Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

When Xing liehan came back, Tang Siyu was about to pull out the needle. After eating the medicine, the doctor and the nurse left. Tang Siyu's temperature dropped to 37.8 degrees. If he continues to recur in the evening, he will take another antipyretic four hours later. If he can't do it tomorrow, he will go to the hospital.

Tang Siyu also experienced getting sick. The whole person was weak and weak. At the place where the needle was injected, a small bag was swollen. Tang Siyu took a bath and lay on the bed. Xing liehan brought her hot water to apply to her arm.

Tang Siyu felt the warmth, and his eyes were touched. This man was so nice that she had an impulse to stay with him for the rest of her life.

Xing lie raised his eyes, looking at her eyes and staring at himself. He hooked his lips and smiled, "what's the matter?"

"Let's get married!" Tang Siyu said suddenly.

Xing liehan's heartstrings jerked, and the light in his eyes was very bright at the moment. He even breathed a little, and answered with a low smile, "OK, let's get married."

"We're going to have our wedding every other week after Heather's wedding." Tang Siyu thought it should be a very happy thing. After she joined sushi, sushi immediately joined her.

"Whenever you say it, it depends on you." Xing liehan put the towel in the basin, sat beside her, held her and kissed her hair. "Next, I'll be safe with me. I'll live up to you all my life."

Tang Siyu snuggled up in his arms, closed his eyes, bent his lips and smiled, "OK."

Her father's company came back to her. The truth of her father's death was revealed. Qiu Lin paid her price. She could let go of everything in her heart. Next, all she had to do was to live a good life with this man and raise their children.

This evening, Tang Siyu was still repeatedly hot. Xing liehan took care of her all night.

Early in the morning, he took her to the hospital.

In the early morning, Suxi also got up. She put on a proper make-up and chose a khaki color windbreaker, which made her skin white and beautiful. Although she was in the entertainment circle, she developed a lady atmosphere.

Wen lichen was dressed in a dark suit. Sushi went to tie him. She slept well last night, but she suffered a man. Because in winter, she would get into his bed when it was cold. Although she slept in the same bed, Wen lichen always kept the style of gentleman.

Susie is wearing a tie seriously. Wen lichen looks at her seriously, and raises her chin directly. Her thin lips suck on her red lips.

"Don't make any noise It's not good for me. " Susie laughed and dodged.

Wen lichen can't be honest. Facing this woman, he is full of energy every day. So, how can things like kissing her be less?

"Well, finally, it's good-looking." Sushi praised, but the next second, the man was pressed on the side of the glass cabinet, a good morning kiss. josei

When she went out at nine o'clock, Susie's red lips, which were light lipstick, had a kind of rose like amazement, which was not the function of lipstick, but the credit of this man.

Suxi calls Suqin, and they are also going to set out from home at 10 o'clock to the restaurant. Wenlichen's family is ready for the dinner. The two families are finally going to meet.

Sushi once saw a saying that a relationship that satisfied both the family would be happy for life.

Then, she will be happy all her life.

The restaurant is set in a high-end Chinese restaurant. Suxi and Wen lichen come first. Suxi and Wen's family have met. Although Suxi is in the entertainment circle, she has been accepted by the elders of Wen's family. In addition, Suxi is also a rare clean actress in the entertainment circle. In the past, Mrs. Wen would have some opinions. We can see that her son cherishes her so much and is a mother. There is no one who is sensitive ? She also secretly asked some old people in the entertainment circle, and they all spoke well of Susie.

So, naturally, the more you look, the more you look.

"Xi Xi, Li Chen, in a moment, my parents and I are here. Go downstairs to meet them." Mrs. Wen said politeness to them.

"Well! I called my sister and I asked her to send me a message when she arrived. " Susie nodded.

Ten minutes later, Suxi received Suqin's message. She and Wen lichen went downstairs to meet suboyan and his wife. Suxi and Suqin also met.

Su Qin meets Wen lichen for the first time. They greet each other politely. Wen lichen also knows that Su Xi has a sister. Today, she has a totally different temperament from Su Xi. Her temperament is partial to that of an employee, and she exudes a shrewd and capable temperament. Su Xi is totally another atmosphere of sexual freedom. At the same time, it is also the reason why Wen lichen has paid attention to her since he knew her He has a strong desire for protection.

In the upstairs, the two elders met with each other in a comprehensive manner, and they all talked very well. In this generation of elders, there are many topics to talk about. Wen Liangyao is also there. He has been teaching in high school. Recently, he has been busy teaching a group of high school students, and his performance is very good. His class mathematics has achieved the first grade in the whole school.

The elders on both sides naturally talked about their own children. When Su Xi was mentioned by her parents, she was sweating nervously for fear that she would be preached by her parents. Fortunately, Su Boyan always praised how smart and lovely she was when she was a child, which made Su Xi secretly moved. It turned out that in dad's mind, she was not the kind of poor child she thought she was.However, compared with wenlichen's growing up experience, Suxi has only the share of admiration and envy, and even the two old sujias have to convince the two children of wenjias to have a very successful education.

When the Wen family heard that Su qinnian would work in the presidential palace, they also thought that all the children of the Su family were promising. The more they looked at the couple, the more they enjoyed the meal.

As for the gift money, Su Boyan, as long as the number of daughters he married now is 100000, not much, which really embarrasses the Wen family. How could their ideas prepare tens of millions of gift money? I was a little shocked.

In the end, the salary of the Su family is still the standard, but this makes the Wen family admire the couple even more.

Su Xi also covered her mouth and smiled. Wen lichen gently reached her ear. "My money will be yours in the future. You can take it to your parents at any time."

When sushi heard this, she smiled and nodded softly. She didn't dare to let her parents find out that it was sweet to be secretly spoiled by him.

Suqin smiled, and her heart was filled with envy. In her mind, she flashed the man who had broken up. She thought, if he didn't give up himself at that time, would she have already entered into marriage?

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