man could fly, it summoned a fiery lance then grabbed it and flew toward Etgar to attack him.

After the Horse Face Man got into the casting range. Etgar casted one of his Vampire Lord's spells, [Enclosing], to create a zone sealed by a circular magical barrier to prevent anyone or any creature from coming in or coming out. Etgar then casted [Replica] to create only one clone of himself to fight with the Horse Face Man while he focused on fighting with the Hell Fiend.

Etgar thought to himself, "The time hasn't come yet. I can't waste blood to create nine clones at this time."

The Hell Fiend possessed half of Vonda's mana pool while having access to all of Vonda's Fire Magic spells including the self-created Saint-tier Fire Magic spells. But so far it only used [Magmanian] to fight with Etgar. Not because it had confidence in defeating Etgar only using [Magmanian], but because three other Vonda's self-created Saint-tier Fire Magic spells required a long chanting period before it could be cast.

Etgar gave the Hell Fiend no time to rest and continuously attacked it using his Wind Magic spells while having his clone fought with the Horse Face Man. After three minutes of fighting, the Horse Face Man was choked to death due to [Vampiric Clench] spell casted by Etgar's clone.

Etgar and his clone then surrounded the Hell Fiend. Etgar asked, "Did you think that you could live this long because I couldn't defeat you? Everything I have done was according to my plan. My plan has succeeded and I no longer need you."

The Hell Fiend appeared to be confused, it asked, "Ugly human, what plan? What need did you have for me? Tell me or I will kill you!"

"You are inexperienced, stupid Hell Fiend! You may have access to all of your summoner's magic spells, but there is something you are always lacking. That is intelligence. Vonda Hardy knew what spell she should cast and when is the right time to cast it. You on the other hand only used one of her Saint-tier spells and randomly casted other weak Fire Magic spells that could never kill me in a million years. I have said enough. Time for you to go back to your Hell Realm."

Etgar casted [Wind Funnel] using his left hand to siphoned the Hell Fiend toward him while seizing all of its movement. Etgar's right hand casted [Wind Strike] spells to repeatedly cut the Hell Fiend.

The Hell Fiend screamed in anger, it asked, "What is going on!? Why did your [Wind Strike] suddenly get so much stronger!?" josei

The Hell Fiend couldn't wait for Etgar to answer. It activated [Mana Infusion] then casted [Magmanian] to transform itself into a giant magma man and broke out of Etgar's [Wind Funnel] spell.

"Perfect timing." Etgar smiled as he said that while his clone casted [Replica] to create eight more clones. Together with Etgar, his nine clones casted [Sonic Boom] spells at the same time. Two toward the Hell Fiend's eyes, one toward its forehead, two toward its chest, two toward its hands, two toward its legs, and one toward its penis. (Yes, penis!)

After Etgar deactivated [Enclosing], the Hell Fiend was no longer there.

Four Vampire Lords flew toward Etgar and kneeled in front of him while in mid-air and one of them said, "Guild Leader, we have done our duty and are here to join you. Please use us as you see best."

"Very good. Kron Marivaldi, Arla Mercier, Fenton Bridger, and Daisy Rowland. These are your real names and from now on you can use them again. You have done great for the past a thousand years. Now, come and join me in our guild hunting event."

"Yes, Guild Leader!"

Etgar gave out an order, "All Vampire Lords, do not convene your vampires again until I said so!"

Etgar observed and noticed some of the warriors started fighting with the magic casters on the deck. Vonda looked confused as to why the Bifjorkian Theocracy’s warriors turned against her magic casters while the enemies were at the doorstep. Vonda's Hell Fiend had died and she had very little mana left to fight with Etgar.

Vonda turned toward Executioner Berethryl and asked, "Markus, it's time for you to show off. I don't want to take any chances. Enye, work with Markus to take down the leader of the Blood Mages."

Markus could feel the danger of Etgar Revenmar, he nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Hardy."

"Yes, your grace." Enye also agreed.

Markus casted [Angelic Avatar] to transform himself into a Twelve Wings Angel and his choice of weapon was a thundering spear. Markus casted [Summon Angel Warrior] and a Ten Wings Angel was summoned.

Enye opened her eyes widely and said, "Twelve Wings Angel. Executioner Berethryl, you are strong enough to slay a Twenty Heads Hydra all by yourself. Hmm, I don't see you have a shield."

"I don't use a shield. My thundering spear can block any attacks whether it's physical or magical."

"I see. What about your Ten Wings Angel? It doesn't use a shield either, or does it?"

"Just wait and you will see."

Markus and his Ten Wings Angel Warrior flew toward Etgar. The four Vampire Lords standing behind Etgar got into their fighting stances ready to protect Etgar with their lives. The Angel Warrior then summoned twelve silver greatswords that kept floating around himself. The Angel Warrior gave commands and the twelve silver greatswords started striking the four Vampire Lords while Markus furiously struck his thundering spear into Etgar's heart.

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