Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

"Mom, what should I do?" Tang Yiyi burst into tears, but she bit her teeth, but only wanted to send Xing Yan, the bastard, to prison, which was the only thing she had to do.

Moreover, she was also happy to help mufei, that is, to help him fight against Xing liehan in the business world in the future. At that time, Xing liehan was under pressure, and Tang Siyu was with him, I'm afraid it won't be better. It's indirect revenge for his mother!

In the cemetery, the rain gradually turned to drizzle. Xing Lihan was holding an umbrella. Tang Siyu put two white chrysanthemums in front of her father's and mother's tomb. She gazed at their photos silently. At the moment, she seemed to see her parents' love under the spring.

"Mom and Dad, I hope you are safe underground. Don't worry about me any more. I will have a good life." Tang Siyu said to the cold tombstone.

A cold wind came from the other side of the mountain. Xing liehan worried that she would catch a cold, so he said, "let's go back first!"

Tang Siyu nods and sits in the car. She sneezes unexpectedly. She feels a chill running through her limbs, which makes her shiver. Xing liehan looks at her worried and reaches out to touch her forehead.

Even felt a little hot hand, he twisted his eyebrows and said, "it seems that I still have a cold."

Tang Siyu smiled and shook his head. "It's OK."

"Go back!" After Xing liehan finished, he turned on the heating and took her away.

In winter, for Susie, she just wants to stay in a warm room and be a hibernating snake. She hasn't been out for a full month, and she almost lives in the villa of wenlichen. josei

Because Wen lichen's work is busy, and Su Qin has been delaying his return to China, the meeting between the two families has been postponed until tomorrow.

Suxi is nervous and looking forward to the meeting. She is worried that her parents will still introduce the family background of Huaiwen family.

At 7:30 p.m., Suqin's phone rang in. She got off the plane. The two sisters chatted for a while. Outside the door came the familiar sound of Wen lichen's car.

"Sister, don't tell you. He's back. See you tomorrow." Said sushi.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, and I won't disturb your love!"

"Sister, have you misunderstood? We haven't!" Susie couldn't help but clarify, lest the family think so.

"What? Aren't you cohabiting? " Suqin was rather surprised.

"We live together, but we sleep in separate beds." Susie's awkward explanation.

"Ah! So it is! " Suqin smiled at that end, too. "Well, you're busy! See you tomorrow. "

Finish saying, that end then hangs.

Su Xi put down her mobile phone and saw the hall outside the door open. Wen lichen's tall body stepped in. The suit was also covered with a khaki windbreaker. The whole man looked tall, handsome and magnificent.

Sushi's heart was glad, but she went over and said, "I'm back. Do you miss me?"

She asked childishly.

Wen lichen had not yet taken off his coat, so he could not wait to brand her red lips, "think."

"How do you think?" Susie asked again with her head askew.

Wen lichen hung his coat on the hanger beside him, reached for her hips and picked her up. "Besides work, I miss you."

This answer, let Susie very satisfied, she nodded, "Well! I miss you too. " Then he buried himself in his shoulder and asked, "are you nervous about tomorrow's parents' meeting?"

"Not nervous. I'm looking forward to it." Wen lichen replied in a low voice.

"But I'm a little nervous!" Sushi said helplessly.

"Don't be nervous, I am!" Wen lichen took her forehead and put out her hair.

Susie laughed. "Well!"

"I've got some rain on me. I'll take a bath upstairs first. Would you like to come up with me?"

"Eh? What am I doing up there? " Susie was a bit shy and didn't dare to see him.

Wen lichen suddenly smiled and offered an opinion, "don't you want to try me? Not afraid to get married, I can't? "

Susie blushed instantly. "I believe you!"

When Wen lichen heard this, he immediately laughed. He was in such a happy mood that all his tiredness was eliminated. He hooked his lips and said, "Well! Believe me. "

After hearing this, sushi dared not look at him any more. He jumped off his body and said, "take a bath! Don't get cold. "

Wen lichen went upstairs to take a bath. Sushi was waiting for him downstairs. Anyway, it was still early. She was not in a hurry to go upstairs.

On the contrary, Tang Siyu came back from the cemetery, but it was getting hotter and hotter. When he came back to the villa, Xing liehan took her temperature. It was 39 degrees. He immediately called the doctor and asked him to take the medicine for home diagnosis and treatment.

The little guy also came. He was lying at Tang Siyu's legs, and his big black eyes looked at Mommy nervously. "Mommy, are you dizzy? Are you thirsty? "

"Mommy is not dizzy or thirsty. Mommy is OK."

"But daddy said you have a high fever, which is very serious." With that, he stood up and pasted Tang Siyu's forehead with his fleshy little hand. When he felt the burning, he immediately said, "Mommy, your forehead is so hot!""Not afraid, Mommy doesn't feel it." Tang Siyu smiled and stroked his little head. He thought that the little guy was hot, but he had a good spirit!

Xing Lihan brings a basin of water to her. At this time, she can only do some physical cooling for her. Xing Lihan wring a warm towel on Tang Siyu's forehead first, then opened her sleeve with another wet towel, wiping her arms and palms. Tang Siyu's body is surrounded by two handsome men, one big and one small. Even if she is ill, she is in a good mood.

The doctor arrived soon and checked for Tang Siyu. He was suffering from cold and feverish. He needed to hang some drops to relieve the fever. Tang Siyu sat on the sofa with his arm pricked and sat still waiting for the drops to finish.

"Mommy, does it hurt?" After a while, the little guy came back to see the needle stuck in the place, and his little eyebrows were tightened.

Don Siyu reached out and stroked his little head. "Mommy will be fine soon."

Xing liehan said to him, "Xiao Xi, it's late. I'll take you to grandma's place. Don't sleep with your mommy tonight."


"Because illness can spread."

"What about you, daddy? Are you going to sleep with Mommy? " The little guy asked with his head askew.

"Of course daddy can sleep with your mommy. Daddy is strong and has low resistance." Xing liehan naturally wants to fight for his rights.

One side of the two nurses immediately chuckled, envied at Tang Siyu, with a handsome husband, but also gave birth to a handsome son, it is very happy!

Tang Siyu also bent his eyebrows and smiled, and said to his son, "tomorrow Mommy will be with you at home."

"Well! Good night, Mommy. You can go to bed earlier, too! " With that, the little guy led Xing liehan out of the door.

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