Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2558

Chapter 2558

Chapter 2558

Wanda wanted to make an appointment with the doctor, but the doctor called to ask about her health condition in the first instance.

“Ms. Rayne, I read the documents. The last time you came for a medical examination was last year around June. It isn't time for you to do another check-up. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Is that why you want to do a medical check-up?" the doctor asked. Luke was the one who arranged for the doctor.

The doctor was responsible, and he dared not to let anything go wrong with Wanda's health.

"Well, I haven't been getting enough rest these days. And my hands and legs are always cold. That's why I thought of heading to the hospital for a check-up," Wanda said in a relaxed tone. She thought it was merely her health getting worse, and it was not such a big deal.

However, Wanda consciously listened to Luca's advice.

"I see. Let me make an appointment for your health screening tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning. The hospital will send someone to pick you up. Is that okay for you?" the doctor asked.

Luca, who stood beside Wanda, heard what the doctor said. She knew it was Luke who arranged for the doctor to be in charge of Wanda's check-ups.

Otherwise, one would only have to make an appointment for a normal medical check-up. How would the hospital send someone over to pick the patient up?

It was not the first time Wanda had such an experience. She had already gotten used to such thoughtful services. "Sure. Thank you."

"By the way, I can see that it's almost time for Old Man Rayne to do his semi-annual health screening. Perhaps he can come to the hospital for the health screening with you this time?" The doctor suggested. It was all Luke's arrangements.

Old Man Rayne was older. Hence, he had to go for health screening semi-annually, while Wanda only had to do it once a year.

"Sounds great. It's decided, then." Wanda nodded. She picked up her cup of tea and took a sip.

"Okay. I've already registered your appointment here. See you tomorrow," replied the doctor. The appointment was done.

Luca waited for Wanda to hang up the call. Only then did she ask, "Ms. Rayne, may I know which hospital the doctor is working at? That's very kind of him." "The doctor works in the health clinic. It's Luke who bought the VIP health package for us. That's why the service is good and comprehensive. We're lucky to have Luke helping us. Otherwise, I'd have to drive back and forth to the hospital," replied Wanda. Even though Bianca was staying abroad now and the couple's relationship was nothing but an empty shell, Luke had always been kind to the Rayne family.

Luca smiled and nodded. She reckoned that the health clinic only provided services for those who could afford them.

It was just like how it was in other countries.

These health clinics had advanced facilities, and the doctors were professional. If the doctors found out there was something wrong with their patient's health, they would cooperate with the top hospitals in the country to provide the best services for their patients.

There was no doubt that Luke was treating Luca's family well.

“Ms. Rayne, why did you ask me to come over today?" Luca set her worries aside when she knew Wanda was willing to go for a medical check-up.

No matter what the issue was, they had to wait until Wanda's medical report came out.

Besides, if Wanda truly needed to nurse her health, Luke would tell Luca about it.

"It's nothing. It's just that you've been helping my father to nurse his health for such a long time. He's feeling much better now, so we thought of inviting you over for a meal," explained Wanda. Old Man Rayne's state of mind had been improving these days. He would like to thank Luca for helping him to nurse his health.

"I'm glad I could help Old Man Rayne. Ms. Rayne, is Grandpa Rayne upstairs now?" Luca asked. She assumed that Old Man Rayne was probably not taking a rest now.

"Yes. He's much more energetic now. He spends a lot of time reading books and watching TV shows. Let me go upstairs and get him." Wanda smiled as she rose to her feet.

Old Man Rayne could do many things himself now. He hardly needed anyone's help.

It was a good sign.

"Okay." Luca did not follow Wanda upstairs due to her identity.

After a while, Wanda pushed the wheelchair Old Man Rayne was sitting in out of the elevator.

Old Man Rayne was delighted to see Luca and said, "Luca, you finally came."

"Grandpa Rayne." Luca rose to her feet. Old Man Rayne looked so energetic now. His cheeks were rosy and he was in high spirits. He was no longer the sick old man he used to be. "You look great. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes. Aren't you the one who helped me to recover my health? I feel much better now. I eat well and sleep well these days." Old Man Rayne felt connected and close to Luca when he saw her. He signaled Wanda to push the wheelchair near the sofa.

Wanda pushed Old Man Rayne, who was in a wheelchair, to the living area. Old Man Rayne was old, and even though his health improved a lot, some health issues were irreversible. That was why he had to sit in a wheelchair.

"Dad, have a chat with Luca. I'm going to make dinner," said Wanda.

"Sure." Old Man Rayne waved his hand. His gaze had never left Luca.

The more Old Man Rayne looked at the woman in front of him, the more he became fond of her. Although she looked completely different from Bianca, she gave him the feeling that he was talking to Bianca.

Perhaps it was the sweet smile on Luca's face or the dulcet tone of her voice that sounded like Bianca.

Old Man Rayne felt like he was talking to his biological granddaughter.

“Grandpa Rayne, may I check your pulse for you?" Luca felt a lump in her throat when she saw Old Man Rayne's wrinkled hands that were scattered with lines and sun spots.

Old Man Rayne had worked hard to raise and support Luca when she was young.

Luca had no choice but to use a different identity to take care of him now.

Luca hated Abel, yet there was nothing she could do to him.

The reason Luca felt helpless about Abel was that Abel had taught her a lot of things, and he let her learn medicine from Shanks. That was why she could nurse and prescribe medicine for Old Man Rayne based on his health condition.

However, Luca hated Abel for making her live around the people she loved with another identity.

"I'm feeling so much better. There's no need to trouble you. I invited you here today to thank you and treat you to a meal. You didn't come to visit me during the New Year. I missed you a lot," said Old Man Rayne.

He initially thought of inviting Luca over for a meal during the New Year.

However, Wanda told him that Luca was busy and it would be better not to disturb her. That was why he put it off.

Then, Old Man Rayne thought about Luca today. Hence, he asked Wanda to help him invite her over.

"Checking your pulse won't affect you treating me to a meal, right?" Luca blinked her eyes.

Old Man Rayne smiled. He leaned forward and placed his hand on the coffee table for Luca to check his pulse.

Luca placed her fingers on his wrist.

After a while, Old Man Rayne let her check his other hand.

Half a minute later, Luca withdrew her hands and said with a smile on her face, "Your pulse is stronger than before. Keep on doing the herbal foot bath and take some herbal medicine to nurse your health. I'm sure you'll become stronger and healthier."

"Young lady, you sure know how to make me happy. I love hearing those words, but I'm getting older. I'll be satisfied as long as my health stops getting worse. The medicine you prescribed for me was amazing. I only took it for some time and I no longer feel tired when I'm talking. Besides, my hands work better than they used to. I can breathe easier too. You deserve all the credit," Old Man Rayne complimented.

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