Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 575

Chapter 575

When Suqin came out of the meeting room and returned to the office, xuanyuanchen was still in the meeting, and the phone in front of Suqin's office suddenly rang.

She was stunned and reached for her hand. "Hello."

"Suqin, tell me, what is the relationship between you and Mr. President?" The voice of the duanzixuan was angry.

Suqin is only bored. She says coldly, "duanzixuan, please don't interfere in my life again."

"Suqin, I'm so disappointed with you. I didn't think you were such a woman. You fell in love with Mr. President because of his power!" That duanzixuan seems to be very satisfied with his guess. He goes on, "you are not so simple and ignorant. You are no different from other women. You are greedy, and you have delusional dreams."

"Shut up." Suqin's angry response.

"I know that my position is not guaranteed, is it! Mr. President will not let me work here. " Duanzixuan's tone is full of a sense of desperation.

Suqin didn't want to listen at all. She just pressed the microphone and broke it. She didn't want to hear a word again.

Her mood is very disordered at the moment. Just now in the office, the eyes of those assistants have made her extremely uncomfortable. Now, the words of duanzixuan make her mood more disordered.

At this time, the phone rang again, and Suqin could almost believe that this was still the call from duanzixuan. She didn't want to answer it if she wanted to make another nonsense call.

But the phone kept ringing and she had to reach for it

"Miss Su, it's me." A mellow female voice came from that end.

Suqin sat up straight. "How do you do, madam?"

It's Cheng Xuelan's voice.

"Suqin, I don't have your mobile number, I can only call your landline. You asked me to transfer your job last time. I've done it. You wait for the notice!" Cheng Xuelan's voice came.

Suqin was stunned, inexplicably feeling a little bitter inside. "Mr. President, do you know?"

"I'll let him know. Don't worry about the transfer!"

Suqin held the microphone and answered softly, "OK."

"Miss Su, it's hard for you." That end Cheng Xuelan finish saying, then hang up the phone.

Suqin put down the phone and fell powerless on her arm. She heard her heart falling heavily.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from outside the corridor, and she quickly sat up. At this time, the door knocked, the door opened, and the figure of xuanyuanchen stepped in, smiling, "accompany me to lunch."

Suqin's face had not lost her spirit, and she had recovered her full energy.

"OK." She nodded.

"Leave now, ye Dong is almost finished." Xuanyuanchen said to her.

Suqin picked up his mobile phone and followed him from the sixth floor to his bedroom.

There is only one person's fingerprint in the passage, so only following him can we smoothly pass the five fingerprint password locks in this row.

When he arrived at his restaurant, ye Dong had prepared a rich lunch. During the meal, Suqin was a little absent-minded, and xuanyuanchen visited her several times.

"Do you have any thoughts?" Xuanyuanchen asked in a low voice.

Suqin looked up and shook. "No."

"Is it still because of the problem of duanzixuan? You can rest assured that he will not appear in the presidential palace from tomorrow. "

"You quit him?" Asked Suqin in surprise.

"No! It's just that he's been transferred to other urban areas. At least you won't see him again in the future. " Xuanyuanchen said lightly.

Suqin feels that duanzixuan will be mad. His hard work has brought him to his present identity. Now, suddenly he falls back to his original position, and he will collapse.

However, Suqin did not love him and met him. She hoped duanzixuan could straighten his mind and live a good life for him in the future.

"You don't want to plead for him?"

"I don't want to." Suqin shook her head.

Xuanyuan Chen hook lips a smile, appear very satisfied, "even if you plead also useless, duanzixuan's work has appeared the mistake, removed his post, is also sooner or later the matter."

Su Qin was shocked. Xuanyuanchen crossed the back of his hand and put his chin on the back of his hand. "I'm going to have a short trip tomorrow, so you don't want to go with me."

"How many days will it take?"

"About two days."

"Good." Suqin nodded.

"I can't accompany you to dinner tonight. There's an entertainment. You can choose whether you want to live here or go home."

"I'll go home." Suqin said without hesitation. josei

Xuanyuanchen some resentful stare at her, "where am I not good here?"

"No, I want to spend more time with my parents." Suqin explained.

But, this still makes the man slightly displeased, lightly hums, "you are clear to dislike me.""I didn't." Suqin retorts.

"Don't dislike me, that is to like me."


"No rebuttal." At the same time, he got up, "well, there's still time. You go to take a nap for two hours, and then go to three."

Suqin was really in a bad mood. She got up and went upstairs. Xuanyuanchen also went back to his room to rest. Suqin went to the door of his room and the man standing at the door of the main bedroom turned around and asked with a smile, "do you want to sleep in my room?"

"No, I'm used to sleeping in the guest room."

Finish saying, she hurriedly pushed the door to enter, Xuan Yuan Chen is slightly chagrined of gaze tight close door, his footstep stepped out corridor again.

In fact, he didn't have time to take a nap, but he had to cheat Suqin to go upstairs to his room, so that when he was resting, she would have a good rest.

Sure enough, Suqin lay down in the room. She set an alarm clock of 2:30, relaxed her mood, and soon fell into sleep.

When Suqin heard the alarm, she opened her eyes and hurriedly got up to go out.

When I arrived downstairs, I saw Ye Dong holding a cup of coffee, ready to send it to my study.

Suqin asked casually, "is Mr. President up?"

Ye Dong can't help but reply in surprise, "you didn't take a nap."

"He didn't take a nap?" Suqin was shocked. He went back to his room.

"Yes, Mr. President has been in his study."

Suqin's heart was warm. The man lied to her that he wanted to take a nap, but he didn't.

"I'll deliver it!" Suqin Dynasty leaves East Road.

Ye Dong smiled and handed her the tray. Su Qin went to the study with a cup of mellow coffee. Suqin knocked at the door, and there came the man's low voice, "come in."

Su Qin pushes the door to enter, the man who is looking at the document raises his eyes, and is stunned directly for a moment. With a smile on his lips, he asks, "wake up?"

Suqin put the coffee gently in front of his desk. "Next time you don't sleep, I won't either."

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