Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2557

Chapter 2557

Chapter 2557

"Mr. Whitlock, defamation is not a word that you can just throw out." Luca saved the recording and put her phone in her pocket. "You have no evidence, but what you just said is evidence that you did it if my project data is leaked."

She did not want to do this kind of thing, but Mr. Whitlock's harassment annoyed her.

Mr. Whitlock's expression was ugly, and his mood was gloomy. He could not say anything because he was so angry.

Without the data, the man would fire him.

T Corporation would not allow him to stay for long as well.

Luca was right. Luke would not let him fool around.

Luke still did not fire him after he made so many mistakes. It seemed that Luke wanted to find out who was behind him.

Luca put away her smile and said with a blank expression, "If it's all right, I'll be back in my office. I still have documents to attend to."

Mr. Whitlock watched her leave before he slammed on the table with his big palm.

After Luca left his office, she shook her head helplessly when she heard the sound.

She did not want to go that far, but she knew that Mr. Whitlock would walk all over her if she did not make it seem serious.

Luca had a headache. ‘When will Luke deal with Mr. Whitlock?'

She returned to her office. She continued to work after she uploaded the recording on her phone to the cloud.

It was soon after work hours, and Mr. Whitlock had not bothered her since their last interaction.

Luca glanced at the time. She got a text from Luke when she stood up to leave.

[Aunt Wanda invited you to the Rayne family's house for dinner.]

'Aunt Wanda?'

Luca thought of Wanda. During the New Year, she could not visit them because of her identity, so it had been a long time since they met.

She remembered that the last time she met was because Marie took Jean to the Rayne family's house to make trouble, so she had the chance to see her grandpa and Aunt Wanda.

Luca was happy to have a chance to see them, so she agreed. [Okay, I'll ask Warren to send me there.]

Luke replied quickly: [Mm, I'll be there later.]

Luca tidied up her desk briefly, clocked out, and took Warren's car to Wanda's house.

The maid opened the door for her and led her through the garden. It was spring, so the plants that had been dormant in winter were slowly sprouting under Wanda's care.

It was the breath of spring, and Luca liked it very much.

They had arrived at the entrance, so Luca changed into slippers before she entered the house. She saw Wanda sitting on the sofa and moving the tea set on the coffee table around. She walked over to greet her, "Aunt Wanda."

"Luca, you're here. Come and sit here. I just made some herbal tea. Do you want to have some?" Wanda greeted her with a smile when she saw Luca.

Luca nodded and sat on the sofa across from her. "Yes, thank you."

Wanda poured her a cup of hot tea. "My friend sent me this flower tea. They said it's the first batch of spring flowers in the greenhouse and tastes good when made into tea. Come and try some."

Luca took the teacup she handed over and accidentally grazed Wanda's hand with her fingertips. Her fingertips felt cold as soon as they came into contact.

She could not help but wonder what went wrong.

The heating in the house was constant, and the temperature was suitable, so she wondered why Wanda's hands were so cold.

'Was she outside just now and just entered the house?'

"Why don't you have some?" Wanda saw that she was holding the teacup but did not move, so she asked, "You don't like drinking floral tea?"

"No, I like it." Luca shook her head and took a sip of the tea. She was in no mood to enjoy the tea. She looked at Wanda and asked, "Aunt Wanda, did you just come in from outside?"

"What?" Wanda blinked. It took a while for her to process Luca's question. She smiled and shook her head. "No, I've been in the house."

"Why are your hands so cold..." Luca frowned. 'Since she's been inside the whole time, her hands shouldn't be cold since the heating is sufficient.'

"Oh, my hands have always been like this. I went for a physical examination and they told me that I'm anemic, so my hands and feet get cold easily. I'm used to it." Wanda touched her hand. It was cold, but she had always been like this, so she did not think much of it.

After all, even in summer, the temperature of her palms was lower than that of ordinary people.

"Aunt Wanda, although this may happen to patients with anemia, you're in a heated room now. This shouldn't happen..." Luca was even more puzzled as that was not in line with the human body's mechanism.

Wanda rubbed her hands and frowned. "Hmm, I do seem to feel a little different than before. Although my hands and feet get cold easily, it's usually when I come back from being outside. They slowly warm up after I get close to the heater. However, since last winter, I've been having to wear thick socks to bed. Otherwise, my feet would feel frozen and I wouldn't be able to sleep..."

The maid on the side heard what Wanda said and interjected in their conversation, "Ms. Rayne, your hands are extra cold during winter. Your hands are still cold even if you stay in a heated room for a few hours. It's always as though you just came back from outside." "Yeah, maybe it's because my body's weak. I'm used to it. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have noticed." Wanda smiled. Her health had not been the best since she returned to A City. She got sick but a specialist cured her after surgery.

However, there were still a lot of minor problems in her body that Wanda did not pay much attention to.

"Aunt Wanda, you can't afford to ignore these symptoms. Why don't you go to the hospital for a checkup?" Luca had a bad feeling.

As soon as she heard the word 'hospital', Wanda looked at her phone and said, "I just did one in June last year. Is it too early for another check-up now?"

"The body temperature of normal people is not that low, even if it is anemia. I think you still have to go for a comprehensive physical examination," Luca said. She knew about Wanda's previous condition.

She was worried about the recurrence of her breast cancer and also about other conditions.

After all, there are so many diseases that could cause that.

"Luca, why don't you check my pulse?" Since Luca helped Old Man Rayne to improve his health, he had been doing much better. Wanda believed in Luca's medical skills.

She stretched out her hand after she said that.

Luca shook her head and said, "There are too many reasons for what's happening to you. I'd still recommend that you go to a hospital for a comprehensive examination before we discuss further."

It was not that Luca did not want to check Wanda's pulse but that her ability was limited. She was worried that she would not be able to do anything and end up delaying Wanda's treatment.

When she saw Luca's serious expression, Wanda thought that something was wrong. It seemed that she should take it seriously.

She picked up her phone and said, "I'll make an appointment with the doctor now."

Luca took a sip of the floral tea, and the sweet smell spread in her mouth. However, she was not in the mood to savor it.

Wanda may not be doing well, but she could not confirm anything from her end.

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